About CBS

Appointment of members

The appointment of the external members of the CBS Board of Directors is carried out by a recommendation committee and an appointment committee. On the basis of an open job announcement, the recommendation committee will appoint new external board members, including the chairman, to the appointment committee. The appointment committee will subsequently appoint the members of the board; however, the appointment of a new chairman must be approved by the minister. See the composition of the two committees below. The advertisement for new external members of the board, including the chairman, will be posted on this page.

Current vacancy announcements

Apply online

Members of the appointment committee

Thomas Hofman-Bang, Chairman, CEO of The Danish Industry Foundation

Appointed by DSEB

Marie Munk, CFO, the Royal Danish Theatre

Appointed by The Academic Council

Ole Wæver, professor, IFS at KU

Appointed by The Academic Council

Camilla Ellehave, partner at RBL Nordics 

Appointed by the programme directors

Charlotte Fly Andersen, Head of Retail Sales, People & Culture, Frederik Bagger

Appointed by CBS Business Panel

Nanna Mik-Meyer, professor, IOA at CBS

Appointed by the General Consultation Committee

Lars Sehested Hansen, student at CBS

Appointed by CBS Students

Lilian Mogensen, member of the CBS Board of Directors

Appointed by the CBS Board of Directors

Members of the recommendation committee

Chairman: Torben Möger Pedersen, Chairman of the Board

Ex-officio chairman

Sara Louise Muhr, professor at CBS, member of the CBS Board of Directors

Appointed by the CBS Board of Directors

Gunnar Bovim, member of the CBS Board of Directors

Appointed by the CBS Board of Directors

Nils Agerhus, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science

Appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science

Gitte Lillelund Bech

Appointed by CBS’ appointment committee

Lise Kaae, CEO, Heartland A/S

Appointed by CBS’ appointment committee

Upon the recommendation of a new chairman of the board, the chairman of the CBS Board of Directors shall step down from the recommendation committee, and an interim chairman of the recommendation committee, which has been appointed by the appointment committee, shall replace the chairman.


Appointed by CBS’ appointment committee


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 01/14/2025