About CBS


The Budget Unit prepares the annual budget for CBS’ revenue and expenditure. The unit supports the daily financial operations and management in terms of research, education and their respective support functions. The Budget Unit conducts cross-functional financial analysis and makes suggestions for the development of CBS’ financial strategy.

The Budget Unit’s responsibilities include the following tasks:

  • preparation of financial memos to the Board of Directors in anticipation of getting CBS’ annual budget and financial follow-ups approved during the year
  • contribution to cross-functional financial analysis and assistance in developing financial strategies for CBS
  • preparation of monthly financial updates to the Senior Management
  • consolidation of all financial contributions including the quarterly financial updates (Q-updates) from the decentralised units
  • preparation of overall income forecasts for CBS, including value added and student fees forecasts
  • provision of input to the Finance Act and reports about the activity controlled areas to the Ministry
  • contribution to the management of activities and resources especially related to the education area – through controlling of the programmes’ activities and resource allocation
  • general controlling and financial management of the departments of the university
  • support and education of financial staff across CBS’ departments in budgeting and procedures regarding financial management of the different academic activities and support functions
The page was last edited by: Financial Analysis // 06/22/2018


Generel mail helpdesk.budget@cbs.dk