About CBS

Privacy policy – Potential students at CBS

CBS' Data Protection policy gives you, as a data subject, an overview of the personal data obtained by CBS, why CBS obtain the data and how CBS use the data.

1.    The Data Controller   
Copenhagen Business School  
Solbjerg Plads 3,
2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark   
E-mail: cbs@cbs.dk  
Company registry no. (CVR-nr.): 19596915   
2.    Exercising your rights  
If you want to exercise your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, please contact CBS or CBS' Data Protection Officer Jesper Smedegaard Madsen (contact information below).   

You can read about your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation below.   
3.    CBS' Data Protection Officer   
Data Controller: Jesper Smedegaard Madsen  
Department: CBS Legal  
Phone: + 45 38 15 21 17   
Mobile: + 45 41 85 24 85  
E-mail: dpo@cbs.dk

4.    The legal basis for processing personal data
Applicants for bachelor or master programmes:
CBS processes your personal data to comply with the legal obligatiosn, which CBS has as a public educational institution and as a public authority

Applicants for CBS’ executive degrees:
CBS processes your personal data to be able to enter into and ensure the performance of the contract, which is entered into between you and CBS regarding the specific executive degree.

CBS processes your personal data based on your consent when you have requested information regarding one or more of the executive degrees at CBS.

5.    The purpose of processing your personal data   
Student administration:
The purpose of processing your personal data is to form the foundation for the student administrative tasks, which CBS must perform according to the law and as a public educational institution.

If you have consented to receiving information regarding one or more of the executive degrees at CBS, the purpose of the processing is providing you with information regarding the executive degrees, events as well as newsletters.

6.    The period for processing your personal data  
Student administration:
If you apply for an executive degree at CBS, the personal data collected by CBS in connection with your education at CBS will be stored for up to 5 years from the completion of your education. This does not apply to information necessary for providing you with a new examination certificate or documentation for completed exams, which shall be kept for up to 30 years from the completion of your education.

If you have consented to receiving information regarding one or more of the executive degrees at CBS, CBS will store your personal data until you withdraw your consent.

7.    Categories of personal data
Applicants for bachelor and master programmes and executive degrees:
Regular personal data
-    Identifcation information, e.g. name, address
-    Information for assessment of application, e.g. grade point average, completed exams at other further education institution, organizational and societal work, time spent abroad or at folk high school

Special categories of personal data (sensitive personal data
-    Information on health issues may be processed in connection with dispensation from the admission rules

Social security number (CPR-no.)

8.    Receivers of personal data   
CBS may in certain situations pass personal data on to the following external institutions and it will either be based on a legal obligation set out in law or your prior consent:

-    The Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Danish Agency for Institutions and Educational Grants and Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
-    Statistics Denmark
-    The Danish Police
-    The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration

9.     The subject's rights under the General Data Protection Regulation  
9.1. Right to access  
As a subject, you have the right to, access to the personal data that CBS process about you.   
The right to access means that you have the right to get some general information on the processing of your personal data at CBS.  

You have the right to one copy of your personal data being processed by CBS. For further copies, CBS is allowed to obtain a reasonable payment in accordance with the administrative costs.  
9.2. Right to rectification   
As a subject, you have the right to have inaccurate personal data, which is processed by CBS, rectified.   

The right to rectification implies that you can have your personal data rectified if the personal data CBS is processing is no longer accurate.     
9.3. Right to erasure   
As a subject, you have the right to erasure of the personal data about you that CBS is processing.
The right to erasure implies that you can have personal data erased, which is no longer necessary for CBS as an organisation, if you have withdrawn your consent,  if the personal data is being processed illegally or  if CBS in accordance with the law is obligated to delete the personal information.     
9.4. Right to restrict the processing of personal data   
As a subject, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.

If you are of the opinion that CBS is processing inaccurate personal data about you, you have the right to have the processing restricted until it can be determined whether or not the personal data in question are accurate or not.

You have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted if CBS is processing the personal data illegally, due to the fact, that the personal data is no longer necessary for the task, where the personal data is used, however, the personal data is necessary to you for later determining, defending or making a legal claim.     
9.5. Right to data portability      
The right to data portability implies that you can receive your personal data if you have provided the personal to CBS, if your personal data is being processed electronically, and if the personal data is processed on the basis of a consent or on the basis on a contract entered into between you and CBS.    
9.6. The objection against direct marketing   
As a subject, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.
9.7. The right to object to the public exercise of authority   
As a subject, you have the right to object against processing of your personal data due to public exercise of authority.
9.8 Right to withdraw your consent
If you have consented to CBS’ processing of your personal data, you can at any time withdraw your consent, and CBS will not be able to process your personal data on the basis of your consent. Withdrawing your consent will however not affect the legality of the processing, which has already taken place.

9.9 Right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet)   
As a subject, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet), if you think that CBS does not comply with its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation.
Borgergade 28, 5 1300 København K, Denmark   
Phone: + 45 33 19 32 00  
Fax: + 45 33 19 32 18  
E-mail: dt@datatilsynet.dk  


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/12/2018