Assistant Professor in Public Law


Department of Business Humanities and Law

The Department of Business Humanities and Law at Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a vacant non-tenured Assistant Professor in Public Law. The position is located in one of its three constituent units, CBS LAW, which is home to approximately thirty legal academics. The starting date is expected to be September 1, 2024, or as agreed upon during consultation.

The position is in public law including public procurement law, administrative law, climate law, etc. The candidate is excepted to actively contribute to the research and teaching at CBS LAW and play an active role in the unit’s life as well as wider activities at the Department of Business Humanities and Law.

Research Environment:

The Department of Business Humanities and Law is dedicated to an integrated approach to the contemporary challenges facing business and society drawing on the humanities, interdisciplinary social sciences, and law. It emphasizes problem-oriented research to understand those challenges and to build the lifelong capabilities necessary to address them. Faculty within the Department of Business Humanities and Law have diverse research backgrounds and research foci including but not limited to leadership, entrepreneurship, ethics, strategy, law, politics, sociology, philosophy, history, anthropology, diversity, equity and inclusion, and leisure management. What unites faculty is an overriding concern for the organization of the human within its multiple environments and, by implication, a research interest in the interdisciplinary “conversation” between humanities and social sciences.

CBS LAW is a source of expertise in a number of International, EU and Nordic-specific legal areas and provides, in that sense, the research that business communities need and demand. At the same time, we are strongly represented in European and global scholarship. Our core competences are contract law, company law, IT regulation, public procurement, competition law, tax law, climate law, EU law, international law, and law & economics.

CBS LAW publishes widely both in the international, European, and national core journals and monographs. While we aim to be represented in major international and European law publications.

CBS LAW is a constituent unit of the Department of Business Humanities and Law. As such, a part of our activities concentrates on multidisciplinary research and creating interfaces between law, politics, sociology, history, management, and philosophy. CBS law is involved in teaching BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law (HA-jur), MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law (cand.merc.jur), MSc in Business and Economics and Auditing (cand. merc. aud), Master in tax and more than 10 other study programmes at CBS. A majority of the courses are taught in Danish.

The Department, through CBS LAW, offers a highly relevant PhD program within the CBS PhD School.


  • PhD or equivalent degree in law
  • Documented ability to teach and write at a high academic level and professional proficiency in English (written and spoken)
  • Documented teaching qualifications
  • Documented research production at an international level

´The assessment of the candidate will be based primarily on the following qualifications:

  • Excellent academic track record and/or a promising pipeline, and an ability to clearly articulate a research agenda in Business Humanities and Law,
  • Enthusiasm for empirical and theoretical interdisciplinary research,
  • Ability to work autonomously, and as part of a team,
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills (both oral and written); proficiency in English is required, knowledge of a further Nordic language a plus (if the applicant does not have knowledge of a Nordic language, it is expected that the candidate will learn Danish or another Nordic language as most of the Law courses are taught in Danish),
  • Ability to engage with others in a way that reflects our collective commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion.

Application procedure:

All applications must be sent via the electronic recruitment system, using the link below. The application must include:

  • Cover letter describing the motivations to apply and fit with the research and teaching environment at CBS and BHL.
  • Proof of qualifications and a full CV.
  • Any relevant information indicating experience in research management, industry cooperation and international collaborations.
  • A complete, numbered list of publications and work in progress (indicating titles, co-authors, page numbers and year) with an * marking of the academic productions to be considered during the review. A maximum of 10 publications for review are allowed. Applicants are encouraged to prioritize their publications or working papers in relation to the field of this job advertisement.

Copenhagen Business School must receive all application material, including all appendices (see items above), by the application deadline.

Recruitment procedure:

The Recruitment Committee will shortlist a minimum of two applicants. If possible, five or more applicants will be shortlisted. The shortlisted applicants will be assessed by the Assessment Committee. All applicants will be notified of their status in the recruitment process shortly after the application deadline.

The applicants selected for assessment will be notified about the composition of the Assessment Committee and later in the process about the assessment result. Once the recruitment process is completed, each applicant will be notified of the status of their application.


Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Central Academic Organization. Information about CBS as a workplace is available at Information about the department may be found at

For more information about the position you can visit CBS LAW,

Head of Department Mitchell Dean, e-mail, tel +45 3815 4234

Director of CBS LAW Henrik Andersen, e-mail, tel +45 3815 2632

Closing date: May 15, 2024.


Ansøgningsfrist: 15. maj 2024.

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CBS er et globalt anerkendt businessuniversitet med dybe rødder i den nordiske, socioøkonomiske model. Vi har et bredt fokus på erhvervslivets og samfundets udfordringer i det 21. århundrede. Derfor har vi en samlet portefølje af tværfaglig forskning og uddannelse af høj kvalitet, der har styrket generationer af fagfolk og ledere i den private sektor og andre steder.

Universitetet ligger på Frederiksberg og har ca. 20.000 fuldtids- og deltidsstuderende, 800 fuldtidsansatte videnskabelige medarbejdere, 200 ph.d.-studerende og 700 administrative medarbejdere samt en portefølje af bachelor-, kandidat-, MBA/EMBA-, ph.d.-og efter-/videreuddannelser udbudt på både dansk og engelsk.

Med vores globale profil følger en forpligtelse til at bidrage til udviklingen af transformative kompetencer hos studerende, kandidater og virksomhedsledere gennem vores uddannelsesaktiviteter og muligheder for livslang læring. Komplekse udfordringer kræver en fælles indsats, og derfor fokuserer vores strategi på at styrke nuværende og starte nye partnerskaber med andre videnskaber, erhvervslivet, myndigheder og civilsamfundet.

CBS arbejder kontinuerligt med at blive en mangfoldig og inkluderende organisation, og vi opfordrer alle uanset kønsidentitet og -udtryk, alder, etnicitet, religiøs overbevisning, LGBT+-status, kulturel baggrund m.m. at søge.
Kontakt os, hvis du har brug for assistance i søge- eller ansættelsesprocessen, hvis der er noget vi skal vide, eller hvis du som person med handicap ønsker at gøre brug af din fortrinsret.