Department of Business Humanities and Law

Department of Business Humanities and Law

Department of Business Humanities and Law (BHL) is dedicated to a problem-oriented approach to the contemporary challenges facing business and society. Drawing on the humanities, interdisciplinary social sciences and law we carry out high quality research and research-based teaching focusing on the study of the human in society and regarding business and enterprise as key forces of social change.

Børsen, Gads Forlag, 2024
New Book: A History of the Humanities in the Modern University

Department of Business Humanities and Law 
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 18B
DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Phone: +45 3815 3630
EAN: 5798009814821

Head of Department
Mitchell Dean
Phone: +45 3815 4234

Head of Secretariat
Henrik Hermansen
Phone: +45 3815 3656


From 2023, CBS got a department with a new name, Department of Business Humanities and Law, which replaces Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. Business Humanities has a notable two-fold character that is especially vital today. It defines a domain of knowledge concerning the major challenges facing humanity that affect both business and the wider society. It also seeks to cultivate the human capabilities to meet these challenges.

The department is organized in three academic units:

Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership

Governance, Culture and Learning




BHL's premises are located at Porcelænshaven 18B, Frederiksberg and you can find us
on 1, 2, 3 and 4 floor in the building.

Find BHL


The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 01/03/2025