Department of Management, Society and Communication
About Us
MSC - a relatively recently established Department
The Department of Management, Society and Communication came into existence on 1 January 2017 as a result of the merger of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management and the Department of International Business Communication. MSC is situated on the second floor in CBS’ Dalgas Have Campus.
Bustling with activity
MSC numbers more than 100 full-time staff and some 150 part-time lecturers, as well as a PhD environment regularly recharged as students graduate and others embark on new projects. MSC has a vibrant research and teaching environment, and is characterized by collaboration across CBS as well as nationally and internationally, with visiting researchers from all over the world regularly hosted by the department. Externally funded projects enhance the exploration and dissemination of new research ideas, and collaboration with external stakeholders ensures channels for its impact in society.
Read much more about MSC research and research-based teaching under the items in the left-hand menu.
For further information about the Department
Please contact the MSC Head of Department, Dorte Salskov-Iversen or the MSC Head of Secretariat, Annika Dilling.