CBS Sustainability

Consumer & Behavioural Insights Group

Consumer & Behaviour Insights Group visual image


The Consumer and Behavioural Insights Group (CBIG) consists of senior and junior researchers in the CBS Sustainability Centre at the Department of MSC at Copenhagen Business School. Coming from different disciplinary backgrounds and research fields, i.e. behavioural economics, environmental psychology, consumer behaviour and policy research, and political science, we share an interest in the demand side of markets (consumers, citizens), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and behavioural public policy.

Core Group members:

Efthymios Altsitsiadis
Jan M. Bauer
Elizabeth Cooper
Leoni Decrinis
Maria Figueroa
Fumiko K. Glückstad
Meike Janssen
Laura Krumm 
Maja Michalewska
Kristian Roed Nielsen
Kristian Steensen Nielsen
Alice Pizzo 
Lucia A. Reisch
Maureen Schulze
Giulia Priolo
Ainhoa Saurí Gázquez

For more information, please contact the Group Coordinators Meike Janssen,, or Jan Michael Bauer,

PDF icon See the full list of members here.


While our research projects span a wide range of topics - from healthy and sustainable food choices to sustainable crowd investment, from sustainable tourism to climate-friendly active mobility in cities - our common motivation is to help promote the SDGs, in particular sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12), health and well-being (SDG 3), and climate action (SDG 13).


  • Behavioural economics and policy
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Sustainable consumption and production
  • Prosumers and entrepreneurs
  • Intercultural consumer research
  • Field and laboratory experiments


CBIG is built around large, mostly empirical research projects that cover a broad range of sustainability topics. We currently work with data collected in recently closed EU FP7 projects (e.g., Nudge-it; I.Family; Global Value), H2020 projects (e.g., Trash-2-Cash) and national projects (e.g., MISTRA Future Fashion). CBIG members are also part of ongoing EU projects (e.g., JPI Policy Evaluation Network) and national (Danish, Swedish, German) projects (e.g., UMAMI). We aim to continue our strong track record in the acquisition of external funding.

We are highly committed to high-quality and high-impact research. Given our broad interest and frequent interdisciplinary collaborations, we regularly publish in quality outlets outside the traditional business school disciplines. We strive to continuously strengthen our methodological rigour and subscribe to the core ideas of Open Science. We understand research quality as an issue beyond bibliometric indicators, including concerns of ethical and sound research conduct.


BEACON - Behavioural insigths for a circular society: Using behavioural insights to create an urban food system that fosters sustainable food styles and promotes a circular society
The BEACON project investigates how best to employ measures based on behavioural insights ("nudges") as part of an effort to shift consumption choices towards more sustainable and resilient options. The project is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
For more information, please check the BEACON website, contact the research team at and follow the project on LinkedIn.

PlantPro - Accelerating an efficient green consumer transition
PlantPro, funded by Innovationsfund Denmark, aims at fostering the transition towards more plant-rich diets and the avoidance of food waste among consumers in Denmark. It is a collaboration between CBS, Aarhus University, Copenhagen University, and more than ten actors from the Danish food sector. 
Read more about the project here.

iBeauty: Intercultural Personas of Beauty & Values
This international industrial/academic project is fully funded by the Japanese enterprise, KOSE Corporation, and will be conducting a series of intercultural consumer surveys integrating data science, cross-cultural psychology and consumer psychology to map-out and profile various consumer types across markets. The eventual aim of the project is to develop "Intercultural Personas of Beauty & Values". Coordinator: Fumiko Kano Glückstad.

JPI Policy Evaluation Network (PEN)
PEN aims to valuate policy measures promote a healthy diet and physical activity of the population in terms of their content, implementation and effectiveness. The project started in February 2019 as part of the Joint Programming Initiative on a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL). It will run for three years until the end of January 2022. 
Read more about the project here.


Past projects


Nudge-it - The Neurobiology of Decision-Making in Eating - Innovative Tools
The Nudge-it consortium aims to develop a strong evidemce base to understand connections between neurobiological data on eating behaviour and the behavioural and economic reasons behins individual food choices. We focused particularty on low SES families and their food choice. Nudge-it developed new tools and experimental approaches to support the integration of behavioural and observational studies with neurobiological studies in a way that can lead to advances in consumer and nutrition research, providing the evidence base needed to educate stakeholders and inform policy.
Read more about the project here.

I.Family - Determinants of eating behaviour in European children, adolescents and their parents
The project aimed to identify the reasons why young people in Europe eat the way they do and how this influences lifelong health. It was a follow-up study of the large cohort of the IDEFICS children and intends to reassess these families as their children move into adolescence. The project focused on their family environment, socio-behavioural and genetic factors to understand how they drive dietary behaviour of children. The I.Family Study has been coordinated by BIPS (UNIHB). LR led the WP on Consumer Behaviour.
Global Value
GLOBAL VALUE is one of the largest EU-funded research projects to date addressing the measurement and management of business impacts on global sustainable development. It aims to create knowledge, tools and resources that companies and their stakeholders can use to comprehensively assess and better manage their impacts. Launched in 2014, GLOBAL VALUE has been investigating how Multinational Corporations measure and manage their impacts on global sustainable development. The project also dealt with assessing how corporate activities are complementing or contradicting official development aid and shed light on how international competitiveness and responsible business practices can be mutually reinforced in developing countries.


Trash-2-Cash was an EU funded research project which aimed to create new regenerated fibres from pre-consumer and post-consumer waste. It was also pioneering a whole new way of developing materials.


The project specifically aimed to investigate a main question: How can Chinese tourism to Denmark be increased? It aimed to acquire a deeper understanding of tourism from emerging tourist countries (TETC) with special focus on Chinese tourists, by developing a formalized framework that investigated travel motivations, goals as well as mental pictures that TETC tourists have of Denmark as a tourist destination. This approach was accompanied by a complementary analysis of performance drivers of the tourism industry that enables us to measure the competitiveness and growth potential of the Danish tourism industry. Another vital scope was to integrate the aforementioned novel theoretical framework into "a segment-based data collection platform" enabling the intelligent analysis of complex and diverse intercultural segments of potential TETC, by employing state-of-the-art machine learning technologies. This can provide an efficient "segment-specific" communication strategy to attract more TETC tourists to Denmark. The project further proposed a process to tailor Danish tourism oferings to different types of potential TETC. Finally the project provided insights into the exciting possibility of spill-over effects on Danish exports in the tourist's home country.
MISTRA Future Fashion - The Future of Sustainable Fashion
The project's objective was to promote systematic change of the Swedish fashion industry that leads to sustainable development of the industry and wider society. The project was divided into 8 research projects: a) recommendations/strategies for different stakeholders how to bring about systematic changes in the fashion industry; b) educational and feedback material for designers regarding design tools; c) shortened time to market introduction of novel textile fibers that are more sustainable than current alternaties; d) some major environmental problems within textile processing industry and use phase of textiles will be solved; e) textile recycling leading to high-value products through disolution and spinning of new fibers of virgin quality; f) toolbox of communication strategies according to identified target groups; g) suggested framework of policy instruments.


Kristian Steensen Nielsen / Organizational Change for Biodiversity. In: Nature Food, Vol. 4, No. 1, 12.1.2023, p. 15-16

Alice Pizzo; Toke Reinholt Fosgaard; Beverly B. Tyler; Karin Beukel / Information Acquisition and Cognitive Processes during Strategic Decision-Making: Combining a Policy-Capturing Study with Eye-Tracking Data. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 17, No. 12, 1.12.2022


CBIG members are in frequent dialogue with private and public actors. We are advising decision-makers in policy, civil society, and business with Europe and the Americas. CBIG aims to build bridges between academia, policy-makers and the public to identify innovative policy solutions and to initiate change. Ultimately, these efforts should increase well-being for all. We envisage a future of empowered consumers and citizens within a sustainable economy that respects the environment boundaries of our planet as well as the rights of future generations.


We believe in research-based teaching and aim to bring our latest research results and methods into the classroom. CBIG members contribute to a variety of programs/schools at CBS and regularly offer graduate and undergraduate courses (e.g., BLC, MAK, OMS, ISUP) with different focus such as:

  • Consumer behaviour and social marketing
  • Statistical analysis and quantitative methods
  • Sustainable consumption and development
  • Responsible Management
  • Behavioural Public Policy
  • Consumer insights in practice
  • Quantitative methods and theory of science

For the future, we aim to broaden our teaching-base with an emphasis on sustainablity and capabilities in quantitative methods to increase students' ability to understanf and creade knowledge in an increasingly digital and quantitative world.


Journal articles:


Nielsen, K.S. (2023). Organizational change for biodiversity. Nature Food, 4, 15-16.

Kukowski, C. A., Bernecker, K., Nielsen, K. S., Hofmann, W., & Brandstätter, V. (2023). Regulate me! Self-control dissatisfaction in meat reduction success relates to stronger support for behavior-regulating policy. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101922.

Stern, P. C., Dietz, T., Nielsen, K. S., Peng, W., & Vandenbergh, M. P. (2023). Feasible climate mitigation. Nature Climate Change, 13, 6-8.

Rosina Watson; Kristian Roed Nielsen; Hugh N. Wilson; Emma Macdonald; Christine Mera; Lucia A. Reisch / Policy of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Crowdsourced Framework. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023.


Alice Pizzo; Toke Reinholt Fosgaard; Beverly B. Tyler; Karin Beukel / Information Acquisition and Cognitive Processes during Strategic Decision-Making : Combining a Policy-Capturing Study with Eye-Tracking Data. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 17, No. 12, 1.12.2022

Toke Reinholt Fosgaard; Alice Pizzo; Sally Sadoff / Sustained Decline in Tobacco Purchasing in Denmark during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Communications Medicine, Vol. 2, 8.2022

Lange, F., Berger, S., Byrka, K., Brügger, A., Henn, L., Sparks, A. C., K.S. Nielsen, & Urban, J. (2023). Beyond self-reports: A call for more behavior in environmental psychology. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101965.

Nielsen, K. S., Brick, C., Hofmann, W., Joanes, T., Lange, F., & Gwozdz, W. (2022). The motivation- impact gap in pro-environmental clothing consumption. Nature Sustainability, 5, 665-668.

Taufique, K. M. D. †, Nielsen, K. S. †, Dietz, T., Shwom, R., Stern, P.C., & Vandenbergh, M. P. (2022). Revisiting the promise of carbon labeling. Nature Climate Change, 12, 132-140.

Jan Michael Bauer; Laura N. van der Laan; Gert-Jan de Bruijn; Lucia A. Reisch / Battle of the Primes : The Effect and Interplay of Health and Hedonic Primes on Food Choice. In: Appetite, Vol. 172, 5.2022

Jan Michael Bauer; Kristian Steensen Nielsen; Wilhelm Hofmann; Lucia A. Reisch / Healthy Eating in the Wild: An Experience-sampling Study of how Food Environments and Situational Factors Shape Out-of-Home Dietary Success. Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 299, 4.2022

Jan M. Bauer; Simon C. Aarestrup; Pelle G. Hansen; Lucia A. Reisch / Nudging More Sustainable Grocery Purchases : Behavioural Innovations in a Supermarket Setting. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 179, 6.2022

Louise Bech Junge; Iben Cleveland Laursen; Kristian Roed Nielsen / Choosing Crowdfunding: Why do Entrepreneurs Choose to Engage in Crowdfunding?.In: Technovation, Vol. 111, 3.2022.

Stefania Testa; Kristian Roed Nielsen; Steen Vallentin; Federica Ciccullo / Sustainability-oriented Innovation in the Agri-food System: Current Issues and the Road Ahead. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 179, 6.2022.


Kristian Roed Nielsen / Crowdfunding Through a Partial Organization Lens: The Co-dependent Organization. In: European Management Journal, Vol. 36, No. 6, 12.2018, p. 695-707
Cass R. Sunstein; Lucia A. Reisch; Julius Rauber / A Worldwide Consensus on Nudging? Not Quite, but Almost. In: Regulation & Governance, Vol. 12, No. 1, 3.2018, p. 3-22
Hannah S. Jilani; Hermann Pohlabeln; Kirsten Buchecker; Wencke Gwozdz; Stefaan De Henauw; Gabriele Eiben; Dénes Molnar; Luis Alberto Moreno; Valeria Pala; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Toomas Veidebaum; Wolfgang Ahrens; Antje Hebestreit / Association between Parental Consumer Attitudes with Their Children’s Sensory Taste Preferences as Well as Their Food Choice. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 13, No. 8, 1.8.2018
Cass R. Sunstein; Lucia A. Reisch / Behavioral Economics and Public Opinion. In: Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1.2018, p. 5-7
Leonie Helen Bogl; Maike Wolters; Claudia Börnhorst; Timm Intemann; Lucia A. Reisch; Wolfgang Ahrens; Antje Hebestreit / Ernährungsgewohnheiten und Adipositas bei europäischen Kindern : Ergebnisse aus der idefics/I.Family-Kohorte. In: Ernährungs Umschau, Vol. 65, No. 10, 10.2018, p. 164-169
Isabel Iguacel; Nathalie Michels; Wolfgang Ahrens; Karin Bammann; Gabriele Eiben; Juan M. Fernandez-Alvira; Staffan Mårild; Dénes Molnar; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Michael Tornaritis; Toomas Veidebaum; Maike Wolters; Luis Alberto Moreno; Claudia Börnhorst / Prospective Associations Between Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Groups and Metabolic Syndrome Risk in European Children : Results from the IDEFICS Study. In: International Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 272, 12.2018, p. 333-340
Meike Janssen / Determinants of Organic Food Purchases: Evidence from Household Panel Data. In: Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 68, 2018, p. 19-28
Isabel Iguacel; Juan M. Fernandez-Alvira; Wolfgang Ahrens; Karin Bammann; Wencke Gwozdz; Lauren Lissner; Nathalie Michels; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Aliz Szommer; Michael Tornaritis; Toomas Veidebaum; Claudia Börnhorst; Luis Alberto Moreno / Prospective Associations between Social Vulnerabilities and Children's Weight Status : Results from the IDEFICS Study. In: International Journal of Obesity, Vol. 42, No. 10, 10.2018, p. 1691-1703
Isabel Iguacel; Juan M. Fernández-Alvira; Karin Bammann; Charalambos Chadjigeorgiou; Stefaan de Henauw; Regina Heidinger-Felső; Lauren Lissner; Nathalie Michels; Angie Page; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Ole Sprengeler; Toomas Veidebaum; Claudia Börnhorst; Luis A. Moreno / Social Vulnerability as a Predictor of Physical Activity and Screen Time in European Children. In: International Journal of Public Health, Vol. 63, No. 2, 3.2018, p. 283-295
Inken Christoph-Schulz; Monika Hartmann; Peter Kenning; Jörg Luy; Marcus Mergenthaler; Lucia A. Reisch; Jutta Roosen; Achim Spiller / SocialLab : Nutztierhaltung im spiegel der gesellschaft. Erste ergebnisse und implikationen. In: Journal fuer Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Vol. 13, No. 2, 6.2018, p. 145–236
Cäzilia Loibl; Cass R. Sunstein; Julius Rauber; Lucia A. Reisch / Which Europeans like Nudges? Approval and Controversy in Four European Countries. In: Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 52, No. 3, 1.2018, p. 655-688
Andreas Oehler; Matthias Horn; Stefan Wendt; Lucia A. Reisch; Thomas J. Walker / Young Adults and Their Finances : An International Comparative Study on Applied Financial Literacy. In: Economic Notes: review of banking, finance and monetary economics, Vol. 47, No. 2-3, 2018, p. 305-330
Katrin Zander; Antje Risius; Yvonne Feucht; Meike Janssen; Ulrich Hamm / Sustainable Aquaculture Products : Implications of Consumer Awareness and of Consumer Preferences for Promising Market Communication in Germany. In: Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2018, p. 5-20


Micha Kaiser; Manuela Bernauer; Cass R. Sunstein; Lucia A. Reisch / The Power of Green Defaults : The Impact of Regional Variation of Opt-out Tariffs on Green Energy Demand in Germany. In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 174, 8.2020
Kristian Roed Nielsen; Julia Katharina Binder / I Am What I Pledge : The Importance of Value Alignment for Mobilizing Backers in Reward-Based Crowdfunding. In: Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 1.7.2020
Felix Creutzig; Max Callaghan; Anjali Ramakrishnan; Aneeque Javaid; Leila Niamir; Jan Minx; Finn Müller-Hansen; Benjamin Sovacool; Zakia Afroz; Mark Andor; Miklos Antal; Victor Court; Nandini Das; Julio Díaz-José; Friederike C. Döbbe; Maria J. Figueroa; Andrew Gouldson; Helmut Haberl; Andrew Hook; Diana Ivanova; William F. Lamb; Nadia Maïzi; Érika Mata; Kristian S. Nielsen; Chioma Daisy Onyige; Lucia A. Reisch; Joyashree Roy; Pauline Scheelbeek; Mahendra Sethi; Shreya Some; Steven Sorrell; Mathilde Tessier; Tania Urmee; Doris Virag; Can Wan; Dominik Wiedenhofer; Charlie Wilson / Reviewing the Scope and Thematic Focus of 100,000 Publications on Energy Consumption, Services and Social Aspects of Climate Change: A Big Data Approach to Demand-Side Mitigation. In: Environmental Research Letters, 30.12.2020
Wencke Gwozdz; Lucia A. Reisch; Gabriele Eiben; Monica Hunsberger; Kenn Konstabel; Eva Kovács; Edyth Luszczki; Artur Mazur; Edina Mendl; Marge Saamel; Maike Wolters / The Effect of Smileys as Motivational Incentives on Children's Fruit and Vegetable Choice, Consumption and Waste : A Field Experiment in Schools in Five European Countries. In: Food Policy, Vol. 96, 10.2020
Meike Ketelsen; Meike Janssen; Ulrich Hamm / Consumers’ Response to Environmentally-friendly Food Packaging : A Systematic Review. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 254, 5.2020
Fumiko Kano Glückstad; Mikkel Nørgaard Schmidt; Morten Mørup / Testing a Model of Destination Image Formation : Application of Bayesian Relational Modelling and fsQCA. In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 120, 11.2020, p. 351-363
Kristian Roed Nielsen / Policymakers’ Views on Sustainable End-user Innovation: Implications for Sustainable Innovation. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 254, 5.2020
Kristian S. Nielsen; Jan Michael Bauer; Wilhelm Hofmann / Examining the Relationship between Trait Self-control and Stress : Evidence on Generalizability and Outcome Variability. In: Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 84, 2.2020
Jan Michael Bauer; Jörg Schiller; Christopher Schreckenberger / Heterogeneous Selection in the Market for Private Supplemental Dental Insurance : Evidence from Germany. In: Empirical Economics, Vol. 59, No. 1, 7.2020, p. 205-231
Jan Michael Bauer; Tilman Brand; Hajo Zeeb / Pre-migration Socioeconomic Status and Post-migration Health Satisfaction among Syrian Refugees in Germany : A Cross-sectional Analysis. In: PLOS Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 3, 31.3.2020
Katharina Stahlmann; Antje Hebestreit; Stefaan DeHenauw; Monica Hunsberger; Jaakko Kaprio; Lauren Lissner; Dénes Molnar; Alelí M. Ayala-Marín; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Michael Tornaritis; Toomas Veidebaum; Hermann Pohlabeln; Leonie Helen Bogl / A Cross-Sectional Study of Obesogenic Behaviours and Family Rules According to Family Structure in European Children. In: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2020
Stelios Tsafarakis; Konstantinos Zervoudakis; Andreas Andronikidis; Efthymios Altsitsiadis / Fuzzy Self-Tuning Differential Evolution for Optimal Product Line Design. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 287, No. 3, 12.2020, p. 1161-1169
Kristoffer Jon Albers; Morten Mørup; Mikkel Nørgaard Schmidt; Fumiko Kano Glückstad / Predictive Evaluation of Human Value Segmentations. In: Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 17.9.2020
Kristian S. Nielsen; Paul C. Stern; Thomas Dietz; Jonathan M. Gilligan; Detlef P. van Vuuren; Maria J. Figueroa; Carl Folke; Wencke Gwozdz; Diana Ivanova; Lucia A. Reisch; Michael P. Vandenbergh; Kimberly S. Wolske; Richard Wood / Improving Climate Change Mitigation Analysis : A Framework for Examining Feasibility. In: One Earth, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2020, p. 325-336
Kirsten Mehlig; Christopher Holmberg; Leonie Helen Bogl; Eva Erhardt; Charalambos Chadjigeorgiou; Antje Hebestreit; Jaakko Kaprio; Fabio Lauria; Nathalie Michels; Iris Pigeot; Lucia A. Reisch; Toomas Veidebaum; Lauren Lissner; ; / Weight Status and BMI-related Traits in Adolescent Friendship Groups and Role of Sociodemographic Factors : The European IDEFICS/I.Family Cohort. In: Obesity Facts, 22.12.2020
Meike Janssen; Isabel Schäufele; Katrin Zander / Target Groups for Organic Wine: The Importance of Segmentation Analysis. In: Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 79, 1.2020


Jan Michael Bauer; Lucia A. Reisch / Behavioural Insights and (Un)healthy Dietary Choices : A Review of Current Evidence. In: Journal of Consumer Policy, Vol. 42, No. 1, 3.2019, p. 3-45
Sarah Forberger; Lucia A. Reisch; Teresa Kampfmann; Hajo Zeeb / Nudging to Move : A Scoping Review of the Use of Choice Architecture Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in the General Population. In: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Vol. 16, No. 1, 3.9.2019
Cass R. Sunstein; Lucia A. Reisch; Micha Kaiser / Trusting Nudges? : Lessons from an International Survey. In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 10, 10.2019, p. 1417-1443
Kristian Roed Nielsen / Crowdfunding i Danmark : Fra niche til mainstream finansiering. In: Økonomi og Politik, Vol. 92, No. 4, 2019, p. 80-99
Stefania Testa; Kristian Roed Nielsen; Marcel Bogers; Silvano Cincotti / The Role of Crowdfunding in Moving towards a Sustainable Society. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 141, 4.2019, p. 66-73
Caleb Gallemore; Kristian Roed Nielsen; Kristjan Jespersen / The Uneven Geography of Crowdfunding Success: Spatial Capital on Indiegogo. In: Environment and Planning A, Vol. 51, No. 6, 9.2019, p. 1389-1406
Micha Kaiser; Jan Michael Bauer / Preschool Child Care and Child Well-Being in Germany : Does the Migrant Experience Differ?. In: Social Indicators Research, Vol. 144, No. 3, 8.2019, p. 1367-1390
Kristian S. Nielsen; Jan Michael Bauer / The Merits of Goal Support as a Self-Control Strategy. In: Social Psychological and Personality Science, Vol. 10, No. 5, 7.2019, p. 671-680
Leonie Helen Bogl; Kirsten Mehlig; Timm Intemann; Guiomar Masip; Anna Keski-Rahkonen; Paola Russo; Nathalie Michels; Lucia A. Reisch; Valeria Pala; Laura Johnson; Dénes Molnar; Michalis Tornaritis; Toomas Veidebaum; Luis Alberto Moreno; Wolfgang Ahrens; Lauren Lissner; Jaakko Kaprio; Antje Hebestreit; / A Within-sibling Pair Analysis of Lifestyle Behaviours and BMI Z-score in the Multi-centre I.Family Study. In: Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, Vol. 29, No. 6, 6.2019, p. 580-589
Claudio Grippi; Wolfgang Ahrens; Kirsten Buchecker; Charalambos Chadjigeorgiou; Stefaan De Henauw; Anna C. Koni; Ronja Foraita; Lauren Lissner; Dénes Molnar; Luis Alberto Moreno; Yannis Pitsiladis; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Alfonso Siani; Toomas Veidebaum; Licia Iacoviello; Francesco Gianfagna / Association Between Variants of Neuromedin U Gene and Taste Thresholds and Food Preferences in European Children : Results From the IDEFICS Study. In: Appetite, Vol. 142, 11.2019
Barbara F.B. Thumann; Claudia Börnhorst; Nathalie Michels; Toomas Veidebaum; Antonia Solea; Lucia A. Reisch; Luis Alberto Moreno; Fabio Lauria; Jaakko Kaprio; Monica Hunsberger; Regina Felső; Wencke Gwozdz; Stefaan De Henauw; Wolfgang Ahrens / Cross‐sectional and Longitudinal Associations between Psychosocial Well‐being and Sleep in European Children and Adolescents. In: Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 28, No. 2, 4.2019
Juul M.J. Coumans; Unna N. Danner; Charalambos Hadjigeorgiou; Antje Hebestreit; Monica Hunsberger; Timm Intemann; Fabio Lauria; Nathalie Michels; Eszter Molnár Kurdiné; Luis A. Moreno; Lucia A. Reisch; Barbara F. Thumann; Toomas Veidebaum; Roger A.H. Adan; / Emotion-driven Impulsiveness but not Decision : Making Ability and Cognitive Inflexibility Predicts Weight Status in Adults. In: Appetite, Vol. 142, 11.2019
Wencke Gwozdz; Peng Nie; Alfonso Sousa-Poza; Stefaan DeHenauw; Regina Felső; Antje Hebestreit; Isabel Iguacel; Lauren Lissner; Fabio Lauria; Angie S. Page; Lucia A. Reisch; Michael Tornaritis; Toomas Veidebaum; Garrath Williams; Ronja Foraita; / Peer Effects on Weight Status, Dietary Behaviour and Physical Activity among Adolescents in Europe : Findings from the I.Family Study. In: Kyklos, Vol. 72, No. 2, 5.2019, p. 270-296
Manika Rödiger; Enrique Garcia Moreno-Esteva; Meike Janssen; Ulrich Hamm / A Sequence Analysis of Organic and Conventional Food Consumers’ Visual Information Acquisition. In: Future of food: journal on food, agriculture and society., Vol. 7, No. 2/3, 2019
Johann Steinhauser; Meike Janssen; Ulrich Hamm / Consumers’ Purchase Decisions for Products with Nutrition and Health Claims : What Role Do Product Category and Gaze Duration on Claims Play?
In: Appetite, Vol. 141, 1.10.2019
Antje Risius; Ulrich Hamm; Meike Janssen / Target Groups for Fish from Aquaculture : Consumer Segmentation Based on Sustainability Attributes and Country of Origin. In: Aquaculture, Vol. 499, 2019, p. 341-347
Johann Steinhauser; Meike Janssen; Ulrich Hamm / Who Buys Products with Nutrition and Health Claims? : A Purchase Simulation with Eye Tracking on the Influence of Consumers' Nutrition Knowledge and Health Motivation. In: Nutrients, Vol. 11, No. 9, 12.9.2019


Kristian Roed Nielsen / Crowdfunding Through a Partial Organization Lens: The Co-dependent Organization. In: European Management Journal, Vol. 36, No. 6, 12.2018, p. 695-707
Cass R. Sunstein; Lucia A. Reisch; Julius Rauber / A Worldwide Consensus on Nudging? Not Quite, but Almost. In: Regulation & Governance, Vol. 12, No. 1, 3.2018, p. 3-22
Hannah S. Jilani; Hermann Pohlabeln; Kirsten Buchecker; Wencke Gwozdz; Stefaan De Henauw; Gabriele Eiben; Dénes Molnar; Luis Alberto Moreno; Valeria Pala; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Toomas Veidebaum; Wolfgang Ahrens; Antje Hebestreit / Association between Parental Consumer Attitudes with Their Children’s Sensory Taste Preferences as Well as Their Food Choice. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 13, No. 8, 1.8.2018
Cass R. Sunstein; Lucia A. Reisch / Behavioral Economics and Public Opinion. In: Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1.2018, p. 5-7
Leonie Helen Bogl; Maike Wolters; Claudia Börnhorst; Timm Intemann; Lucia A. Reisch; Wolfgang Ahrens; Antje Hebestreit / Ernährungsgewohnheiten und Adipositas bei europäischen Kindern : Ergebnisse aus der idefics/I.Family-Kohorte. In: Ernährungs Umschau, Vol. 65, No. 10, 10.2018, p. 164-169
Isabel Iguacel; Nathalie Michels; Wolfgang Ahrens; Karin Bammann; Gabriele Eiben; Juan M. Fernandez-Alvira; Staffan Mårild; Dénes Molnar; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Michael Tornaritis; Toomas Veidebaum; Maike Wolters; Luis Alberto Moreno; Claudia Börnhorst / Prospective Associations Between Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Groups and Metabolic Syndrome Risk in European Children : Results from the IDEFICS Study. In: International Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 272, 12.2018, p. 333-340
Meike Janssen / Determinants of Organic Food Purchases: Evidence from Household Panel Data. In: Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 68, 2018, p. 19-28
Isabel Iguacel; Juan M. Fernandez-Alvira; Wolfgang Ahrens; Karin Bammann; Wencke Gwozdz; Lauren Lissner; Nathalie Michels; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Aliz Szommer; Michael Tornaritis; Toomas Veidebaum; Claudia Börnhorst; Luis Alberto Moreno / Prospective Associations between Social Vulnerabilities and Children's Weight Status : Results from the IDEFICS Study. In: International Journal of Obesity, Vol. 42, No. 10, 10.2018, p. 1691-1703
Isabel Iguacel; Juan M. Fernández-Alvira; Karin Bammann; Charalambos Chadjigeorgiou; Stefaan de Henauw; Regina Heidinger-Felső; Lauren Lissner; Nathalie Michels; Angie Page; Lucia A. Reisch; Paola Russo; Ole Sprengeler; Toomas Veidebaum; Claudia Börnhorst; Luis A. Moreno / Social Vulnerability as a Predictor of Physical Activity and Screen Time in European Children. In: International Journal of Public Health, Vol. 63, No. 2, 3.2018, p. 283-295
Inken Christoph-Schulz; Monika Hartmann; Peter Kenning; Jörg Luy; Marcus Mergenthaler; Lucia A. Reisch; Jutta Roosen; Achim Spiller / SocialLab : Nutztierhaltung im spiegel der gesellschaft. Erste ergebnisse und implikationen. In: Journal fuer Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Vol. 13, No. 2, 6.2018, p. 145–236
Cäzilia Loibl; Cass R. Sunstein; Julius Rauber; Lucia A. Reisch / Which Europeans like Nudges? Approval and Controversy in Four European Countries. In: Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 52, No. 3, 1.2018, p. 655-688
Andreas Oehler; Matthias Horn; Stefan Wendt; Lucia A. Reisch; Thomas J. Walker / Young Adults and Their Finances : An International Comparative Study on Applied Financial Literacy. In: Economic Notes: review of banking, finance and monetary economics, Vol. 47, No. 2-3, 2018, p. 305-330
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