MSC at Folkemødet

MSC staff enthusiastically took part in the 2019 Folkemøde (‘The People's Democratic Festival’) at Bornholm both as organisers of activities, and as speakers and spectators at a wide array of events.
Mikkel Flyverbom at Science Slam

MSC professor wins Science Slam


One highlight was the Copenhagen Science Slam where researchers from DTU, the University of Copenhagen and CBS battled to deliver the best science dissemination.


With 10 minutes - and all their ingenuity - at their disposal, the researchers presented their research as engagingly as possible in the hope of winning the favour of the audience who handed down the verdict at the end.


Professor MSO, and co-director of the Digital Transformations Platform, Mikkel Flyverbom, won the title with his ‘slam dunk’ on digital doppelgangers whose traces in cyberspace were

illustrated with gold confetti.


Miniature golf and the SDGs


Another CBS highlight with MSC participation was the Verdensmålsminigolf  (the SDG miniature golf competition) which took place at Sandvig Miniature Golf course.


The Diversity and Difference Platform, in collaboration with Kvinfo and the Danish Institute for Human Rights, had invited politicians, researchers, students, NGOs and many more to play a game of miniature golf while debating the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as they went along.

Nikolaj Malchow-Møller talks at Verdensmålsminigolf

At the 18th hole, CBS President Nikolaj Malchow-Møller greeted the players, thanking them for their cheerful and engaged participation and concluding from the debates that the challenges must be met with a combination of knowledge, dialogue and collaboration.


See the CBS Wire video from the event here.

MSC researchers were engaged in many other activities at the Folkemøde, particularly focusing on sustainability, organisations and leadership. See a list of all CBS participation here and of CBS Sustainability participation here.


Further reports from the MSC participation in the Folkemøde can be found on the website of CBS Sustainability and that of the Business in Society Platforms.


The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 07/02/2019