
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Academic Director of the BiS Platform Digital Transformations

Room: DH.V.2.36
Profilbillede af Mikkel Flyverbom

I’m a Professor of Communication and Digital Transformations at Copenhagen Business School, as well as Program Director for BSc in Business Administration & Digital Management and co-director of the Digital Transformations Platform.

My research focuses on questions about digital technology and society. Within this broad domain, I explore how data-driven, algorithmic operations shape knowledge production, communication and governance, how attempts to govern digital technologies and data are organized by public and private actors, and how transparency ideals and practices unfold in organizational and other social settings. Overall, my work seeks to forge stronger ties between emergent questions about technology, data and society, and more established concerns in fields such as communication, organization and management.

My publications address how digital technologies and data have emerged as key concerns in organizations (see this article in Organization Studies) and in politics (see this article in Business & Society and my book The Power of Networks). I also focus on how processes of datafication shape knowledge production (see this article in Big Data & Society) and how novel theorizations of transparency and visibility can help us make sense of digital transformations (see this article in Organization Theory and my book The Digital Prism, published by Cambridge University Press).

On top of my research, I contribute to policy work as an expert on digital transformations, data and responsibility. For instance, I’m the chairman of the government’s ‘Expert Group on Tech Giants’, a member of the Data Ethics Council and I serve on the board of the Danish NGO Børns Vilkår. Finally, I write a tech column for the Danish newspaper Politiken.

Primary research areas
  • Governance of tech
  • Digital responsibility
  • Transparency and visibility management
  • Datafication of knowledge, communication and politics
Administrative tasks

Programme director for BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management at Copenhagen Business School.

Link to this homepage

Communication in a Datafied World, CM(kom) & Digitalisering, organisation og samfund, Master of Management Development


PhD and master's students

Selected publications

Flyverbom, M (2019): The Digital Prism: Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World, Cambridge University Press

Flyverbom, Deibert and Matten (2019) The Governance of Digital Technology, Big Data, and the Internet : New Roles and Responsibilities for Business, Business & Society, Vol. 58, No. 1, 1, p. 3-19

Flyverbom, M and Murray, J. (2018) Datastructuring: Organizing and Curating Digital Traces into Action, Big Data & Society, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2018

Flyverbom, L., Leonardi, P., Stohl, C., Stohl, M. (2016) The Management of Visibilities in the Digital Age : Introduction, International Journal of Communication, Vol. 10, p. 98–109

Publications sorted by:
Mikkel Flyverbom; Paul M. Leonardi; Nitzan Navick / Digital Forensics : A Guide to Conducting Qualitative Research on Organizational Communication and Digital Technology.
In: The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication. ed. /Boris H. J. M. Brummans; Bryan C. Taylor; Anu Sivunen. London : SAGE Publications 2024, p. 589-606
Book chapter > peer review
Mikkel Flyverbom; Lars Thinggaard; Lone Sunesen; Mie Oehlenschläger; Miriam Michaelsen; Pernille Tranberg; Peter Svarre; Rebecca Adler-Nissen; Rikke Frank Jørgensen; Sune Lehmann; Thomas Bolander; / Grænser for tech-giganternes udviling og anvendelse af kunstig intelligens : Delafrapportering 2 fra regeringens ekspertgruppe om tech-giganter.
København : Erhvervsministeriet 2024, 33 p.
Kasper Lindskow; Mikkel Flyverbom; Árni Einarsson; Stine Lomborg; Rasmus Helles; Nanna Thylstrup; Anders Søgaard; Jes Frellsen / Insights and Recommendations for News Publishers
København : Platform Intelligence in News (PIN) 2024, 24 p.
Mikkel Flyverbom / Theorizing Data Analysis Platforms : Digital Refractions and Reconfigurations of Pasts, Presents and Futures.
In: Information, Communication & Society, 6.3.2024
Journal article > peer review
Mikkel Flyverbom; Lars Thinggaard; Lone Sunesen; Mie Oehlenschläger; Miriam Michaelsen; Pernille Tranberg; Rebecca Adler-Nissen; Rikke Frank Jørgensen; Sune Lehmann; Thomas Bolander; Peter Svarre; / Demokratisk kontrol med tech-giganternes forretningsmodeller : Delafrapportering fra regeringens ekspertgruppe om tech-giganter.
København : Erhvervsministeriet 2023, 32 p.
Frederik Schade; Mikkel Flyverbom / Soft Law Governance in the Field of AI : A European Perspective.
In: Research Handbook on Soft Law. ed. /Mariolina Eliantoni; Emilia Korkea-aho; Ulrika Mörth. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 423-437
Book chapter > peer review
Mikkel Flyverbom; Frederik Schade / Coded Visions : Datafied Visibilities and the Production of Political Futures.
In: The New Politics of Visibility: Spaces, Actors, Practices and Technologies in the Visible. . ed. /Andrea Mubi Brighenti. Bristol : Intellect 2022, p. 32-43
Book chapter > peer review
Mikkel Flyverbom / Overlit : Digital Architectures of Visibility.
In: Organization Theory, Vol. 3, No. July-September, 1.7.2022
Journal article > peer review
Nanna Bonde Thylstrup; Kristian Bondo Hansen; Mikkel Flyverbom; Louise Amoore / Politics of Data Reuse in Machine Learning Systems : Theorizing Reuse Entanglements.
In: Big Data & Society, Vol. 9, No. 2 (July-December), 2022
Journal article > peer review
Timon Beyes; Wendy Hui Kyong Chun; Jean Clarke; Mikkel Flyverbom; Robin Holt / Ten Theses on Technology and Organization : Introduction to the Special Issue.
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 43, No. 7, 7.2022, p. 1001-1018
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 89 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

Name of contractual partner

Duration of activity 

Type of activity

Karnov Group

December 2018


Ledelse i dag December 2018 Talks

Swedish Association of Communication Professionals

Februar 2019

Professional development course


Marts 2019


Copydan/conference at Christianborg

September 2019


Lægevidenskabeligt Selskab

January 2020

February- April 2021


Speaker at conferences

Swedish Communication Association February 2020 Teaching
Politiken Spring 2018 - ongoing Regular column on tech
Børns Vilkår 2019 - ongoing Board member
Dataetisk Råd 2019 - ongoing Member
Digitaliseringspartnerskab 2019 - ongoing Member
Danish Industry and the IT University 2021 Moderator (talk with Danish Tech Ambassador Anne Marie Engtoft and author Carissa Veliz)
Gentofte Kommune 2021 Talk