Work-in-Progress seminar: Lara Hale

Distributed Agency and Standards in Institutional Work

Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 13:45 to Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 08:45


Friday 31 January 2014 Lara Hale will give her first WIP seminar with the title:
Distributed Agency and Standards in Institutional Work

The seminar takes place from 10 – 12 in Porcelænshaven 18B, room S0.23



Professor Eva Boxenbaum, Department of Organization, CBS and
Associate Professor Susanne Waldorff, Department of Organization, CBS


Professor Andreas Rasche, Department of Intercultural Communications and Management, CBS and
Professor Susse Georg, Department of Development and Planning, Ålborg University
If you would like a copy of the paper to be presented, please e-mail Lara

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 12/17/2017