Department of Marketing at the Frontiers in Service Conference


Department of Marketing at the Frontiers in Service Conference

At this year’s Frontiers in Service Conference, members of the Department of Marketing participated in three research presentations, a one-panel discussion, as well as mentoring sessions for doctoral students - and won an award.

Founded in 1992, the Frontiers in Service Conference is considered by many to be the world’s leading annual conference on service research. Every year, researchers from all over the world gather at a host institution to discuss cutting-edge research topics and exchange ideas with practitioners. This year, the conference as well as the pre-conference Doctoral Consortium took place at Maastricht University.

tsTobias Schäfers, Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and recipient of the 2021 Journal of Service Research Best Reviewer Award, participated in the Doctoral Consortium in a panel discussion reviewing processes. Additionally, he provided individual feedback to participating doctoral students in a mentoring session.

During the conference, a total of three research papers were presented in which researchers from the Department of Marketing are involved:

  • "The Circular Economy as a Transformative Service“, co-authored by Sönnich Sönnichsen (Lund University), Ad de Jong and Jesper Clement (both CBS), Roger Maull (University of Exeter), Chris Voss (Warwick Business School)
  • "Consumer Responses to Corporate Digital Responsibility in Service: Exploring Interaction Effects Between Privacy and Algorithmic Fairness“, co-authored by Felix Eggers and Glen Sarial Abi (both CBS), as well as Jochen Wirtz (National University of Singapore)
  • "Bridging the Analytics Gap: Location-Based Services in Brick-and-Mortar Retailing“, co-authored by Lukas Breustedt (TH OWL) and Tobias Schäfers (CBS)

adjAdditionally, Ad de Jong, Full Professor at the Department of Marketing, was recognized at the conference with an award as 2022 Outstanding Associate Editor for the Journal of Service Research.

The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/25/2024