

The mission of Centre for Tourism and Culture Management (hereafter TCM) is to function as a cohesive unit for colleagues in the Department of Marketing who work in the general space of tourism and hospitality management. Research and teaching associated with the center addresses relevant issues in the field of tourism with rigorous qualitative and quantitative methods. Although we study and offer courses on a broad range of topics, our particular focus is on tourist behavior and decision-making, destination image and branding, measuring tourism performance and consumer culture theory. Further, TCM members collaborate on research, funding, teaching and supervision. Finally, the center members supports courses at CBS which teach tourism and hospitality management courses, and courses with tourism and hospitality management aspects.


The Vision of TCM is to be the top research center in Scandinavia, top 5 in Europe, and top 20 in the world. TCM also aims to work towards having dedicated tourism and hospitality management courses at the Masters and PhD levels offered at CBS.

The members continuously conduct cutting-edge research and publish the findings in the top tourism-journals Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management and International Journal of Hospitality Management, as well as in leading marketing journals.

The members of TCM have won numerous national and international awards. Among these, the most prestigious international award in tourism the Charles Goeldner Award, as well as the prestigious J. Desmond Slattery Award. Among the national awards, the members have won the Danish Marketing Research Council (DMP) Award, and Tietgen’s Gold Medal.

In order to continue to grow and improve its international standing, applying for and becoming a Center of Excellence is both a goal and a stepping stone.

Fundamental business knowledge and research excellence

The center members are applying for funding and have commercial partners which strengthens business knowledge. Further, members involve businesses in teaching efforts as well. The center publishes exceptionally well, and hopes to recruit more PhD students to achieve critical mass to become a Center of Excellence.

Wider academic community

Several members review for leading journals. The members are active contributors to the key conferences in the space (except for the current period due to the COVID19 situation). Further, we have members who are on the editorial boards of key journals, and also members with editorial responsibilities.


The page was last edited by: Center for Tourism and Culture Management // 01/14/2025