The Consumer Research Cluster (CRC) studies how people think, feel, and behave in the marketplace. It investigates a broad range of phenomena dealing with what people need, want, and buy, as well as explores how and why consumers interact with market-related entities, products, companies, brands, other consumers, and employees. The CRC spotlights the human aspects of consumption and sees consumer behavior as an integral element of the social environment. As such, it draws on multiple methodological domains and utilizes both qualitative (e.g., in-depth interviews, focus groups, case studies) and quantitative research methods (e.g., lab experiments, field studies, surveys, eye-tracking).
The CRC aims to consistently produce high-quality research with clear societal implications. We intend to become the primary hub for consumer behavior research in the Nordic region by leveraging the pluralism and diverse research capabilities of our members, as well as by establishing strong academic and industry networks at both a national and an international level.
The CRC strives to maintain a network of individual researchers who share the ambition of producing novel and daring research that has an international outreach and is published in premier academic outlets. To this end, the CRC facilitates collaborations and advice-based links between senior members with experience in publishing in top-tier journals and young, ambitious, yet less experienced members.
The CRC members publish frequently in FT50, AJG 4*/4/3 journals, including, among others, the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Internal Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, British Journal of Management, Journal of Advertising, Journal of International Marketing, and Psychology & Marketing. These publications have attracted attention from national (e.g., Weekendavisen, Berlingske, Børsen) and international media and are frequently being covered by the press as well as corporate and personal social media channels (Linkedin, X, Facebook, etc).
The CRC values openness, collegiality, and respect. It welcomes anyone interested in researching consumer behavior and decision-making across various contexts. While its members draw on multiple epistemologies, methodologies, and research topics, they all have a genuine curiosity in understanding human behavior. Fundamentally, members of the cluster share the desire to provide cutting-edge pedagogical content and do daring, original research that contributes significantly to theory and practice.
The CRC is committed to being curious, critical, and innovative in exploring the opportunities and dilemmas that society faces today. As such, it involves, among others, research projects related to health issues (e.g., aging populations), financial services (e.g., behaviors of financially restricted consumers, confidence in the financial sector), restrictions (e.g., COVID-19), social inequalities and discrimination (e.g., social stereotyping, gender bias, economic disparity), sustainability (e.g., food waste), populism and xenophobia, and human-tech interactions (e.g., artificial intelligence, privacy issues.
The CRC research is oriented toward tackling the big societal challenges not just at a theoretical and more abstract level but also in a pragmatic and practical way. This is accomplished by reaching out to society and integrating scholarship into collaborations with businesses, governments, and other stakeholders related to public policy (e.g., Københavns Kommune, Foodland, Madkulturen, Danish Food Culture Institute, New Zealand Food Safety Science and Research Centre).
The members of the CRC are regularly invited to deliver guest talks and research seminars in academic institutions (e.g., University of Adelaide, University of Amsterdam, WU Wien, University of York) as well as corporate and industry events (e.g., Dansk Markedsføring, Madkulturen). Also, the CRC is actively engaged in the development and organization of international events such as the Northern European Consumer Research Symposium (NECRS) as well as other workshops and research seminars.
External research funding
CRC members have extensive experience with external research funding from multiple (inter)national, public and private funding bodies, including the European Commission (HORIZON), European Social Fund, Strategic Research Council, Global Innovation Network Programme, Carlsberg Foundation, Independent Research Council of Denmark (DFF). Overall, the CRC facilitates collaborations and know-how sharing among its members, contributing to potential success, and enabling joint funding opportunities.