List of top publication related to the cluster
- Bond III, E. U., de Jong, A., Eggert, A., Houston, M.B., Kleinaltenkamp, M., Kohli, A.K., Ritter, T, & Ulaga, W. (2020). The Future of B2B Customer Solutions in a Post-COVID-19 Economy: Managerial Issues and an Agenda for Academic Inquiry. Journal of Service Research, 1-8.
- Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., Kadic-Maglajlic, S., & Miocevic, D. (2020). The power of emotional value: Moderating customer orientation effect in professional business services relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 88, 12–21.
- Bodlaj, M., Kadic-Maglajlic, S., & Vida, I. (2020). Disentangling the impact of different innovation types, financial constraints and geographic diversification on SMEs’ export growth. Journal of Business Research, 108, 466–475.
- de Jong, A., De Ruyter, K., & Lemmink, J.G.A.M. (2005). Service Climate in Self-Managing Teams: Mapping the Linkage of Team Member Perceptions and Service Performance Outcomes in a Business-to-Business Setting. Journal of Management Studies, 42(8), 1593-1620.
- de Jong, A., Zacharias, N., & Nijssen, E. (2020). How Young Companies Can Effectively Manage Their Slack Resources Over Time to Ensure Sales Growth: The Contingent Role of Value-Based Selling. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (forthcoming)
- De Ruyter K., de Jong, A., & Wetzels, M. (2009). Antecedents and Consequences of Environmental Stewardship in Boundary-Spanning B2B Teams. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(4), 470-487.
- Geersbro, J., & Ritter, T. (2012). Antecedents and consequences of sales representatives' relationship termination competence. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28(1), 41-49.
- Kadic-Maglajlic, S., Micevski, M., Lee, N., Boso, N., & Vida, I. (2019). Three Levels of Ethical Influences on Selling Behavior and Performance: Synergies and Tensions. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(2), 377–397.
- Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., Raaij, E. van, & Johnston, W.J. (2013). Go configure: the mix of purchasing practices to choose for your supply base. California Management Review, 55(2), 72-96.
- Pattinson, S., Nicholson, J., & Lindgreen, A. (2018). Emergent coopetition from a sense-making perspective: a multi-level analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 68, 25-35.
- Ritter, T., & Geersbro, J. (2018). Multidexterity in customer relationship management: Managerial implications and a research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 74-79.
- Ritter, T., & Geersbro, J. (2011). Organizational relationship termination competence: A conceptualization and an empirical test. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(6), 988-993.
- Schaefers, T., Ruffer, S., & Böhm, E. (2020). Outcome-based contracting from the customers' perspective: A means-end chain analytical exploration. Industrial Marketing Management. (in press).
- Song, M., de Jong, A., Di Benedetto, C.A., & Zhao, Y.L. (2019). Enhancing Supplier's Involvement in Startup's Innovation through Equity Offering and Trust Building. International Journal of Innovation Management.
- Van der Borgh, M., De Jong, A. & Nijssen, E.J. (2017). Alternative Mechanisms Guiding Salespersons’ Ambidextrous Product Selling. British Journal of Management, 28(2), 331-353.
- Van der Borgh, M., De Jong, A., & Nijssen, E.J. (2018). Why Helping Peers Does Not Always Make You Poor: The Contingent Role of Common and Unique Position Within the Sales Unit. Industrial Marketing Management, special issue on ‘Understanding Theory and Practice of Sales Teams’, 27, 23-40.
- Van der Borgh, M, De Jong, A., & Nijssen, E. (2019). Balancing Frontliners’ Customer and Coworker Directed Behaviors when Serving Business Customers. Journal of Service Research. 22(3), 323–344
- Van der Borgh, M., Xu, J. & Sikkenk, M. (2020) “Assigning leads effectively: Information processing factors as antecedents of actual lead follow-up.” Industrial Marketing Management, 88(5), 136-151
- Van der Borgh, M. & Schepers, J.L.L. (2018). Are Conservative Approaches to New Product Selling a Blessing in Disguise? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(5), 857-878.
- Schepers, J.J.L. & Van der Borgh, M. (2020) “Antecedents and consequences of frontline employees’ in-role and customer-directed extra-role behavior: A cross-cultural meta-analysis”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 23(3) 255-280
The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/14/2025