Department of Marketing

Education Research & Practice Cluster (ERPC)

Education Research & Practice (ERP) Cluster

The Education Research & Practice (ERP) Cluster intends to serve as a focal point for all teachers and researchers at the Department of Marketing who are or would like to get involved in pedagogically-oriented research; or who would like to get research-based inspiration for their own teaching practice.

The cluster’s aim is to stimulate a research-based dialogue on pedagogical approaches to educating business students at higher education institutions, with a particular but not exclusive focus on the area of marketing. Spanning institutional and disciplinary boundaries, the cluster connects teachers and researchers from our department with colleagues from other departments at CBS or other institutions. The resulting dialogue aims to fertilize both education research and practice at our department.

Research topics covered by the ERP Cluster include:

  • Education & digitalization
  • Value-based pedagogy
  • Studio-based pedagogy
  • Reflective teacher positioning in the classroom

Seminars 2021: 

  • October 27; Tour of the CBS studio space learning environments
  • November 15; Publishing in high-ranking management education journals


The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 07/11/2023