

List of top publication related to the cluster

  • Borland, H., Ambrosini, V., Lindgreen, A., & Vanhamme, J. (2016). Building theory at the intersection of ecological sustainability and strategic management. Journal of Business Ethics, 135(2), 293–307.

  • Borland, H., & Lindgreen, A. (2013). Sustainability, epistemology, ecocentric business, and marketing strategy: Ideology, reality, and vision. Journal of Business Ethics, 117(1), 173–187.

  • Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Bagherzadeh, M., & Singh, J. J. (2020). Co-creation: A key link between corporate social responsibility, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Journal of Business Ethics, 163(1), 151–166.

  • Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Singh, J. J., & Sierra, V. (2019). Do customer perceptions of corporate services brand ethicality improve brand equity? Considering the roles of brand heritage, brand image, and recognition benefits. Journal of Business Ethics, 154(2), 441–459.

  • Joseph, J., Borland, H., Orlitzky, M., & Lindgreen, A. (2020). Seeing versus doing: how businesses manage tensions in pursuit of sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 164(2), 349–370.

  • Kadic-Maglajlic, S., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., Micevski, M., Dlacic, J., & Zabkar, V. (2019). Being engaged is a good thing: Understanding sustainable consumption behavior among young adults. Journal of Business Research, 104, 644–654.

  • Kadić-Maglajlić, S., Arslanagić-Kalajdžić, M., Micevski, M., Michaelidou, N., & Nemkova, E. (2017). Controversial advert perceptions in SNS advertising: The role of ethical judgement and religious commitment. Journal of Business Ethics, 141(2), 249–265.

  • Kadic-Maglajlic, S., Micevski, M., Lee, N., Boso, N., & Vida, I. (2019). Three levels of ethical influences on selling behavior and performance: Synergies and tensions. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(2), 377–397.

  • Lund-Thomsen, P., & Lindgreen, A. (2014). Corporate social responsibility in global value chains: Where are we now and where are we going? Journal of Business Ethics, 123(1), 11–22.

  • Lund-Thomsen, P., Lindgreen, A., & Vanhamme, J. (2016). Industrial clusters and corporate social responsibility in developing countries: What we know, what we do not know, and what we need to know. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(1), 9–24.

  • Maon, F., Swaen, V., & Lindgreen, A. (2017). One vision, different paths: An investigation of corporate social responsibility initiatives in Europe. Journal of Business Ethics, 143(2), 405–422.

  • Markovic, S., & Bagherzadeh, M. (2018). How does breadth of external stakeholder co-creation influence innovation performance? Analyzing the mediating roles of knowledge sharing and product innovation. Journal of Business Research, 88, 173–186.

  • Markovic, S., Iglesias, O., Singh, J. J., & Sierra, V. (2018). How does the perceived ethicality of corporate services brands influence loyalty and positive word-of-mouth? Analyzing the roles of empathy, affective commitment, and perceived quality. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(4), 721–740.

  • Michaelidou, N., Micevski, M., Kadic-Maglajlic, S., Budhathoki, T., & Sarkar, S. (2019). Does non-profit brand image mean the same across cultures? An exploratory evaluation of non-profit brand image in three countries. International Marketing Review, 36(6), 979–995.

  • Shehu, E., Becker, J. U., Langmaack, A. C., & Clement, M. (2016). The brand personality of nonprofit organizations and the influence of monetary incentives. Journal of Business Ethics, 138(3), 589–600.

  • Shehu, E., Hofmann, A., Clement, M., & Langmaack, A. C. (2015). Healthy donor effect and satisfaction with health. The European Journal of Health Economics, 16(7), 733–745.

  • Shehu, E., Langmaack, A. C., Felchle, E., & Clement, M. (2015). Profiling donors of blood, money, and time: a simultaneous comparison of the German population. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 25(3), 269–295.

  • Sierra, V., Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., & Singh, J. J. (2017). Does ethical image build equity in corporate services brands? The influence of customer perceived ethicality on affect, perceived quality, and equity. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(3), 661–676.

  • Tollin, K., & Christensen, L. B. (2019). Sustainability marketing commitment: Empirical insights about its drivers at the corporate and functional level of marketing. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(4), 1165–1185.

  • Vallaster, C., & von Wallpach, S. (2018). Brand strategy co-creation in a nonprofit context: A strategy-as-practice approach. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(5), 984–1006.

  • Zenker, S., von Wallpach, S., Braun, E., & Vallaster, C. (2019). How the refugee crisis impacts the decision structure of tourists: A cross-country scenario study. Tourism Management, 71, 197–212.

Selected books

  • Borland, H., Lindgreen, A., Maon, F., Vanhamme, J., Ambrosini, V., & Palacios Florencio, B. (Eds.) (2018). Business Strategies for Sustainability. Routledge, London, 423 pp.

  • Lindgreen, A., Kotler, P., Vanhamme, J., & Maon, F. (Eds.) (2012). A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: Pressures, conflicts, reconciliation. Gower Publishing, Aldershot, 418 pp.

  • Lindgreen, A., Maon, F., Vallaster, C., Yousafzai, S., & Palacios Florencio, B. (Eds.) (2018). Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Discovering, creating, and seizing opportunities for blended value generation. Routledge, London, 354 pp.

  • Lindgreen, A., Maon, F., Vanhamme, J., & Sen, S. (Eds.) (2013). Sustainable Value Chain Management: A research anthology. Gower Publishing, Aldershot, 529 pp.

  • Lindgreen, A., Vallaster, C., Yousafzai, S., & Hirsch, B. (Eds.) (2018). Measuring and Controlling Sustainability: Spanning theory and practice. Routledge, London, 293 pp.

  • Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., Maon, F., & Mardon, R. (Eds.) (2018). Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Era. Routledge, London, 364 pp.


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