Department of Marketing


Research Profile

The Department ranks among the top marketing departments in Scandinavia in terms of publishing productivity, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Faculty members also publish widely in other outlets, including books, anthologies, textbooks, reviews, and conference papers. Finally, the Department regularly helps young scholars complete their Ph.D. programs (e.g., two in 2015).

The Department organizes multiple international conferences. In 2010, we hosted the European Marketing Academy Conference, the largest European marketing conference, attracting the participation of more than 800 international researchers. We also hosted the ATLAS Conference (2012) and NeuroPschychoEconomics Conference (2015) more recently.

Members of the Department edit or have guest edited several academic journals (e.g., Industrial Marketing Management, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of Business Research, all AJG 3 journals) and also review for prestigious journals (e.g., Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing, and Organization Studies, all at AJG 4* level).

Several faculty members have received awards, reflecting the high quality of the Department’s research, education, and service contributions (e.g., 2011 Best Paper in Design Studies, 2013 Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence award, Tietgen’s Gold Medal 2012). Finally, faculty members serve as chairs or members of various boards, such as the Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI), Danish Food Think Tank, Dansk Markedsføring, Konkurrencerådet, and Marketing Law Revision.

The Department of Marketing's research profile covers the following main topics from a multiple of methodologies:

          Brand Management

          Place Branding

          B-to-B Marketing

          B-to-C Marketing

          Consumer behaviour with special focus on Consumer Culture Theory (CCT)

          Corporate Responsibility and sustainability

          Marketing Management & Strategy

          Innovation Management and New Product Development

          Tourism and Destination Marketing

The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 03/13/2018