
Over the past many years, Copenhagen Business School has worked to establish further opportunities for students to get a truly international education. One of the most challenging of these is the development of double degree programmes with carefully chosen overseas partners.

What is a double degree?

A double degree programme involves studying towards two university degrees in parallel, at two internationally acclaimed institutions, and completing them in the time that it would take to earn one degree. This means that:

  • You spend the first academic year at your home institution, CBS, and the second academic year at the host institution.
  • You satisfy degree requirements of both institutions.
  • You receive two diplomas.

Why choose a double degree?

  • The double degree programme is suited to a wide range of interests, but it is particularly relevant for those of you who plan on a career in organisations which transcend domestic borders. The programme considerably broadens the options and professional horizons available to you as graduates.
  • An excellent opportunity to challenge yourself academically.
  • The double degree programme is an outstanding opportunity for students seeking not only academic knowledge, but also intercultural experience and competence.

Who is eligible to apply?

The double degree programme is designed for highly skilled and motivated candidates and entry into the programme is competitive. Applicants: 

  • must be admitted to one of the graduate degree programmes at CBS, which offer the double degree option. You can find the list of options in the menu points on the left.
  • apply for the double degree option in the first semester of their MSc programme.
  • must have:
    • a bachelor's degree GPA (gennemsnit) of minimum 7.0 on the Danish scale.
    • documentation of English proficiency. See specifics under each program description. 



You can apply for the double degree option in the first semester of your MSc programme by submitting the following written application. All documentation must be submitted in English, including:

  • The CBS Double Degree Application -  you will need your CBS login to access the application portal.  The application deadline: October 23, 2024, 12:00 (noon). Give yourself good time to submit the application.
  • Motivational essay - maximum 1 page
  • CV
  • English language proficiency documentation as described in each program (see menu on left side of the screen).
  • Bachelor’s degree transcript, including an official explanation of the grading scale (If your bachelor’s degree is from CBS, this explanation is not required).
    • If your Bachelor GPA is not given in the Danish scale, you must convert your Bachelor GPA to the Danish grading scale. You must refer to the grade conversion information on under the menu point "Exchange", "Before applying for exchange", "Grade point conversion."  You can only access this information if you are a CBS full degree student.
  • Copy of transcript from previous exchange, if applicable. 
  • One relevant reference/recommendation. This may be academic or professional and does not have to be specifically for the Double Degree program. The reference must be dated and signed with contact details of the referee; letterhead is preferred.


You may apply for the double degree and regular exchange; acceptance to the double degree will automatically cancel any regular exchange application. 
If you are accepted for the double degree, you may not apply for regular exchange afterwards.  You may, however, make a simultaneous application to CEMS MIM if you are eligible and interested in this possibility. 
If you are accepted for the double degree, but decline this opportunity, you may not apply for regular exchange.  

Selection Procedure

1. The application must be submitted on time. See the deadline above. 
2. Based on the written application, candidates may be invited to attend an interview, normally in week 44. 
3. Students are selected based on an overall evaluation of the application and interview, for those who are invited.
4. Candidates will be informed of their selection to the programme by the latest in week 45.
5. Application to the host university will be undertaken during the following spring semester.


It it important to stress that the Double Degree administration at CBS selects and nominates you for the Double Degree in cooperation with our partner university, and the final acceptance and admission is made by the partner university based on your successful application and academic qualifications.

For further enquiries, please contact:

CBS Double Degree Administration
Copenhagen Business School
The International Office
Finsensvej 6D
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel: +45 3815 3006 (reception)

The page was last edited by: The International Office // 01/14/2025