Entry requirements

Read more about the general entry requirements and the specific entry requirements for the programme you want to apply for and how to meet them.

Entry requirements


When applying for CBS bachelor programmes, you must document that you have completed a qualifying Danish upper secondary exam or one of its international equivalents. This is the general entry requirement for admission.

Choose the relevant category below to find out how you can determine if your upper secondary exam fulfils the general entry requirement, and what you can do if this is not the case.

You have an international upper secondary exam 

We have compiled a list with standard assessments for the most common types of international qualifications at International Applicants.

To find out if your educational background fulfils the general admission requirement and how to document this in your application, choose the region and country where you studied your upper secondary exam from the list.

The list is based on information published by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science (the branch of the Danish Ministry for Higher Education and Science that supports the internationalisation of education in Denmark). The Agency's assessments of various countries' educational levels are available here (note that the Danish version of the page provides additional information about individual subjects equivalencies and grade level conversions).

You have a Danish upper secondary exam 

Check which Danish upper secondary qualifications fulfil the general entry requirement for admission at Bacheloroptag: Adgangskrav,  in the section "Du har en dansk eksamen".

You do not have a qualifying upper secondary exam

You can still apply for admission even if you do not have a qualifying upper secondary exam and you therefore do not formally fulfil the general entry requirement.

You are considered a dispensee if you do not have one of the Danish upper secondary exams listed at Bacheloroptag: Adgangskrav, in the section "Du har en dansk eksamen", or one of the non-Danish upper secondary exams that fulfil the general entry requirement according to the standard assessments published at International Applicants.

To be assessed as a dispensee you must, as a minimum:

  • document that you fulfil the specific entry requirements for each of the programmes you are applying for, and
  • document your entire educational background, including level, grades and course content for all completed study activities.

We will carry out a concrete overall assessment of your entire documented educational background in order to determine if you fulfil the general entry requirement.


Each CBS bachelor programme has its own set of specific entry requirements, consisting of specific subjects, passed at a certain Danish upper secondary level. The subjects must be completed with the minimum passing grade (2.0 on the Danish grading scale), unless a higher Danish grade requirement is specified.

You are not considered qualified for the respective programme unless you fulfil all its specific entry requirements, and it is your responsiblity to document that you have met the requirements exactly as indicated in the table below. If you have a non-Danish upper secondary exam, please consult the overview "How to fulfil the specific entry requirements" further down on this page for further details.

Don't forget that English-taught programmes have an additional language requirement (English at Danish upper secondary level A), which you must fulfil exactly as indicated in Section 3 -  "The language requirement", at the bottom of this page.

Danish-taught programmes require a high level of proficiency in Danish (Danish at upper secondary level A). If you have an international educational background, make sure you have the required qualifications before you apply for one of them.

Specific entry requirements for Danish-taught programmes 
Uddannelse specifikke adgangskrav

HA almen erhvervsøkonomi


  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B med min. 6.0
  • Matematik B*
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B

* fra og med optaget 2025 kræves Matematik B med min. 6,0

HA i markeds- og kulturanalyse

  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B med min. 6.0
  • Matematik B
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B
HA i projektledelse

  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B med min. 6.0
  • Matematik B
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B

  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B med min. 6.0
  • Matematik B
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B

  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B med min. 6.0
  • Matematik B*
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B

* fra og med optaget 2025 kræves Matematik B med min. 6,0



  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B
  • Matematik B med min. 6,0
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B



  • Dansk A med min 6.0
  • Engelsk B
  • Matematik B
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B



  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B
  • Matematik A med min 6.0
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B



  • Dansk A
  • Engelsk B
  • Matematik B
  • Samfundsfag B eller Historie B eller International Økonomi B eller Idéhistorie B eller Samtidshistorie B
Specific entry requirements for English-taught programmes

BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management

(taught in English)


  • English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0
  • Mathematics level B
  • History level B OR International Economics level B OR Social Studies level B OR History of Ideas level B OR Contemporary History level B

Note: To qualify for an English-taught bachelor programme, you also need to meet the language requirement. This means that you need to fulfil English level A. Read more on how to fulfil this at the bottom of the page.

BSc in International Business

(taught in English)


  • English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0
  • Mathematics level B
  • History level B OR International Economics level B OR Social Studies level B OR History of Ideas level B OR Contemporary History level B

Note: To qualify for an English-taught bachelor programme, you also need to meet the language requirement. This means that you need to fulfil English level A.  Read more on how to fulfil this at the bottom of the page.

BSc in International Shipping and Trade

(taught in English)


  • English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0
  • Mathematics level B
  • History level B OR International Economics level B OR Social Studies level B OR History of Ideas level B OR Contemporary History level B

Note: To qualify for an English-taught bachelor programme, you also need to meet the language requirement. This means that you need to fulfil English level A. Read more on how to fulfil this at the bottom of the page.

BSc in International Business and Politics

(taught in English)


  • English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0
  • Mathematics level B
  • History level B OR International Economics level B OR Social Studies level B OR History of Ideas level B OR Contemporary History level B

Note: To qualify for an English-taught bachelor programme, you also need to meet the language requirement. This means that you need to fulfil English level A.  Read more on how to fulfil this at the bottom of the page.

BSc in Business Administration and Service Management

(taught in English)

  • English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0
  • Mathematics level B
  • History level B OR International Economics level B OR Social Studies level B OR History of Ideas level B OR Contemporary History level B

Note: To qualify for an English-taught bachelor programme, you also need to meet the language requirement. This means that you need to fulfil English level A. Read more on how to fulfil this at the bottom of the page.

BSc in Business Administration and Sociology

(taught in English)



  • English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0
  • Mathematics level B with with a minimum grade of 6.0
  • History level B OR International Economics level B OR Social Studies level B OR History of Ideas level B OR Contemporary History level B

Note: To qualify for an English-taught bachelor programme, you also need to meet the language requirement. This means that you need to fulfil English level A.  Read more on how to fulfil this at the bottom of the page.




The specific entry requirements can only be fulfilled via:

  • Danish upper secondary qualifications or their international equivalents (see International applicants for a list of the most common types of international qualifications) or
  • Supplementary upper secondary courses, available in Denmark as GSK or HF bridging subjects or
  • Other documented study activities that CBS Admissions has concretely assessed as fulfilling the specific entry requirements.

Please note that, if you take supplementary courses in order to fulfil a specific entry requirement, this might lead to a recalculation of your grade point average (GPA) in the selection process.

Required grade
If a specific grade is required, then you must pass the respective upper secondary course with the required Danish grade or its international equivalent (see International applicants for further information on grade conversions).

A course passed at a level higher than required fulfils the grade requirement. For example, if you have passed Mathematics A, this automatically fulfils Mathematics B with a minimum grade of 6.0.

Danish level A

This is a requirement for all Danish-taught bachelor programmes. Please read more about how you can fulfil this requirement in the section "Dansk A" on the Danish version of this page.

English A 

Starting with the admission year 2024, there aren't any bachelor programmes that require English level A as a specific entry requirement. However, all the English-taught bachelor programmes require English level A as an additional language requirement, which you must fulfil exactly as indicated in Section 3 -  "The language requirement", at the bottom of this page.

English B 

All bachelor programmes require English level B.
Most of the bachelor programmes require English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0.
You must document that you fulfil the specific entry requirement no later than 5 July, 12 noon (CET).

You can fulfil the English level B specific entry requirement as follows:

Danish upper secondary exam
"Engelsk B" from a Danish upper secondary exam fulfils the requirement as the default option. If you have a Danish upper secondary exam, but you have not passed English level B, or if you have passed English level B, but you have not obtained the required minimum grade, please read more about your options under "Engelsk B" on the Danish version of this page.

Supplementary upper secondary courses
Supplementary upper secondary courses are available in Denmark as GSK or HF bridging subjects to students who have not passed English level B during their upper secondary education. Read more about this option under "Adgangskrav" on the Danish version of this page.

Individual competency assessment (IKV)
If you think you have language competences corresponding to English level B, you have the possibility to request an assessment - Individuel Kompetencevurdering (IKV) from a Danish VUC (adult education centre). Read more about this option under "Engelsk B" on the Danish version of this page.

International upper secondary exam
We have prepared standard assessments for the most common types of international qualifications - you will find the list at International Applicants. To find out if your upper secondary exam fulfils the English level B specific entry requirement, if you meet the minimum grade requirement (where applicable), and how you can document this in your application, choose the region and country where you studied your upper secondary exam from the list.

If you cannot find your qualifications among those listed as fulfilling the specific entry requirement, but you believe that you have taken and passed courses that correspond to a Danish English level B, you can upload documentation showing that you have studied  minimum 210 hours of English as part of your upper secondary school and have passed the subject with a final exam, with grades higher than the minimum passing grade. You also need to document that you have covered the following topics: understanding, as well as conversing and writing fluently and accurately in English in terms of grammar, spelling and punctuation; have vocabulary that enables you to engage in conversations and discussions pertaining to general, but also specific subjects e.g., cultural, or societal topics in the UK, USA, and other English-speaking countries.

You may send official documentation for the above to request an individual course assessment ahead of the actual admission round. You must use the signed and stamped CBS Verification Form available at International Applicants; note that we do not assess links, unofficial documentation etc. The request and all supporting documentation must be sent to bacheloradmission@cbs.dk between 1 December and 1 January. You will receive an answer no later than 1 February. We cannot guarantee that we can pre-assess documents sent after 1 January.

A passed upper secondary certificate, showing a fully completed national upper secondary school education studied in English, in one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK or USA, also fulfils the English level B specific entry requirement, including the minimum grade of 6.0. The requirement is fulfilled even if you have taken an upper secondary school exam that is taught in English and accredited by an English-speaking country, but has been de facto studied in a non-English speaking country.

Cambridge exam
A Cambridge Certificate issued by Cambridge English can fulfil the English level B specific entry requirement. You cannot fulfil this requirement via a TOEFL or an IELTS or other language tests. We accept the following two types of Cambridge certificates:

Bachelor-level studies
A passed bachelor degree with a duration of minimum three years that has been fully taught in English and studied in one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK or USA, fulfils the English level B specific entry requirement, including the grade requirement of minimum 6.0.

Mathematics level A

This is a specific entry requirement for the Danish-taught HA(mat.) programme.

Please read more about how you can fulfil this requirement in the section "Matematik A" on the Danish version of this page.

Mathematics level B

All bachelor programmes, except for HA(mat.), require Mathematics level B.

Please note that some of the bachelor programmes require Mathematics level B with a minimum grade of 6.0.

You must document that you fulfil the specific entry requirement no later than 5 July, 12 noon (CET).

You can fulfil the Mathematics level B specific entry requirement as follows:

Danish upper secondary exam

"Matematik B" from a Danish upper secondary exam fulfils the requirement as the default option. If you have a Danish upper secondary exam, but you have not passed Mathematics level B, or if you have passed Mathematics level B, but you have not obtained the required minimum grade, please read more about your options on the Danish version of this page.

Supplementary upper secondary courses

Supplementary upper secondary courses are available in Denmark as GSK or HF bridging subjects to students who have not passed Mathematics level B during their upper secondary education. Read more about this option on the Danish version of this page.

Individual competency assessment (IKV)

If you think you have language competences corresponding to an Mathematics level B, you have the possibility to request an assessment - Individuel Kompetencevurdering (IKV) from a Danish VUC (adult education centre). Read more about this option on the Danish version of this page.

Bridging course for admission to engineering degrees
Some Danish universities may offer bridging courses for admission to engineering degrees. Read more about this option on the Danish version of this page.

International upper secondary exam

We have prepared standard assessments for the most common types of international qualifications - you will find the list at International Applicants. To find out if your upper secondary exam fulfils the Mathematics B requirement, if you meet the minimum grade requirement (where applicable), and how you can document this in your application, choose the region and country where you studied your upper secondary exam from the list.

If you cannot find your qualifications among those listed as fulfilling the specific entry requirements, but you believe that you have taken and passed courses that correspond to a Danish Mathematics level B, you can upload documentation and course descriptions that show that you have had a minimum of 250 full teaching hours (of 60 minutes per hour) in Mathematics, with an exam passed at upper secondary school level or above. If you're applying for a programme that requires Mathematics level B with a minimum grade of 6.0, you must also document that you fulfil the grade requirement. The curriculum must contain the following topics: statistics and probability theory; functions and equations; circular functions and trigonometry; matrices; vectors; calculus; algebra; use of IT-tools and mathematical programmes when solving mathematical problems.

You may send official documentation for the above to request an individual course assessment ahead of the actual admission round. You must use the signed and stamped CBS Verification Form available at International Applicants; note that we do not assess links, unofficial documentation etc. The request and all supporting documentation must be sent to bacheloradmission@cbs.dk between 1 December and 1 January. You will receive an answer no later than 1 February. We cannot guarantee that we can pre-assess documents sent after 1 January.

Supplementary upper secondary courses in other countries
If you cannot take a supplementary course in Denmark, you might be able to find courses that cover Mathematics level B online or in your home country. This could be the Dutch VWO A, B, C or D, passed with a minimum local grade of 6 (corresponding to the 2.0 Danish grade requirement), or with a minimum local grade of 8 (corresponding to the Danish 6.0 grade requirement).

Social Studies / History / International Economics level B

All bachelor programmes require Social Studies level B or History level B or International Economics level B or History of Ideas level B or Contemporary History level B.
You must document that you fulfil the specific entry requirement no later than 5 July, 12 noon (CET).
You can fulfil this specific entry requirement as follows:

Danish upper secondary exam
"Samfundsfag B" or "Historie B" or "International Økonomi B" or "Idehistorie B" or "Samtidshistorie B" from a Danish upper secondary exam fulfils the requirement as the default option. If you have a Danish upper secondary exam, but you have not passed any of the listed subjects, read more about your options on the Danish version of this page.

Supplementary courses
Supplementary upper secondary courses are available in Denmark as GSK or HF bridging subjects to students who have not passed one of the listed subjects during their upper secondary education. These supplementary courses are only available in Danish. Please see the Danish version of this page for more information about these courses.

Individual competency assessment (IKV)
If you think you have competences corresponding to Social Studies level B or History level B or International Economics level B or History of Ideas level B or Contemporary History level B, you have the possibility to request an assessment - Individuel Kompetencevurdering (IKV) from a Danish VUC (adult education centre). Read more about this on the Danish version of this page.

International upper secondary exam
We have prepared standard assessments for the most common types of international qualifications - you will find the list at International Applicants. To find out if your upper secondary exam fulfils the specific entry requirement, and how you can document this in your application, choose the region and country where you studied your upper secondary exam from the list.

If you cannot find your qualifications among those listed as fulfilling the specific entry requirements, but you believe that you have taken and passed courses that correspond to a Danish Social Studies level B or History level B or International Economics level B or History of Ideas level B or Contemporary History level B, you must upload documentation and course descriptions that show a minimum of 200 full teaching hours (of 60 minutes per hour) in the respective subject, with an exam passed at upper secondary school level or above. The curriculum could, for example, consist of some of the following subject matters: history; social studies; sociology; politics; economics; globalization; ideology; philosophy; technological advances; quantitative and qualitative methodology; cultural studies.

You may send official documentation for the above to request an individual course assessment ahead of the actual admission round. You must use the signed and stamped CBS Verification Form available at International Applicants; note that we do not assess links, unofficial documentation etc. The request and all supporting documentation must be sent to bacheloradmission@cbs.dk between 1 December and 1 January. You will receive an answer no later than 1 February. We cannot guarantee that we can pre-assess documents sent after 1 January.

3. The language requirement

All English-taught bachelor programmes require English level A as a language requirement, in addition to the English B specific entry requirement.

There is no further language requirement for Danish-taught programmes, in addition to the specific requirements.

Language requirement for English-taught bachelor programmes: English level A

All English-taught bachelor programmes require English level A.

You must document that you fulfil the English level A language requirement no later than 5 July, 12 noon (CET).

You can fulfil the English A language requirement as follows:

Danish upper secondary exam
"Engelsk A" from a Danish upper secondary exam fulfils the English A language requirement as the default option.

Supplementary upper secondary courses
Supplementary upper secondary courses are available in Denmark as GSK or HF bridging subjects to students who have not passed English level A during their upper secondary education. Please find more information about these courses on the Danish version of this page.

Individual competency assessment (IKV)
If you think you have language competences corresponding to an English level A, you have the possibility to request an assessment - Individuel Kompetencevurdering (IKV) from a Danish VUC (adult education centre). Read more about it on the Danish version of this page.

International upper secondary exam

We have prepared standard assessments for the most common types of international qualifications - you will find the list at International Applicants. To find out if your upper secondary exam fulfils the English level A language requirement, and how you can document this in your application, choose the region and country where you studied your upper secondary exam from the list.

A passed school leaving certificate showing fully completed national upper secondary school education taken in English and in one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK or USA also fulfils the English A language requirement. If you have taken an upper secondary school exam that is taught in English and accredited by an English-speaking country, but has been de facto studied in a non-English speaking country, you do not automatically fulfil the English language requirement and you will need to contact Bachelor Admission for further instructions.

Cambridge exam
Only the following Cambridge exams/certificates fulfil the English A language requirement. Please upload your exam certificate to your application at Optagelse.dk before 5 July, 12 noon (CET).

Language test
You can only take one of the accepted language tests listed below to fulfil English level A, and only if you have also documented that you have fulfilled the specific entry requirement in English level B with a minimum grade of 6.0 via one of the options listed higher up on this page.

If you choose to take a language test, your scores must be available to CBS Admissions by 5 July, 12 noon (CET) at the latest. However, if you need a student residence permit to study in Denmark, the deadline is 15 March, 12 noon (CET).

To ensure that your test/exam scores are available to us on time, it is important that you sign up for a test taking place well in advance of the applicable deadline. You should expect up that it takes up to 3 weeks from the test date until the results become available to CBS.

If you have already taken an IELTS or TOEFL test, remember to check that your test date (not to be confused with the date your test results were issued) is no older than two years by the application deadline. If your test date is more than two years old by the application deadline, then your test will not be accepted.

We only accept the following two types of English tests for the fulfilment of the English level A language requirement:

  • an IELTS Academic test passed with an overall score of at least 7.0 and a minimum score of 6.0 for each of the four different sections. Please upload your test certificate to your application at Optagelse.dk before the applicable deadline. We will then check your score in the IELTS database. Read more about IELTS and how to register.
  • a TOEFL iBT/ iBT Home Edition passed with a minimum overall score of at least 94 and a minimum score of 20 in each of the four different sections. Please order your test results to be sent directly from ETS to CBS using the institution code 7035 and upload both a receipt of this and a copy of your result to your application at Optagelse.dk before the applicable deadline. Read more about the TOEFL and how to register.


Bachelor-level studies
A passed bachelor degree with a duration of minimum 3 years that has been fully taught in English and taken in one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK or USA fulfils the English level A language requirement.

The following table briefly describes and compares some of the tests and exams mentioned above.


SHORT DESCRIPTION OF varioUs TEST/EXAMS that can fulfil English A

IELTS test

The IELTS test has four sections: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The speaking section takes the form of a face-to-face interview, where an examiner and the test taker engage in conversation. This is usually an advantage for test takers with strong speaking skills. A variety of native-speaker accents (North American, Australian, New Zealand, and British) is used in the listening section, and all standard varieties of English are accepted in all parts of the test.

Internet-based TOEFL test (including the Home Edition)

The TOEFL iBT test has four sections (listening, reading, speaking and writing). The speaking section is not a conversation – you speak into a microphone attached to the computer, which can be seen as an inconvenient by certain test takers. You might be more comfortable taking this test if you are used to American English and accents.

GSK in English level A

If you have a Danish upper secondary exam with a level B in English, you should consider taking a GSK course and exam in English level A. The advantage is that you also participate in classes and receive teaching, while the exam has a familiar form as it is similar to any other Danish upper secondary exam.

Cambridge C2 Proficiency or Cambridge C1 Advanced

The exam consists of five sections, including an oral section which takes the form of a face-to-face interview with an examiner. A Cambridge certificate is valid for life, whereas the TOEFL or IELTS test expire after two years

Choose the right test
If you need an English test to fulfil the English language requirement, it is your responsibility to find an institution that offers it, sign up for a test at a suitable available date and have the scores sent to CBS Admissions.

Take the test as soon as possible
Don’t wait too long with booking a test appointment – you might be surprised to find out that all the test dates have already been booked or you may fail your first attempt.

Prepare for the test
Find out what the test consists of and practice in advance – most testing institutions provide test takers with preparation materials. Do not underestimate the difficulty of the test – last year, almost 49% of the CBS TOEFL test takers failed to score enough points the first time they took the test.

Consider which test is best for you
Different English language tests and exams measure your language skills in different ways. Know your strengths and choose a test that will enhance these.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 10/02/2024