Courses at bachelor level

Here you can see all single courses and electives offered at bachelor level by CBS.

Here you can find a list of all single courses offered by CBS at bachelor level in autumn and spring, respectively. Each single course is also offered as an elective for CBS' fulltime students. 

You will find the most courses in the autumn since this is when CBS students are taking their electives. 

Teaching and exam periods

The courses are either quarter courses or semester courses. You can see the approximate teaching and exam periods for different kinds of courses here:

Autumn Teaching Exams
Q1: 1st quarter week 35 til 43 week 43/44/45
Q2: 2nd quarter week 44 til 51 week 1/2/3
Semester week 35 til 51 December/January
Spring Teaching Exams
Q3: 3rd quarter week 5 til 12 week 13/14/15
Q4: 4th quarter week 14 til 21  week 22/23 
Semester week 5 til 22 May/June 

Courses at bachelor level

The courses are offered in the autumn and spring, respectively. Single courses for the spring semester are published in late September. Single courses for the autumn semester are published in mid March.  

If you need the course to qualify for a graduate programme at CBS, you will find the area which each course can cover in the column Areas covered for graduate admission.

Please note, that you cannot register for a course where it says Not established or Closed for further enrolment under Remarks/Status.

You can read more about the content, exam form, learning objectives and literature for the individual courses by clicking on their title. 

Spring 2025

Course code
Period running Areas covered for graduate admission - TBA Remarks / Status
Applied Pricing Management: Behavior, Strategy, and Customer Value BHAAV6094U Q3    
Behavioral Finance BHAAV2389U Q3    
Brand-driven Innovation. BHAAV2480U Q3    
Business Strategy BHAAV1040U Q3    
Business, gender and labour market inequality BHAAV2270U Q3    
Corporate Strategy BHAAV6006U Q3    
Danish – Integrated Skills BINBV1106U Semester    
Doing Business in Europe BIBAV1012U Q3    
Emerging Markets - Societies in transition BASPV1234U Q3    
Family Business Management: Strategy, Performance, Values BHAAV2272U Semester    
Financial derivatives and their applications BHAAV4491U Q3    
Global People Management: Human Resource Management & Leadership BHAAV6021U Q3    
Globalization, Resilience and Sustainability BHAAV2484U Q4    
Green Transition and Business Innovation BHAAV2276U Q3    
Innovation Management BHAAV5006U Q3    
Introduction to Sustainable Business BHAAV5003U Semester    
Language of Negotiations BPSYV1035U Semester    
Management Accounting and Control Systems BHAAV1058U Q3    
Marketing Essentials in a Perspective of Future Sustainability BBLCV2301U Semester    
Retail Marketing BHAAV1988U Q3    
Startup Internship at CSE BBLCV2302U Semester   Please check the prerequisites for registering in the Course Catalogue
Strategic Management BHAAV1366U Q3    
Strategic Thinking in Economics and Organisations BHAAV2485U Q3    
The Digital Finance Function BHAAV2483U Q3    
Tourism and Hospitality Management BHAAV2303U Q3    
Virksomhedshandel, herunder generationsskifte BHAAV1581U Q3    
Økonomistyret Marketing & Strategi BHAAV1082U Q3    


In addition to the single courses listed above, CBS offers a range of courses from our fulltime programmes as single courses/electives. When you join these courses, you will follow classes and lectures alongside our bachelor students who take the course as a mandatory part of their study programme.

These courses have a limited number of places as a lot of CBS students are already signed up for them. 

Course code
Period running Areas covered for graduate admission - TBA Remarks/Status
Business and Global Governance BPOLO1354U Q3    
Comparative Political Economy BPOLO1232U Semester    
Eksternt regnskab BJURO1350U Q3    
Finansiering BJURO1358U Q3    
Forvaltningsret BJURO1505U Q3   Kun for CBS-studerende
International Business and Management BPOLO1901U Semester    
Markedsret BJURO2031U Q4   Kun for CBS-studerende 
Organizational Analysis BJURO2504U Q4   Kun for CBS-studerende 
Political Economy of Development BPOLO1287U Q3    
Rets- og kontraktøkonomi BJURO1072U Q3    
Selskabsret BJURO1422U Q4    
Skatteret BJURO1356U Q3    
Teoretiske positioner BKOMO2007U Semester    
Tings- og Kreditret BJURO2401U Q4    

Autumn 2024

Course Course code Period running Areas covered for graduate admission Remarks/Status
A Gentle Introduction to Computational Economics BHAAV6091U Semester Information Systems/Information Technology* (See Remark) AND Quantitative Methods* (See Remark)  The course covers max. 5 ECTS-points in Information Technology and max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Quantitative Methods.
A Practical Guide to Fixing the World: A crash course in transformative problem solving BFILV2201U Semester    CANCELLED
AI for Sales Management BHAAV6032U Semester Business Administration  
Analysis and Design of Business Information Systems BINTV2007U Semester Information Systems/Information Technology Part of the Minor in Information Systems. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. The minor is for CBS students only
Apple, Amazon, Alibaba: The Ethics of Digital Business BHAAV2274U Q2 Business Administration  
Arbejdsret BJURV7353U Semester Privatret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies  
Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications and Use Cases (Online) BHAAV2304U Q1 Marketing* (See Remark) OR Business Administration


The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Marketing

Behavioral Finance BHAAV2389U Q2 Psychology* (See Remark) OR Finance* (See Remark) OR Business Administration CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT

The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Psychology and max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Finance
Behavioural Economics in Tourism (Online) BSEMV2401U Semester Business Administration NOT ESTABLISHED
Beslutningsteoretiske modeller og metoder BMECV1801U Q1 Quantitative Methods OR Social Science Methodology  
Big Data Analytics for Managers BINTV1051U Semester    CANCELLED
Big Tech in the Age of AI: Technical and Societal Challenges BINTV2401U Q2 Information Systems/Information Technology NOT ESTABLISHED
Brand Management (Online) BHAAV6033U Q1 Marketing OR Business Administration  
Business Strategy BHAAV1040U Semester Strategy OR Business Administration  
Business, gender and labour market inequality BHAAV2270U Q2 Politics* (See Remark) OR Politics/Culture/Society Studies OR Philosophy/Social Theory/Sociology* (See Remark)  The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Politics and max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Philosophy/Social Theory/Sociology
China and the Global Economy BIBAV1013U Semester Politics OR Politics/Culture/Society Studies  
Consumer Behaviour (Online) BHAAV6099U Q2 Marketing OR Business Administration  
Corporate Governance (offered in Danish) BHAAV6044U Semester Business Administration  
Corporate Strategy BHAAV6006U Semester Strategy OR Business Administration CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
Cybersecurity and Privacy BINTV2010U Semester Information Systems/Information Technology Part of the Minor in Information Systems. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. The minor is for CBS students only
Danish – Integrated Skills BINBV1106U Semester Covers nothing in relation to academic requirements  
Data in Economics and Business BINBV2304U Semester Quantitative Methods OR Social Science Methodology  
Doing Business in China & Asia Pacific BIBAV1011U Semester Strategy OR Business Administration  
Doing Business in Europe: A Case-Based Approach BHAAV2482U Q2 Politics OR Politics/Culture/Society Studies  
Economic Growth and Decline of Firms, Industries and Nations BHAAV6009U Semester  Economics  
Eksternt regnskab BMECV1030U Semester Accounting OR Business Administration  
Entrepreneurial Finance BHAAV2262U Q2 Entrepreneurship OR Business Administration  
Entrepreneurial Strategy BHAAV2260U Q1 Entrepreneurship OR Business Administration  
Erhvervsretorik i Ledelse, Strategi og Organisation BHAAV6031U Q1 Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design   
Event and Festival Management BSEMV1137U Semester Business Administration  
Family Business Management: Strategy, Performance, Values BHAAV2272U Semester Enterepreneurship OR Business Administration  NOT ESTABLISHED
Fashion Entrepreneurship and Business Development BBLCV6000U Semester Business Administration CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
Financial Reporting – Intermediate – IFRS BHAAV7000U Q1 Accounting OR Business Administration  
Finansielle virksomheder - reguleringen BHAAV1810U Semester Markedsret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies NOT ESTABLISHED
Forecasting in Business and Economics BHAAV6008U Semester Quantitative Methods OR Social Science Methodology  
Generating Consumer Insights through Analytics BHAAV2481U Semester Business Administration  
Giving up on Globalization? BINBV2302U Semester Politics OR Politics/Culture/Society Studies OR Philosophy/Social Theory/Sociology NOT ESTABLISHED
Global People Management: Human Resource Management & Leadership BHAAV6021U Q1 Organisation OR Management OR Business Administration  
Google, Uber, Amazon: The Management of Platform Businesses BHAAV6034U Q1 Strategy OR Business Administration  
Hot topics in management/Modern managerial issues BHAAV1816U Q1 Management OR Business Administration NOT ESTABLISHED
International Business and Sustainable Development BHAAV6043U Q1 Business Administration  
International Commercial Law BJURV1082U Semester Privatret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies Part of Minor in Law and Entrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses
International Marketing & Eksportmarkedsføring BHAAV1066U Q1 Strategy* (See Remark) OR Marketing* (See Remark) OR Business Administration The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Marketing and max. 5 ECTS-points in Strategy
Internship in CSE-based startup BHAAV2705U Semester Covers nothing in relation to academic requirements NOT ESTABLISHED
Introduction to Leadership: Conventional and Critical Perspectives BBLCV1703U Semester Organisation* (See Remark) OR Management OR Business Administration The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Organisation
Introduction to Sustainable Business BHAAV5003U Semester Business Administration OR Philosophy/Social Theory/Sociology* (See Remark) The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Philosophy/Social Theory/Sociology
IT-ret BJURV1805U Semester Privatret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies  Part of Minor i Erhvervsjura. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses
Klimaret i markedsperspektiv BJURV2201U Semester Culture/Society Studies OR Offentlig ret OR EU-ret* (See Remark) The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in EU-ret
Language of Negotiations BPSYV1035U Semester Covers nothing in relation to academic requirements CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
Legal blockchain and web3 BJURV2150U Semester Privatret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies Part of Minor in Law and Entrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses
Management Accounting and Control Systems BHAAV1058U Semester Accounting OR Business Administration  
Markedsføring på forbrugermarkeder BHAAV2644U Q2 Marketing OR Business Administration  
Marketing Communication (Online). BHAAV2302U Q1 Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design  
Marketing Essentials in a Perspective of Future Sustainability BBLCV2301U Semester Marketing OR Business Administration  
Mundtlig retorik og overbevisende præsentationer BKOMV1702U Semester Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design  NOT ESTABLISHED
Naming & Framing: Mastering the Power of Words BKOMV6004U Semester Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design NOT ESTABLISHED
Personalejura og dens anvendelse i en virksomheds daglige arbejde BPSYV2030U Semester Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies NOT ESTABLISHED
Programming and Data Analysis for Business BINTV2006U Semester Quantitative Methods* (See Remark) AND Information Systems/Information Technology* (See Remark)  The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Quantitative Methods and max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Information Technology.

Part of the Minor in Information Systems. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. The minor is for CBS students only
Quantitative Methods BHAAV1016U Semester Quantitative Methods OR Social Science Methodology  
Retail Marketing BHAAV1988U Semester Marketing OR Business Administration  
Scandinavian Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility BBLCV1162U Semester Business Administration CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
Shipping Business Analytics BISHV1004U Q1 Social Science Methodology  
Skam, stress og ledelse BPSYV1050U Semester Psychology* (See Remark) OR Management* (See Remark)  OR Business Administration CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT

The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Psychology and max. 5 ECTS-points in Management
Social Media Management BHAAV2305U Q1 Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design  
Social Media Management BINTV1050U Q1 Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
Societal Challenges for a Green Transition BBLCV2410U Semester Culture/Society Studies NOT ESTABLISHED
Startup Internship at CSE BBLCV2302U Semester Covers nothing in relation to academic requirements  
Startup Law BJURV1807U Semester Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies Part of Minor in Law and Entrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses
Strategic Management BHAAV1366U Q1 Strategy OR Business Administration  
Strategic Management and Sustainability in Maritime Business BISHV2401U Semester Business Administration  
Strategic Management of Innovation and Technology BHAAV5009U Semester Innovation OR Business Administration  
Strategic use of Intellectual Property in Service industries BSEMV2301U Q1 Privatret OR Culture/Society Studies NOT ESTABLISHED
Strategisk kommunikation i mediesamfundet BKOMV2024U Semester Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design  
Strategy and Digitalization in International Shipping BISHV1002U Q1 Business Administration  
Strategy and Regulation in International Shipping BISHV2301U Q1 Strategy OR Business Administration  
Supply Chain Management – vejen til konkurrencemæssige fordele BHAAV1027U Semester Business Administration  
Sustainability and Business: Energy Markets, Competition, and Regulation BHAAV6040U Semester Economics  
Sådan arbejder medierne - og du med dem BKOMV2301U Semester Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design  
The Economics of the Euro BHAAV3007U Semester Macroeconomics OR Economics  
The Philosophy and Economics of Inequality in the 21st Century BPOLV1093U Q1 Philosophy/Social Theory/Sociology OR Culture/Society Studies  
Udbudsret BJURV2401U Semester Offentlig ret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies Part of Minor i Erhvervsjura. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses
Undergraduate International Finance BHAAV6089U Q2 Finance* (See Remark) OR Business Administration  The course covers max. 2.5 ECTS-points in Finance
US Business, Politics, and the World Economy BPOLV2302U Semester Politics OR Politics/Culture/Society studies  
Visual Communication BMAKV2003U Semester Kommunikation OR Media, communication and design  
Winning in the Digital Age: Applications in Data Analysis with R BDMAV2001U Semester Quantitative Methods OR Social Science Methodology  
Økonometri BMECV1031U Semester Quantitative Methods OR Social Science Methodology  


In addition to the single courses listed above, CBS offers a range of courses from our fulltime programmes as single courses/electives. When you join these courses, you will follow classes and lectures alongside our bachelor students who take the course as a mandatory part of their study programme.

These courses have a limited number of places as a lot of CBS students are already signed up for them.

Title Course code Start Areas covered for graduate admission Remarks/Status
Business Strategy and SDGs BPOLO2014U Semester Strategy* (See Remark) OR Business Administration The course covers max. 5 ECTS-points in Strategy
Corporate Finance BDMAO2002U Semester Finance OR Business Administration CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
EU-ret BJURO1345U Q1 EU-ret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies Part of Minor in Erhvervsjura. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses
Formueret BJURO1711U Q2 Privatret OR Erhvervsjura/Erhvervsret OR Culture/Society Studies Part of Minor in Erhvervsjura. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses
International Economics BPOLO1281U Semester Economics OR Business Administration CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
International Political Economy BPOLO1286U Semester Politics OR Politics/Culture/Society studies CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT
Introduction to Information Systems BINTO1078U Semester Information Technology/Information Systems Part of the Minor in Information Systems. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. The minor and this course are for CBS students only
Political Science BPOLO1293U Semester Politics OR Politics/Culture/Society studies CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT

15 ECTS course. For CBS students only.