Below you will find a list of the most common types of exemption requests. Following each type of request, there is a description of the common CBS Admissions practice in response to that type of request.
The processing time for an application for exemption is approximately one month from when we have received your exemption request. If you apply for an exemption due to incomplete bachelor degree by study start, you can expect to receive an answer to your exemption request one month from the date you received a study place offer at the earliest.
Remember: Each application for exemption is reviewed on a case-to-case basis, taking into account your personal and specific situation. The information in the table below should therefore be viewed as guidelines rather than definitive responses to each type of request.
Admission to full-time degree programmes is regulated by The "Admission Order" on Admission and Enrolment to Bachelor's and Master’s Programmes at Universities ("Adgangsbekendtgørelsen") which can be found at retsinformation.dk (in Danish only).
In addition to this, admission is regulated by the individual Rules and Regulations (Studieordning) for each degree programme.
As an applicant, you are thus subject to a lot of rules, but in some areas, special circumstances could result in an exemption being given.
Type of exemption | Exemption Practice |
Entry requirements: | |
Academic entry requirements | Exemption is typically not granted |
Language requirement | Alternative fulfilment is very rarely granted |
General entry requirement (a Bachelor degree) | Alternative fulfilment may be granted |
Supplementary activities that exceeds 30 ECTS-points | Exemption cannot be granted |
Supplementary activities outside the time constrains cf. the rules regarding supplementary courses (under 'Becoming qualified') | Exemption cannot be granted |
Deadlines: | |
Application deadline | Exemption is typically not granted |
Documentation deadline | Exemption may be granted in exceptional situations |
Incomplete bachelor degree by study start |
Non CBS students In order to be enrolled in master courses, CBS Admissions must find it feasible for you to pass the missing courses needed to finish your bachelor degree while doing master level courses.
If you are enrolled in master courses, you must complete your bachelor degree by 31 January. If you do not pass your bachelor degree within the deadline, your place as a master student will be annulled.
Graduate programme regulations: |
You already have a master’s degree and are applying to take the same master’s degree with a new concentration (typically at MSc EBA/ cand.merc.) |
Exemption cannot be granted |
You already have a master’s degree and are applying to take a new master's degree | Exemption may be granted in exceptional situations. Read more under the headline 'Previous studies at Master's level' |
If you wish to apply for an exemption, you must upload a request and relevant documentation in the Application Portal.
If you are unable to upload your documentation please write to Admissions and ask for your application to be opened.
Permission to enrol in master's level courses while you complete your bachelor's degree (for CBS students only)
You must fill out our form and upload it in the Application Portal to request to enrol in master's level courses with an incomplete CBS bachelor degree. Read more and find the form (under 'If you cannot meet the deadline for fulfilling the conditions´).