Department of Management, Society and Communication


Profile picture First name Last name title phone mail
Sameer Azizi Teaching assistant sa.msc@cb...
Maricela Camargo Christensen Maricela Camargo Christensen Teaching assistant mcc.msc@c...
Nina Rathlev Henriksen Nina Rathlev Henriksen Teaching assistant
Robin Porsfelt Robin Porsfelt Teaching assistant rpo.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Alice Giulia Alessandroni Teaching Assistant agia.msc@...
Ahmad Zaki Faizi Teaching Assistant azf.msc@c...
Ondrej Kralik Teaching Assistant +4538152668 okr.msc@c...
Nicolai Thomsen Nicolai Blegvad Thomsen Teaching Assistant nbth.msc@...
Jens Tofteskov_CBS Jens Tofteskov Teaching Assistant jto.msc@c...
Thomas Tøth_CBS Thomas Tøth External lecturer, Ph.d. tt.msc@cb...
Anders Monrad Rendtorf_CBS Anders Monrad Rendtorff External lecturer amr.msc@c...
Pia Aaestrp_CBS Pia Aarestrup External lecturer pa.msc@cb...
Lars Abel_CBS Lars Abel External lecturer lab.msc@...
Dummy profile picture Ulla Bergen External lecturer
Sven Bislev Sven Bislev External lecturer sb.msc@cb...
Dummy profile picture Ida Borch External lecturer ibo.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Whitney Byrn External lecturer wby.msc@c...
Mathilde Hjerrild Carlsen Mathilde Hjerrild Carlsen External lecturer mhc.msc@c...
Sarah Castaldi Sarah Castaldi External lecturer sca.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Birgitte Dyrhauge External lecturer bdy.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Steven Gardner External lecturer sg.msc@cb...
Brian Graham Brian Graham External lecturer bg.msc@cb...
Jens Gregersen_CBS Jens Gregersen External lecturer jg.msc@cb...
Thor Hauberg Thor Mai Hauberg External lecturer tmh.msc@c...
Michael Hedegaard Michael Hedegaard External lecturer mhe.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Annette Hoffskov External lecturer aho.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Kristian Høyer Toft External lecturer kht.msc@c...
Lasse Bastkjaer Jensen Lasse Bastkjær Jensen External lecturer lbj.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Micha Kaiser External lecturer mka.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Kristoffer Kej External lecturer kke.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Hans Michael Knudsen External lecturer hmk.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Oleg Koefoed External lecturer ok.msc@cb...
Henrik Køhler Simonsen External lecturer hks.msc@c...
Jørgen Leif Stilling External lecturer jls.msc@c...
Erin Leitheiser Erin Leitheiser External lecturer el.msc@cb...
Dummy profile picture Xin Li External lecturer xl.msc@cb...
Carlos Salas Lind External lecturer 60441091 csl.msc@c...
Thomas Lohse Thomas Feldborg Lohse External lecturer tfl.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Raquel Lopez Fernandez External lecturer rlf.msc@c...
Frances Iris Lu Frances Iris Lu External lecturer fil.msc@c...
Henriette Henriette Lungholt External lecturer hlu.msc@c...
Colin Melvin_CBS Colin Melvin External lecturer come.msc@...
Dummy profile picture James Menzies External lecturer jme.msc@c...
Margrethe Mondahl Margrethe Mondahl External lecturer mmo.msc@c...
Jesper Steen Mortensen Jesper Steen Mortensen External lecturer jsmo.msc@...
Jesper Sloth Møller Jesper Sloth Møller External lecturer jsm.msc@c...
Kristian L Nielsen_CBS Kristian Lau Nielsen External lecturer kln.msc@c...
John Shaun Nolan External lecturer jsn.msc@c...
Liv Otto Hassert Liv Otto Hassert External lecturer loh.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Laurence Cadier Pedersen External lecturer lcp.msc@c...
Paul Richmond External lecturer pr.msc@cb...
Cristina Riera External lecturer cr.msc@cb...
Michael Schiedel_CBS Michael Schiedel External lecturer misc.msc@...
Christian Schonstrom Lund Christian Schönström-Lund External lecturer csc.msc@c...
Spencer Shaw_CBS Spencer Shaw External lecturer spsh.msc@...
Dummy profile picture Jakob Simonsen External lecturer jsi.msc@c...
Nicolai Krøigaard Sorner Nicolai Kvist Krøigaard Sorner External lecturer nks.msc@c...
Emma Svensson_CBS Emma Svensson External lecturer es.msc@cb...
Louise Thomsen Louise Kofod Thomsen External lecturer lth.msc@c...
Anne Tuxen Anne Høi Tuxen External lecturer aht.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Lene Wagner External lecturer lwa.msc@c...
Kathrine Weicker External lecturer +4531731808 kw.msc@cb...
Dummy profile picture Christopher Zimmerman External lecturer cz.msc@cb...
Philipp Ostrowicz Philipp Alexander Ostrowicz External Lecturer, Ph.D. +4538152224
Vibeke Ankergsborg Vibeke Ankersborg External Lecturer va.msc@cb...
Manisha Bachheti External Lecturer mba.msc@c...
Karen Becker Karen Becker External Lecturer kbe.msc@c...
Robert Bettan External Lecturer rb.msc@cb...
Karsten Bobek External Lecturer kb.msc@cb...
Elizabeth Boye_CBS Elizabeth Boye External Lecturer eb.msc@cb...
Helle Bro_CBS Helle Bro External Lecturer hb.msc@cb...
Lars Brøchner Lars Brøchner External Lecturer lb.msc@cb...
Carsten Buhl External Lecturer cb.msc@cb...
Anne Mette Erlandsson Christiansen External Lecturer amc.msc@c...
Andrew Crabtree External Lecturer ac.msc@cb...
Nina Dadalauri External Lecturer nd.msc@cb...
Lars Dyrhagen External Lecturer ld.msc@cb...
Dummy profile picture Kristian Ulrik Eiberg External Lecturer kue.msc@c...
Søren Schultz_CBS Søren Schultz Hansen External Lecturer ssha.msc@...
Jacob Holm External Lecturer jh.msc@cb...
Kresten Jørgensen CBS Kresten Schultz Jørgensen External Lecturer kjo.msc@c...
Jan Kautz Jan Kautz External Lecturer jk.msc@cb...
Teddy Østerlin Koch Teddy Østerlin Koch External Lecturer to.msc@cb...
Kim Kryger_CBS Kim Kryger External Lecturer kk.msc@cb...
Dummy profile picture Jakob Lindahl External Lecturer jl.msc@cb...
Rajiv Maher External Lecturer rm.msc@cb...
Nicklas Peyk Millgaard Nicklas Peyk Millgaard External Lecturer npm.msc@c...
Dummy profile picture Julie Herdal Molbech External Lecturer jhm.msc@c...
Margrethe Lyngs Mortensen External Lecturer mlm.msc@c...
Peter Neergaard External Lecturer pn.msc@cb...
Finn Overgaard_CBS Finn Overgaard External Lecturer fo.msc@cb...
Jakob Ravn_CBS Jakob Ravn External Lecturer jra.msc@c...
Uzma Rehman External Lecturer ur.msc@cb...
Ann-Louise Rosen External Lecturer aro.msc@c...
Thomas Rousing Thomas Rousing External Lecturer
Jes Rørbech Jes Rørbech External Lecturer jr.msc@cb...
Toyoko Sato External Lecturer tsa.msc@c...
Carin Skovmøller_CBS Carina Christine Skovmøller External Lecturer cask.msc@...
Michael Trinskjær External Lecturer mt.msc@cb...
Dummy profile picture Rasmus Windfeld External Lecturer rw.msc@cb...