
Department of Management, Society and Communication

External lecturer

Sarah Castaldi
Presentation and academic fields

My general research interests include the field of international business and strategy, using qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods. More specifically, I am interested in institutional, socio-political embeddedness of organizations, cross-border transfer and governance of sustainability practices within and across firms, and multinational enterprises (MNE) strategy and performance. For my PhD dissertation and post-doctoral studies (partly funded by the Carlsberg Foundation), I explored how specific governance arrangements contribute to successful transfer of sustainability practices in global value chains (GVC), given suppliers’ contextual embeddedness in their home countries. This emerges from my ambition to understand how MNE and other GVC actors can contribute to sustainable supplier development in organizationally fragmented and globally dispersed value chains.

I have been involved in a wide array of teaching activities – from large bachelor level courses to MSc level education. The modules that I have taught cover a wide array of topics from general Global Strategy and International Business courses, to more specialized modules in Sustainable Business and Global Value Chains, as well as Cross-Cultural Management and Comparative Institutional Analysis.

Professional and/or academic experience

Primary research interests:
- Sustainable Global Value Chains
- Grand Challenges
- Cross-Sector Partnerships for Sustainable Development
- Culture and Institutions (in Emerging Markets)
- Global (Non-market) Strategy of (E)MNEs

Castaldi, S., Wilhelm, M.M., Beugelsdijk, S., & Van der Vaart, T. 2023. Extending Social Sustainability to Suppliers: the Role of GVC Governance Strategies and Supplier Country Institutions. Journal of Business Ethics, 183: 123–146.  

Castaldi, S., Gubbi, S., Kunst, V.E., & Beugelsdijk, S., 2019. Business Group Affiliation and Foreign Subsidiary Performance. Global Strategy Journal, 9(4): 595-617

Castaldi, S., 2018. Essays on global business networks, governance, and institutions. Groningen: University of Groningen, SOM research school.