Department of Management, Society and Communication
I have been working with communication for the last 25 years. I have a master degree in communication, social science and danish and have a lot of training in digital communication and journalism.
I teach, mentor and research mostly in digital, external and strategic communication, including communication and campaign planning, branding, digital communications, social media, content marketing, audience research (qualitative and quantitative methods) and Corporate Communication.
I am particularly interested in how digital media is helping to change the way we communicate and articulate political, sociological and cultural issues. Both in the private sphere, but also in terms of how companies communicate and think about strategy and marketing.
New media. New contexts for organization, society and individual (HA.kom)
Internal, external and strategic communication; værksteder (HA.kom)Communication Planning (MSC)
Online Communication (MSC)
Multimodal Kommunikation (IMK/MSC)
Corporate Communication (MSC)
Communication and projects (electives 5th semester HA Pro. - Operations and Project Management)
Personlig branding (IVK)
Other Teaching Activities
Teaching associate professor at IKH at Roskilde University
External lecturer and supervisor at Aalborg University, Sydhavn
Teacher/consultant at Komponent
Owner of Lungholt Communication (communication consulting)
Author of among others:
1) Hvem spiser boller i karry? En introduktion til samfundsvidenskabelige metode i teori og praksis. Kommuneforlaget (2010)
2) Fra Facebook til skranke. En introduktion til moderne offentlig kommunikation. Kommuneforlaget (2012).
At the moment writing on two books about communication.
Master Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
1st and 2nd year projects at HA(kom)
Internship Report
I supervise in the fields of: Digital, external and strategic communication, communication and campaign planning, branding, digital communication, internal communication, social media, content marketing, audience research (qualitative and quantitative methods) and Corporate Communication.