Department of Marketing


Year Highlights 2017

Faculty recruitment and promotion

Dr. Richard Gyrd-Jones promoted to professor (mso)
Dr. Alexander Josiassen promoted to professor (mso)
Dr. Anne Martensen promoted to professor (mso)
Dr. Thyra Uth Thomsen promoted to professor (mso)
Dr. Sylvia von Wallpach promoted to professor (mso)
Dr. Ricky Wilke promoted to professor (mso)
Dr. Sebastian Zenker promoted to associate professor

Selected research output

  • Assaf, A.G., Josiassen, A., Woo, L., Agbola, F.W., and Tsionas, M. (2017), “Destination characteristics that drive hotel performance: a state-of-the-art global analysis”, Tourism Management, Vol. 60, pp. 270-279
  • Assaf, A.G., Josiassen A., Ahn, A., and A. Matilla (2017), “Advertising spending, firm performance, and the moderating impact of CSR”, Tourism Economics, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 1484-1495
  • Christensen, B.T., Ball, L.J. and Halskov, K. (eds.) (2017), Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis
  • Fayyaz, A., Lund-Thomsen, P., and Lindgreen, A. (2017), “Industrial clusters and the institutionalization of CSR in developing countries: the role of international donor funding”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 146, No. 619, pp. 637
  • Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Singh, J.J., and Sierra, V. (2017), “Do customer perceptions of corporate services brand ethicality improve brand equity? Considering the roles of brand heritage, brand image, and recognition benefits”, Journal of Business Ethics,
  • Kornum, N., Gyrd-Jones, R., Al Zagir, N., and Brandis, K.A. (2017), “Interplay between intended brand identity and identities in a Nike related brand community: co-existing synergies and tensions in a nested system”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 70, pp. 432-440
  • Maon, F., Swaen, V., and Lindgreen, A. (2017), “One vision, different paths: an investigation of corporate social responsibility initiatives in Europe”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 143, No. 2, pp. 405-422
  • Rydén, P., Ringberg, T., and Jacobsen, P.Ø. (2017), Disrupt Your Mindset to Transform Your Business with Big Data. Copenhagen: DJØF
  • Sierra, V., Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., and Singh, J.J. (2017), “Does ethical image build equity in corporate services brands? The influence of customer perceived ethicality on affect, perceived quality, and equity”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 144, pp. 661-676
  • Törmälä, M. and Gyrd-Jones, R. (2017), “Development of new B2B venture corporate brand identity: a narrative performance approach”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 65, pp. 76-85
  • von Wallpach, S., Hemetsberger, A., and Espersen, P. (2017), “Performing identities: processes of brand and stakeholder identity co-construction”, Journal of Business Research, 70C, pp. 443-452
  • Zenker, S., Braun, E., and Petersen, S. (2017), “Branding the destination versus the place: the effects of brand complexity and identification for residents and visitors”, Tourism Management, Vol. 58, pp. 15-27

Selected educational activities

B.T. Christensen

  • Study board member of HA (psyk)  /CM (Psyk)

J. Geersbro

  • Coordinator for HD-MM
  • Study member of HD

T. Hansen

  • Program director for the M.Sc. Economics and Marketing (EMF)
  • Cluster coordinator (three M.Sc. Marketing concentrations)

A. Lindgreen

  • External examiner for the BSc (honors) in Marketing at the University of Mauritius

T. Ringberg

  • Member of the EACR Review Committee (2017-2018)

T.U. Thomsen

  • Academic director of the Assistant Professor Program
  • R. Wilke
  • Coordinator for the HA Almen Marketing part
  • Study member of the HA board
  • Accreditation VIP at HA Almen

S. Zenker

  • Line coordinator / academic director for the MSc Soc Service Management program

External Funding

T. Ringberg

  • “The role of awareness and sense agency in gambling”, Project 300435 Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen
  • “Toward citizen-centered activity”, project 300827, EIT- Europen Institute Technology
  • “Big data analytics for social business”, project 300645, Industriens Fond
  • “Eye tracking research platform”, project 300547, Innovationsfonden

Academic Citizenship & Administration and Management

H.J. Duus

  • Member of the board of CBS Wire
  • Member of the Research Data Management Committee at CBS

T. Hansen

  • Editor-in-Chief of Nyhedsbrevet om Forbrugeradfærd

T.U. Thomsen

  • Track chair (Track 2 - Blended Learning, Online Learning and MOOCs) at the CBS conference on Educating Innovative Thinkers
  • Member of the steering committee for acquisition of a new Learning Management System
  • Member of the search committee for two new deans

T. Ringberg

  • Member of CBS Academic Council

Selected Examples of Dissemination and Esteem & Engagement and Internationalization

J. Geersbro

  • Member of the editorial board of Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
  • Special Issue Editor of Industrial Marketing Management
  • Co-organizer of Industrial Marketing Management Summit

L. Grønholdt

  • On the editorial advisory board of International Journal of Quality and Social Sciences
  • On the editorial advisory board of Total Quality Management and Business Excellence
  • Member of the International Foundation for Customer Focus (IFCF) Research Network
  • Academic partner in the Pan-European Extended Performance Satisfaction Index (EPSI) Research Network

T. Hansen

  • Chairman of the ESCP-EAP Northern Europe Scientific Committee for International Congress Marketing Trends
  • Best presentation award at the 19th International Conference on Marketing and Retailing, Vienna
  • VIP-member, Danish Shareholders Association, appointed by the president

A. Josiassen

  • Editorial board member of Journal of Travel Research
  • Editorial board member of International Marketing Review

T. Kristensen

  • Opponent of a doctoral dissertation at Aalto University
  • Member of the doctorial committee at International University of Management (ISM) in Lithuania

A. Lindgreen

  • Co-editor-in-Chief of Industrial Marketing Management.
  • Research associate with the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science
  • Visiting professor with Northumbria University’s Newcastle Business School
  • Member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide’s Scientific Committee in the field of marketing
  • Member of Dansk Marketingforsknings Pris
  • Member of the Bradford Centre for Business in Society at University of Bradford’s School of Management
  • Member of the International Scientific Advisory Panel of the New Zealand Food Safety Science & Research Centre
  • Readership assessment committee at Durham University’s Business School
  • Professorship assessment committee at Vrije University’s School of Business and Economics
  • Professorship assessment committee at American University of Beirut’s Olayan School of business
  • Professorship (mso) assessment committee at Southern University of Denmark’s Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management

S. Markovic

  • Co-organizer og the 2nd Brand Meaning Network Workshop, Copenhagen Business School
  • 3rd Prize at the 2017 International Doctoral Thesis Competition, European Doctoral Association in Management and Business Administration

S. von Wallpach

  • von Wallpach, S., Voyer, B., Kastanakis, M., and Mühlbacher, H. (2017), “Co-creating stakeholder and brand identities: introduction to the special section”, Journal of Business Research, 70C, pp. 395-398
  • The Danish “Correspondent étranger” of the „Association Française du Marketing“
  • Organizer and chair of the EMAC Climber Community 2016, a half day event for Post-Doctoral researchers during the European Marketing Academy Conference and two internet groups on Facebook und LinkedIn
  • Co-organizer of the Brand Meaning Co‐Creation and Co‐Construction in Dynamic Stakeholder Networks: A Co‐Creative Research Workshop, Copenhagen Business School
  • Co-organizer of the 2nd International Brand Meaning Workshop, Copenhagen Business School

R. Wilke

  • Member of the editorial board of Innovative Marketing.
  • Member of the editorial board of International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
  • External managerial board member, Vice-president, Danish Shareholders
  • Member of the steering committee, Service Platform, DEA
  • Member of the managerial board, Huset Markedsføring A/S (Danish Association of Media, Marketing and Communication)
  • Member of the expert panel MMM price, Retail price, Detailforum
  • Member of the advisory board, Resma
  • Member of the expert committee choosing “Årets CMO”, Berlingske Tidende

S. Zenker

  • Honored membership as “Senior Fellow of the Institute of Place Management” for “an outstanding contribution for place management”
  • Member of the Scientific Council for the International Place Branding Conference
  • Founding Member of the Place Branding and Marketing Association
  • Member of the Tourism Researcher in Denmark association
  • Member of the Best Place – European Institute for Place Branding and Marketing;
  • Member of the scientific committee for the “regional attractiveness & place marketing chair”, Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance of Aix-Marseille University, France

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

B.T. Christensen

  • Obtained funding (DKK 100,000) from ‘Fonden for Entreprenørskab’ for upgrading his teaching in CM(Psyk) at CBS to involve Entrepreneurship as a topic, to blend his teaching, and to develop a new type of teaching called ‘pop-up learning events’
  • Participated in the CBS Innovation Roundtable

H.J. Duus

  • Advisory board member of Risika (Nordic FinTech start-up producing software for credit assessment)

R. Gyrd-Jones

  • Start-ups from Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE provide live cases for SMC students in a Mini-Brandathon as part of the SMC program
  • Joint organizer for 2017 Brandathon at Oulu Business School, Oulu University, bringing local firms and students together in a two-day hackathon-style event

Selected Departmental Activities

  • Secretariat visit to Cardiff University’s Business School
  • DVIP workshop at Krogerup Avlsgård with presentations by 1) S. Ejlersen (Årstiderne) K. Rahbek (Sticks’N’Shushi) on developing a business around sustainable innovation, 2) on 2) faculty members R. Gyrd-Jones and T.U. Thomsen
  • DVIP workshop at CBS on the professional, pedagogical development of DVIPs in line with the strategies of the Department of Marketing and CBS, as well as fostering improved integration of DVIPs into the department: 1) what are the key challenges to marketing today, and how is this reflected in our delivery of marketing education at CBS? and 2) how is technology changing the delivery of education?

International Faculty Visits

  • Professor M. Beverland, RMIT University
  • Professor S. Brown, University of Ulster
  • Professor A. de Jong, Aston Business School
  • Professor A. Eggert, Paderborn University
  • Associate professor O. Iglesias, ESADE Business School
  • Associate professor N. Ind, Kristiania University College’s Oslo School of Management
  • Assistant professor J. Joo, University of Surrey
  • Associate professor T.-M. Karjalainen, Aalto University
  • Associate professor I. Karpen, RMIT University
  • Reader Z. Khan, Kent Business School
  • Associate professor M.H.P. Kleijnen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Professor A. Kohli, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Lecturer S. Malone, Lancaster Business School
  • Professor L. Peñaloza, Kedge Business School
  • Dr. L. Percy
  • Professor S. Puntoni, Erasmus University
  • Professor J. Reast, Northumbria University
  • Professor M.J. Robson, Leeds University Business School
  • Ms R. Slivkaitė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • Associate professor C. Vallaster, Fachhochschule Salzburg
  • Professor G. Van Bruggen, Erasmus University
The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 10/10/2018