Department of Marketing

CBS Marketing Seminar: designing in the US

Rie Nørregaard er en dansk designer der arbejder med medico-teknisk design fra New York. Principperne bygger på at livet er smukt og imperfekt. Derfor er værktøjer til daglig brug helt centralt. Omhu blev etableret i 2009 og findes på

Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 14:00 to 16:00

Omhu reflekterer design af første klasses mediko-teknik og udstyr.

Omhu is a design concern that makes premium medical equipment and accessories. Danish for “with great care,” Omhu was founded on the belief that life is imperfect and beautiful. Creative Director and President, Rie Nørregaard began work on OMHU in 2009 with its now signature cane. Yet, Omhu began by virtue of necessity. When Rie’s family faced the need to outfit the rapidly changing lives of four aging parents, she eagerly took on the task of finding the best-designed aids for daily living. She found she had ventured into a sea of grey; found nothing bearing even the minimum evidence of acceptable design acumen. As the mother of two small children, Rie had seen the proliferation of diversifying baby products and accessories: products that explored different brand identities, price points, and design principles. The abundance in baby gear juxtaposed against the dearth of well-designed mobility aids for anyone past infancy felt especially stark. It was obvious to the trained designer what needed to be done. Having worked for years at companies like Smart Design and Frog Design—working at the former in a small pioneering team that designed and launched OXO kitchen tools — Rie understood superior performance and vibrant design were not mutually exclusive. She then teamed with Susy Korb and Susan Towers—two experienced luxury marketing strategists — to take on the curious task of outfitting the differently abled. Omhu has become a movement on top of being a business, with an attitude toward design as well as the circumstances of life. Because with great care, life may be imperfect and also beautiful.

at CBS, room SPs08 (Nykredit Auditorium)


Registration: Anna-Bertha Heeris Christensen (

Deadline for Registration 20 March 2013.




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