CBS LAW Knowledge

The Professors at CBS LAW are publishing both papers and books. This section of the website is dedicated to introduce books which have been published by our Professors over the years.

Books published in 2021


Retskilder og Retsteorier, published by DJØF, (6. edition) 2021, by Christina D. Tvarnø & Ruth Nielsen. 

The book: The book consists of 17 chapters divided into two parts. In the first part, those sources of law that are being used in jurisprudence and in general legal practice as well as in legal-dogmatic interpretation are being presented. In the second part, the most essential theories of law and theoretical perspectives on the law are being presented. Like the 5. edition, the book continues to draw on Tvarnø and Nielsen's legal theory, which is called European realistic legal positivism. 

The book is used at universities at both bachelor's and master's level as well as for PhD courses. The book is generally targeted at anyone who is interested in sources of law and doctrinal legal research as well as the theoretical foundation they are built upon.

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Informationssikkerhedsret, published by Ex Tuto, (1. edition) 2021, by Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen (ed.), Max Gersvang Sørensen, Mathias Mølsted Andersen, Bent Ole Gram Mortensen & Daniel Hartfield Traun

The book: is the first Danish published production that provides a complete and organized treatment of the most essential rules in the field (cybersecurity). The book also provides an introduction to how the rules can be adhered to by the individual company or authority in practical terms.

The book is not only targeted at lawyers but also at those engaged in information security. Moreover, the book is also suited for education purposes. 

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Books published in 2020


International skatteret - i et dansk perspektiv, published by Hans Reitzel forlag, (2. edition) 2020, by Michael Tell, Peter Koerver Schmidt og Katja Dyppel Weber.

The book: provides a detailed introduction to international tax law and is mainly written for students. The book reviews laws and regulations in international tax law, including relevant rules within the Danish law, double taxation agreements and EU tax law. In addition, the book also deals with current topics, such as international tax planning and defense legislation, and touches upon how decision-makers and companies relate to this.

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Dansk Erhvervsret 2020, published by DJØF. By Peter Arnt Nielsen (CBS LAW) and Lars Lindencrone Petersen.

The book: With the present 15th edition of Danish commercial law, the presentation has been updated so that it reflects applicable law per. 1 July 2020. Like the previous editions, the book is aimed at the fundamental teaching of Danish and international business law.

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Ligestillingslovene bind 1 med kommentarer, published by DJØF. By Agnete Lied Andersen, Ruth Nielsen (CBS LAW) Kirsten Precht and Christina D. Tvarnø (CBS LAW).

The book: In the 8th edition, the commentary on the Gender Equality Acts is divided into 2 volumes, just as in the previous two editions. This first volume reviews the Discrimination Act, the Ethnic Equality Act, the Gender Equality Act, the Gender Equality in Management in the Private Sector Act, the Act on Special Equality Bodies (the Equal Treatment Board and the Department of Human Rights) and the basic concepts.

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Danish arbejdsret (Danish), published by DJØF. By Ruth Nielsen.

The Book: This is the 4th revised edition of Danish labor law. The book provides a systematic presentation of Danish labor law in the light of EU law and international law, especially ECHR legal development.

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EU Internet Law, published by Elgar European Law series. By Andrej Savin (CBS LAW)

The Book: This extensively revised and updated third edition of EU Internet Law offers a state of the art overview of the key areas of EU Internet regulation, as well as a critical evaluation of EU policy-making and governance in the field.

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EU-law (Danish), published by Karnov Group. By Ulla Neergaard and Ruth Nielsen (CBS LAW)

The Book: EU-law provides a depiction of the principles, dynamics and the main structures in current EU-law.

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Books published in 2019


Dansk Erhvervsret 2019, published by DJØF. By Peter Arnt Nielsen (CBS LAW) and Lars Lindencrone Petersen.

The book: Danish commercial law is a not very precisely delimited legal area but is immediately characterized by the legal rules that are of particular importance for the exercise of business activity. The book provides good insight into the laws that affect the area and is especially aimed at students in Danish and international business law. In addition, a collection of laws is also published.

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Egne aktier, published by Karnov Group. By Troels Michael Lilja (CBS LAW), Claus Parum, David Moalem, Thomas Frøbert and Birka Wendy Mouritzen.

The book: The purpose with is book is to provide an overall presentation of the rules and issues associated with limited liability companies' acquisition, possession and disposal of own shares. In addition, the purpose is to give the reader an introduction to own shares from an economic and a historical perspective.

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EU-arbejdsret, published by Jurist og Økonomforbundets forlag. By Ruth Nielsen (CBS LAW).

The book: The first edition of this book was published in 1989 under the title EF-arbejdsret. It has now been published in a revised and updated fifth edition. 

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Offentlige-Private Partnerskaber, published by Karnov Group. By Christina D. Tvarnø (CBS LAW), Carsten Greve & Sarah Maria Denta (CBS LAW).

The book: A research perspective on public-private partnerships in Danish as well as international context.

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Dansk Selskabsret 2, published by Karnov Group. By Søren Friis Hansen (CBS LAW) & Jens Valdemar Krenchel.

Bogen: Volume 2 concerns, among other things, investment trusts and their establishment, creditor protection and the company's organisation.

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Lærebog om indkomstskat (Danish), published by DJØF. By: Aage Michelsen, Jane Bolander (CBS LAW), Liselotte Madsen, Anders Nørgaard Laursen and Inge Langhave.

The book: The book, which is now available in 18th edition, aims to provide a systematic presentation of Danish income tax law.

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GDPR Compliance – Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation, published by Ex Tuto 2019. By Jan Trzaskowski (CBS LAW) & Max Gersvang Sørensen

The book: The processing of personal data plays an increasingly important role in our modern information society. This book guides the reader through the legal framework, including case law, concerning the processing of personal data in the European Union and provides relevant tools to ensure compliance in businesses.

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Erhvervsbeskatning - med fokus på personselskaber og virksomhedsordningen (Danish), Published by DJØF. By: Christian Skovgaard Hansen (red.), Troels Michael Lilja (red. CBS LAW), Niels Jørgen Kristensen, Peter Koerver Schmidt (CBS LAW), Malene Overgaard, Thomas Frøbert, Henrik Nielsen, Michael Tell og Lars Kjærgård Terkilsen.

The book:  The book concerns taxation of respectively enterprises with personal liability, which in general are tax transparent, and sole proprietorships, in which the taxation is upon the person who is in charge of the company.

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Books published in 2018


Introduction to EU Internet Law, 2nd edition, published by Ex Tuto. By Jan Trzaskowski (CBS LAW), Andrej Savin (CBS LAW), Patrik Lindskoug and Björn Lundqvist.

The book: Introduction to EU Internet Law provides a thorough introduction to the parts of European Union law that are particularly relevant to the Internet, including electronic commerce. In the 10 chapters legal topics are introduced, analysed, discussed and applied to the activities on or relating to the Internet.

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EU telecommunications law

EU Telecommunications law, published by Edward Elgar Publishing. By Andrej Savin (CBS LAW).

The book: EU Telecommunications law provides comprehensive overview of the current European regulatory framework. Key chapters focus on the selection of appropriate regulatory models that serve to encourage effective investment in next-generation networks and ensure their successful deployment.

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Dansk erhvervsret

Danish commercial law – a textbook. 13. Edition, published by Djøf Forlag, written by: Peter Arnt Nielsen (CBS LAW), Bent Iversen and Lars Lindencrone Petersen.

The book is aimed at the basic education in Danish and international commercial law. In addition, new laws and regulations which have entered into force no later than 1 July 2018 have been taken into account as far as possible.

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Books published in 2017


Markedsføringsretten, 3rd edition, published by Ex Tuto. By Peter Møgelvang-Hansen (CBS LAW), Thomas Riis and Jan Trzaskowski (CBS LAW)

The book: Markedsføringsretten is a comprehensive presentation of the rules that set the boundaries of corporate marketing, including the use of trademarks and other business characteristics. The book incorporates the rules of Union law, including the case law of the European Court of Justice and matters relating to marketing in the EU internal market.

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Internet retten

Internet retten (Internet Law), 3rd edition. Published by extuto.

Internet Law is an overall presentation of the most important legal areas which are relevant to activities on the internet, including electronic commerce. The book might be used as a book of reference due to its register, cross-reference and footnotes. Additionally, the book addresses both lawyers and practitioners who are interested in a general and fundamental introduction to the internet law.

The book is a result of collaboration between the legal environments at Copenhagen Business School, the University of Copnehagen, the University of Aarhus and the University of Aalborg. Professor Jan Trzaskowski from CBS LAW has among others been part of writing the book.

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Erhvervsretlige emner

Business law issues 1917-2017. Published by: Jurist og Økonomiforbundets forlag. Written by: Vishv Priya Kohli and Peter Arnt Nielsen.

The book presents the legal Institute (known as CBS LAW) and provides examples of articles in the areas that CBS LAW and its researchers operate in.
CBS was able to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2017 and for that reason, the Legal Institute's anthology is dedicated to business law development over the past 100 years in the areas that the researchers at the institute deal with.

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Lærebog om indkomstskat

Lærebog om indkomstskat (textbook on income tax) 17th edition. Published by Jurist- og Økonomiforbundets Forlag. By: Jane Bolander (CBS LAW), Aage Michelsen, Steen Askholt, Liselotte Madsen, Anders Nørgaard Laursen and Inge Langhave Jeppesen.

The book introduces everything from income concepts to different types of taxation, including: family taxation and company taxation.

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EU internet law

EU Internet Law, 2nd edition. Published by Edward Elgar Publishing. By: Andrej Savin (CBS LAW).

The book covers the latest developments in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It further discusses pending proposals in telecommunications, copyright and privacy laws as well as the new regulatory directions signaled by the Commission's 2015 strategy document.

The book will be of interest to academics, students, and practitioners across the EU and beyond.

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Chain liability. Published by: extuto, written by: Marie-Louise Holle and Ruth Nielsen (CBS LAW).

The book provides the necessary knowledge of chain liability that applies when a subcontractor underpays its employees. It is relevant to all main contractors, subcontractors and builders. The question posed is who is liable for default of payment, in a situation where a subcontractor pays his employees incorrectly.

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Books published in 2016

Erhvervsbeskatning 1. udgave, published by DJØF. By Christian Skovgaard Hansen, Troels Michael Lilja (CBS LAW), Niels Jørgen Kristensen, Henrik Nielsen, Malene Overgaard, Peter Koerver Schmidt (CBS LAW), Michael Tell (CBS LAW), and Lars Kjærgård Terkilsen.

The book: The purpose of the book is to provide a systematic presentation of a number of the most important aspects of Danish business taxation.

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Domsanalyse 2. udgave, published by Samfundslitteratur. By Troels Michael Lilja (CBS LAW) and Karsten Naundrup Olesen.

The book: The ability to analyze judgments and understand their content is central to lawyers because jurisprudence judgments can be used to determine the legal status of an area. Analyzing judgments is a craft that must be refined through practice, but Judgment Analysis provides a first introduction to how to approach a judgment analysis.

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EU ret

EU ret (EU Law) 7th edition, published by Karnov Group. By: Ruth Nielsen (CBS LAW) and Ulla Neergaard.

The book consists of two parts. The first part deals with institutions, regulations and rights. Second part deals with the single market.

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Rets og kontraktøkonomi

Law and Economics. Published by: Jurist- og Økonomiforbundets forlag.

Law and contract economics has become an interdisciplinary research field. Focus is usually on an economic approach, however, there is an increasing tendency to apply legal methodology. Therefore, the book shows how economic theory can help to qualify and improve legal research and vice versa, through which better legal and economic solutions can be achieved at both the inter partes and social level.

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Dansk arbejdsret

Danish Labor Law. 3rd edition. Published by Jurist- og Økonomiforbundets forlag, skrevet af: Ruth Nielsen (CBS LAW).

The book provides a systematic representation of Danish labor law in the light of the legal development in EU law, international law and ECHR (the European Convention on human rights). The last edition of the book (2nd edition) was released in 2012, thus this new revised edition provides an updated representation of current Danish labor law based on the integrated application of Danish, EU and international law sources.

The book is intended for both practitioners, researchers and students who need a basic insight into the labor law system.

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Books published in 2015


Iværksætterselskaber, published by Karnov Group. By Troels Michael Lilja (CBS LAW).

The book: The purpose of the book is to give practitioners as well as theorists a solid introduction to the special rules and issues associated with entrepreneurial companies, and to a lesser extent to give the reader an introduction to the rules where the legal position is the same for entrepreneurial companies and other capital companies.

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Erhvervsretlige emner

Erhvervsretlige emner, published by Jurist og Økonomiforbundets forlag. By: Peter Arnt Nielsen, Peter Koerver Schmidt and Katja Dyppel Weber.

The book presents the department of law (recently named CBS LAW) and gives examples of articles and working papers within those areas the department and its researchers are occupied with. Additionally, the research of the department focuses on commercial law from a social and business perspective.

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International handelsret

International Commercial Law, 3 edition. Published by: Karnov group, written by: Peter Arnt Nielsen.

The book is written as a textbook for teaching in international commercial law, including arbitration and international private and procedural law at business colleges and universities. The book deals with the following topics: ordinary part, international contract law, international jurisdiction of the court, recognition and enforcement of sentences and arbitration.

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Intro to EU internel law

Introduction to EU internet law. Published by: extuto, skrevet af: Jan Trzaskowski, Andrej Savin, Björn Lundqvist and Patrik Lindskoug (CBS LAW).

The book provides a thorough introduction to the parts of European Union law that are particular relevant to the Internet, including electronic commerce.

The book is suitable as a general introduction and guides the reader through various areas of law in a way that makes the content accessible for readers who do not have a legal background. Further, the book may serve as a tool for lawyers and legal academics who wish to familiarize themselves with internet law or update their knowledge. 

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The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 06/15/2022