Department of Business Humanities and Law

PhD defence: Henriette Schleimann

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Henriette Schleimann has submitted her thesis entitled: Creating innovation through collaboration - Partnering in the maritime sector

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - 13:00 to 15:00

The PhD dissertation analyzes how long-term collaboration between shipowners and suppliers can create further basis for innovation and optimization. Thus, the dissertation analyzes relational contracting, including partnering, as an alternative measure for the parties. The purpose hereof, to use such contracts, is to align long-term interests of the parties and encourage truthful long-term collaboration  and thereby improve innovation and mutual optimization for the parties. Hence, the dissertation analyzes relational contracting in order to shape the ideal contract for such a successful collaboration. 

Primary Supervisor:
Professor, PhD Christina D. Tvarnø
Copenhagen Business School

Secondary Supervisor:
Head of Institute Carsten Ørts Hansen
Department of Operations Management
Copenhagen Business School

Assessment Committee:
Associate Professor Henrik Andersen (Chair)
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Petra Sund-Norrgård
Hanken School of Economics
University of Helsinki

Associate Professor Gunnar Nordén
School of Business Department of Business, Marketing and Law
University of South-Eastern Norway

The thesis is avaliable here

The Doctoral School of Business and Management will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in the area outside the defence room.

Location: Copenhagen Business School, Porcelænshaven 22 (PHRs20), 2000 Frederiksberg 

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020