PhD defence: Ieva Linkeviciute

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Ieva Linkeviciute has submitted her thesis entitled: Essays on the Demand-Side Management in Electricity Markets

Friday, February 22, 2019 - 14:00 to 16:00

Electricity demand-side management is seen as one of the ways to deal with the power system stability problems caused by the increased share of variable wind and solar power production and, therefore, is widely discussed among practitioners, academics and policy makers. This PhD thesis focuses on electricity demand-side management and a new type of player in the electricity markets - an aggregator of flexible demand. The thesis contributes to the demand-side management research by providing an analysis of the flexible demand aggregator's effects on the electricity markets and the welfare of power consumers. The three chapters examine the entrance of the aggregator in the power markets from the perspective of the aggregator, large power consumers and producers.
Primary Supervisor:
Associate Professor Cédric Schneider
Department of Economics
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisor:

Professor Peter Bogetoft
Department of Economics
Copenhagen Business School
Assessment Committee:

Associate Professor Anette Boom (Chair)
Department of Economics
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Pierre Pinson
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark

Professor Antonio Estache
European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES)
Université Libre de Bruxelles

The thesis will be available from

The PhD School in Economics and Management will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence at PH16A 1.69.

Date    22 February 2019
Time    14.00 – 16.00
Location    Copenhagen Business School, Porcelænshaven 16A, 2000 Frederiksberg, room 2.80

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019