Department of Economics

Brown Bag

CBS Department of Economics Brown Bag Series. The seminars take place on Thursdays from 12-13 in room 2.80 Porcelænshaven 16A, 2000 Frederiksberg. Organized by Associate Professor Herdis Steingrimsdottir.


Upcoming and past seminars

Upcoming seminars 2024

September 12, 2024
Speaker: Ahonen ArttuAalto University
Title: Tagging for Votes: Can Targeted Transfers Make Carbon Pricing More Acceptable?

September 26, 2024
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA

October 3, 2024
Speaker: Sebastien Willis, Uppsala University
Title: TBA

October 10, 2024
Speaker: Marcella Veronesi, DTU
Title: TBA

October 24, 2024
Speaker: Marek Giebel, CBS
Title: TBA

November 7, 2024
Speaker: Lars Peter Østerdal, CBS
Title: TBA

November 14, 2024
Speaker: Walter D'Lima, 
Title: TBA

November 21, 2024
Speaker: Anders Sørensen, CBS
Title: TBA

November 28, 2024
Speaker: Marta Boczon, CBS
Title: TBA

December 5, 2024
Speaker: Daniel Borowczyk-Martins, CBS
Title: TBA

December 12, 2024
Speaker: Katja Mann, CBS
Title: TBA


Past seminars

January 11, 2024
Speaker: Paul Hünermund, CBS
Title: Causal Inference and Data Fusion in Econometrics

January 18, 2024
Speaker: Oliver-Alexander Press, CBS
Title: Estimation of Panel Models with Group Structures in Fixed Effects: Extending the Standard Linear Case

January 25, 2024
Speaker: Birthe Larsen, CBS
Title: When do Firms Profit from Wage Setting Power? 

February 1, 2024
Speaker: Lars Skipper, Aarhus Universitet 
Title: How well do we measure work-related training?

February 8, 2024
Speaker: Anne Neumann, NTNU
Title: The impact of ESG performance on the cost of capital: An empirical analysis of the sectors energy, utilities and natural resources

February 22, 2024
Speaker: Raphaël Huleux, CBS
Title: Labor income inequality and the transmission of monetary policy

February 29, 2024
Speaker: Peter Lihn Jørgensen, CBS
Title: Anchored Inflation Expectations and the Output Cost of Disinflation

March 14, 2024
Speaker: Anne Sophie Lassen, CBS
Title: Survey Design, Selection and Nonresponse Bias

March 21, 2024
Speaker: Johanne Søndergaard, CBS
Title: Peeking into the Black Box of Tax Compliance: Insights from the Danish Tax Agency’s Random Audit Study of Small and Medium-sized Companies

April 4, 2024
Speaker: Oskar Arnt Juul, CBS
Title: Taylor Projection Approximation under Jump-Diffusion Uncertainty

April 11, 2024
Speaker: Ismir Mulalic, CBS
Title: The Geography of Life: Evidence from Copenhagen

April 18, 2024
Speaker: Pontus RendahlCBS
Title: Market power, growth, and inequality

April 25, 2024
Speaker: Claudio Daminato, Lund University 
Title: Returns Heterogeneity and Consumption Inequality Over the Life Cycle

May 2, 2024
Speaker: Aleksandrs SmilginsCBS
Title: Rewarding Primary Dealer Performance

May 23, 2024
Speaker: Luigi Butera, CBS
Title: Beliefs about the Economy are Excessively Sensitive to Household-level Shocks: Evidence from the Danish Registry

May 30, 2024
Speaker: David Jinkins, CBS
Title: A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics

June 6, 2024
Speaker: Herdis SteingrimsdottirCBS
Title: Does Parenthood Shape Attitudes and Beliefs?

June 13, 2024
Speaker: Leonard Treuren, KU Leuven
Title: Wage markups and buyer power in intermediate input markets

June 20, 2024
Speaker: Battista SevergniniCBS
Title: Million Dollar Babies

June 27, 2024
Speaker: Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel, University of Warsaw
Title: Cryptocurrency mining, competition and energy consumption - game theoretic approach

August 15, 2024 (Cancelled) 
Speaker: Elisa Trujillo-BauteUniversity of Lleida
Title: Energy transition: social justice and acceptance

August 22, 2024
Speaker: Karol Szwagrzak, CBS 
Title: Sharing in rainy and sunny days

September 5, 2024
Speaker: Jorge Hansen, Aarhus University 
Title: Be on Your Guard: 7DTE Options Markets and Safety Related Small Maturity Phenomena in Bond and Stock Markets




The page was last edited by: Department of Economics // 09/09/2024