The Future of Work: Employment and the Functioning of Labor Markets


We conduct both applied and theoretical research on employment, the functioning of labor markets and the impact of policy interventions on workers and businesses. We contribute to the public and academic debate around four major challenges in the modern labor market. First, we study how workers match with jobs, what determines wages, and the obstacles preventing efficiency in the labor market, always with an eye toward grand societal issues such as income inequality, the gender pay gap, and productivity. Second, we analyze the rapidly transforming demand for skills and the effects of policies designed to address shortages and inequalities in the labor market, for instance policies concerned with immigration, migrant worker integration, maternity and paternity leave, university admissions.  Third, we look at the determinants, and specifically barriers to, entrepreneurship and self-employment. Finally, we explore how climate change affects workers’ labor market outcomes and impacts the location of workers and businesses throughout the Danish economy.


Daniel Borowczyk-Martins

Moira Daly

Marek Giebel

Yajna Govind

Fane Groes

Birthe Larsen

Annaig Morin

Dario Pozzoli

Philip Rosenbaum

Alexander Sebald

Cedric Schneider

Herdis Steingrimsdottir

Anders Sørensen

Ralf Wilke

Luigi Butera 

Katja Mann


External Funding

International and national public and private foundations have supported the research carried out in our group. Below a list of current externally funded projects:

  1. Digitalization: Jobs, firms and households (Cedric Schneider, Moira Daly, Fane Groes and Anders Sørensen). Rockwool Foundation.
  2. Labor Market Sorting: Identification and Implications (Fane Groes). Carlsberg Foundation and Danish Research Council.
  3. Employment, investment, and inequality in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis (Birthe Larsen). Norwegian Research Council.
  4. Parent's Specialization: Causes and Consequences (Herdis Steingrimsdottir). Danish Research Council.
  5. Contributions of universities/ academic research on innovation and growth (Anders Sørensen).
  6. Understanding Entrepreneurship Dynamics (Anders Sørensen, Marek Giebel, Moira Daly) Rockwool Foundation


Our group teaches courses in Labor Market Inequality, Microeconometrics, Policy Evaluation and Personnel Economics mainly at the graduate level.


We carry out research at a high international level published in highly ranked journals. Below a few recent examples:

Employment Adjustment and Part-time Work: Lessons from the United States and the United KingdomAmerican Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2019 (Daniel Borowczyk-Martins)

Improving the Measurement of Earnings Dynamics, International Economic Review, Vol. 63, No. 1, 2.2022, p. 95-124 (Moira Daly)

The U-Shapes of Occupational Mobility, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 82, No. 2, 2015, p. 659-692 (Fane Naja Groes)


Workplace heterogeneity and wage inequality in Denmark, Journal of Applied Econometrics, September 2022, 1-11 (Annaig Morin)


Constrained Hours Within the Firm, Journal of Labor Economics, 2022, 40:2, 473-503 (Dario Pozzoli)

How Does Daddy at Home Affect Marital Stability? Economic Journal, Vol. 130, No. 629, 7.2020, p. 1471-1500 (Herdis Steingrimsdottir)


The Productivity Advantage of Serial Entrepreneurs, Industrial and Labor Relations Review/ILR Review, 2019, 72(5), October, 1225-1261, (Anders Sørensen)


The page was last edited by: Department of Economics // 01/14/2025