Department of Economics

Job Market Candidates

Job market candidates 2023 / 2024

Raphael Huleux 


Personal website


I'm a PhD student at the Department of Economics of the Copenhagen Business School, going on the 2023/2024 academic job market.

My research interests focus on the impact of inequality on asset prices and monetary policy. I use quantitative heterogeneous agents model to investigate the impact of recent changes in the labor income distribution.


Kseniia Kurishchenko


Personal website


I am a Job Market candidate 2023/2024 at the Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School. My research interests lie between Machine Learning and Econometrics. Nowadays economists widely use Machine Learning approaches in empirical work. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art Machine Learning models are often seen as black boxes. In my thesis, I shed the light on black-box models and make them more interpretable and fairer.

The page was last edited by: Department of Economics // 01/23/2024