Økonomisk markedsføring
Du er kvalificeret (men ikke sikret adgang) til uddannelsen, hvis du:
1. opfylder sprogkravet inden ansøgningsfristen
2. opfylder de faglige adgangskrav
3. har eller kommer til at have en bachelorgrad inden studiestart
Bemærk: Du er ikke garanteret optagelse, selvom du opfylder alle adgangskravene. Kandidatuddannelsen har et begrænset antal pladser. Hvis der er flere kvalificerede ansøgere, end der er pladser på uddannelsen, foretager vi en udvælgelse blandt de kvalificerede. Det sker ud fra de udvælgelseskriterier, som du kan finde længere nede på siden.
1. Sprogkrav
Sprogkravet er Dansk A bestået med min. 2,0.
Hvis du har Dansk A fra din adgangsgivende eksamen (f.eks. stx, hhx, htx, hf), skal du uploade dokumentation på det, når du søger.
Hvis du ikke har Dansk A, kan du læse her om alternativ opfyldelse af Dansk A.
Kravet om Dansk A skal være opfyldt på ansøgningstidspunktet.
2. Faglige Adgangskrav
Din uddannelsesbaggrund vil blive vurderet på, om du har dækket fagområderne nedenfor ud fra en samlet, individuel vurdering.
I alt 90 ECTS-point fordelt på følgende måde: 45 ECTS-point i følgende fagområder, med mindst 5 ECTS-point inden for hver:
OG |
*Erhvervsøkonomi omfatter fx organisation, markedsføring, kvantitative metoder/statistik, regnskab, finansiering, strategi, innovation, supply chain management, ledelse, mm. **Økonomi omfatter fx mikroøkonomi, virksomhedsøkonomi, driftsøkonomi, makroøkonomi, international økonomi, mm. |
Sådan finder du ud af, om du opfylder de faglige adgangskrav
CBS Admissions kan ikke lave en forhåndsvurdering af dine individuelle kvalifikationer, inden du søger om optagelse.
Vi har dog lavet en række adgangsvurderinger, som du kan finde i listen over adgangsvurderinger nedenfor.
Der er to måder, som kan hjælpe dig til at finde ud af, om du er kvalificeret:
- Du kan tjekke i listen nedenfor, om der allerede findes en adgangsvurdering for din bacheloruddannelse
- Hvis ikke der findes en adgangsvurdering for din bacheloruddannelse, kan du lave en egenvurdering ved hjælp af blanketten længere nede på siden.
De følgende adgangsvurderinger for uddannelsen er kun gældende for:
- optaget 2024
- ansøgere hvis bacheloruddannelse svarer præcis til det universitet, den bachelorgrad og det optagelsesår som er angivet i listen
Hvis din uddannelse ikke er på listen, vil dine fag blive vurderet i forhold til adgangskravene ovenfor.
Hvad er inkluderet i adgangsvurderingen?
Adgangsvurderingerne er baseret på alle de obligatoriske fag fra din bacheloruddannelse. Hvis et eller flere af de obligatoriske fag på din uddannelse er blevet erstattet af fag, som du har fået meritoverført fra en anden uddannelse, bruger vi ikke adgangsvurderingen, men vurderer i stedet dine fag ud fra den dokumentation, du vedlægger. Hvis du har taget valgfag, vurderer vi disse i tillæg til de obligatoriske fag.
Adgangsvurderingerne er inddelt i tre kategorier:
- Adgangsgivende bacheloruddannelser:
Du opfylder de faglige adgangskrav med dine obligatoriske fag
- Bacheloruddannelser der kan opfylde adgangskravene ved at supplere:
Du opfylder ikke alle de faglige adgangskrav med dine obligatoriske fag. Du er derfor nødt til enten at tage relevante valgfag eller suppleringsfag for at blive kvalificeret.
Læs mere om, hvordan du kan blive kvalificeret, på Er du kvalificeret?
- Bacheloruddannelser der ikke opfylder adgangskravene:
Du opfylder ikke adgangskravene med dine obligatoriske fag og det er meget usandsynligt, at du vil kunne opfylde adgangskravene ved hjælp af valgfag og/eller suppleringsfag.
Bemærk: Din bacheloruddannelse kan være placeret i forskellige kategorier afhængig af, hvilket år du er optaget på uddannelsen.
Bachelor degrees from CBS
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | Academic requirements to be fulfilled |
BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc in Business Administration and Service Management |
Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc in Business Administration and Sociology | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc in International Business | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc in International Business in Asia (IBA) | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2019 or 2020 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc in International Shipping and Trade | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
HA almen erhvervsøkonomi | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
HA i europæisk business | English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
HA i projektledelse | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
HA (psyk.) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
HA (jur.) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. For enrolment in 2019, find the Advance assessment under 'Potentially qualifying Bachelor Degrees'. |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled |
BSc in Business, Language and Culture | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
BSc in International Business and Politics |
Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
HA (fil.) |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
HA (it.) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
HA (jur.) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2019 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
HA (kom.) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
HA (mat.) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
BA i Interkulturel Markedskommunikation (BA IMK) |
English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2018 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
HD 2.del | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
HA i Markeds- og Kulturanalyse (MAK) | English is fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Bachelor degrees from other Danish institutions
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled |
BSc in Economics and Business Administration (SDU) (regardless of specialisation) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under BSc in Economics and Business Administration) |
Erhvervsøkonomi, HA (SDU) (regardless of specialisation) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under HA) |
BSc in International Business Administration and Modern Languages/BSc i international erhvervsøkonomi med fremmedsprog (SDU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc in Business Administration (RUC) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under BSc in Business Administration) |
Erhvervsøkonomi (HA) (RUC) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under HA) |
BSc in Economics and Business Administration (AU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under BSc in Economics and Business Administration) |
Erhvervsøkonomi, HA (AU) (regardless of specialisation) |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under HA) |
HA (jur.) (AU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc in Economics and Business Administration (AAU) |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under BSc in Economics and Business Administration) |
Erhvervsøkonomi (HA) (AAU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 (this includes applicants enrolled in a credit programme under HA) |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled |
BA i erhvervsøkonomi - erhvervssprog, negot., with English or German (SDU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the following academic requirements for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
BSc in Market and Management Anthropology (SDU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the following academic requirements for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
BA in Marketing and Management Communication (AU) | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
HD 2.del (regardless of institution) | Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) |
Non-Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses do not fulfil the academic requirements and it is unlikely that elective courses and/or taking supplementary qualifying courses will help you to fulfil the requirements in full.
Bachelor degree | Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled |
Professional top-up bachelor degree in International Sales & Marketing (regardless of institution) |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in the top-up programme in 2021 or 2022 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. |
Professional bachelor in Leisure Management (regardless of institution) |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Professionsbachelor i Finans (regardless of institution) NB: This advance assessment applies only to students doing the entire four-year programme "Professionsbachelor i Finance". Students who have had credit transfer into the programme will be assessed individually. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
NB: The following electives may be used to cover the above: |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree |
Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled |
Bachelor degree in Business Administration, with specialisation in Marketing, Finance, Accounting or Management – University of Iceland | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor degree in Business Administration, with no specialisation, or with specialisation in Computer Science, or Law - Reykjavik University | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree in Economics – University of Iceland | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled |
Bachelor of Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication (CLEACC) – Bocconi University NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor of Business Administration and Management (CLEAM) – Bocconi University NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor in Business and Economics (taught in English) (CLABE) - University of Bologna NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor in Management and Marketing/ Management e marketing (taught in Italian) - University of Bologna NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor in Economics and Management (taught in English), curriculum: Management - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor in Economics and Management/ Economia e gestione aziendale (taught in Italian), curriculum: Management - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirement to be fulfilled (depending on the chosen PROGRAMME) | academic requirements to be fulfilled |
Bachelor of Economics and Finance (CLEF) - Bocconi University NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Bachelor of Science in International Economics and Management (BIEM) - Bocconi University
NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Bachelor in Economics and Finance (taught in English) - University of Bologna
NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor in Business Administration (in English) - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Bachelor degree in Finance - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Bachelor degree in ”Økonomi og ledelse - siviløkonom” - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Bachelor degree in ”Økonomi og administrasjon” - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Bachelor degree in ”Forretningsjus og Økonomi” - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Bachelor of Data Science - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Bachelor degree in "Økonomi og Administrasjon" - NTNU | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Bachelor degree in "Økonomi og Administrasjon" - University of Agder | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024 |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree in "Markedsføringsledelse" - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your preliminary grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Bachelor degree in "Organisasjonspsykologi, HR og ledelse" - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your preliminary grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Bachelor degree in "International management" - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your preliminary grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Bachelor degree in "Digital kommunikasjon og markedsføring" - BI Handelshøyskolen When applying, please specify the exact name of the bachelor programme you are enrolled in, if this is not written in your preliminary grade transcript. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree in International Management - Jönköping International Business School | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024. NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment |
Bachelor degree in Marketing Management - Jönköping International Business School | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024. NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment |
Civilekonom, företagsekonomisk inriktning - Jönköping University | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024. NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment |
Sustainable Enterprise Development - Jönköping University | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment |
BSc Program in Business and Economics - Stockholm School of Economics | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil all the academic requirements for admission in 2024. NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree in International Economics - Jönköping International Business School | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Civilekonom, nationalekonomisk inriktning - Jönköping University | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Bachelor degree in Sustainable Enterprise Development - Jönköping International Business School | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2021 can find their Advance Assessment under 'Qualifying Bachelor Degrees'. |
Bachelor degree in Business and Economics (Ekonomie kandidatprogram) – Lund University
NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish is fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
If you chose the specialisations "företagsekonomi" or "redovisning och revision", you fulfil the Finance requirement listed above. If you chose the specialisation "nationalekonomi" and you have studied the courses "Portföljvalsteori" OR "Optionsteori" OR "Finansiell planering och ekonomisk analys", you also fulfil the Finance requirement. All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirements to be fulfilled (depending on the PROGRAMME) | ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled |
Bachelor of Business Administration/ Betriebswirtschaftslehre - University of Mannheim | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor in International Business Administration - Eberhard Karls University Tübingen | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration, variante Business Administration - Eberhard Karls University Tübingen | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BSc Business Administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre/BWL) - University of Cologne | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BA International Management (Danish or Spanish sprachzweig) - University of Flensburg (EUF) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirements to be fulfilled (depending on the PROGRAMME) | academic requirements to be fulfilled |
Bachelor in Bachelor Economics and Business Administration, variante Economics - Eberhard Karls University Tübingen | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. |
Bachelor in International Economics - Eberhard Karls University Tübingen | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. |
BSc Economics (VWL) - University of Cologne | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. Elective courses Basismodul (BM) Corporate Development, BM Marketing and BM Finance will cover the requirements Organisation, Marketing and Finance, respectively. |
BA in Business Administration/ Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. Please document relevant Spezialisierung courses with official course descriptions. |
BA in Economics/ Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. Please document relevant electives with official course descriptions. |
BA in Business Administration/ Betriebswirtschaftslehre - University of Münster (WWU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. NB! If you received transfer credit for one or more obligatory courses (or if you switched to PO 2022), the above may not apply. Please document relevant courses with official course descriptions. |
BA in Economics/ Volkswirtschaftslehre - University of Münster (WWU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. NB! If you received transfer credit for one or more obligatory courses (or if you switched to PO 2022), the above may not apply. Please document relevant courses with official course descriptions. |
BA in Economics and Business Administration/ Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Goethe University Frankfurt | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. NB! If you received transfer credit for one or more obligatory courses (or if you switched to PO 2022), the above may not apply. Please document relevant courses with official course descriptions. Transcripts from the orientierung- as well as the qualifizierungabschnitt must be provided. |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirements to be fulfilled (depending on the PROGRAMME) | academic requirements to be fulfilled |
BA in Business Administration/Betriebswirtschaft - University of Vienna | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
BA in International Business Administration/Internationale Betriebswirtschaft - University of Vienna | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)
Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
Bachelor degree | Language requirements to be fulfilled (depending on the PROGRAMME) | academic requirements to be fulfilled |
Bachelor in Business, Economics and Social Sciences (WISO), studienzweig Betriebswirtschaft - Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. Electives, free electives and courses included in specialisations (SBWL or other) have not been included - please provide official course descriptions (taken from eVVZ) when you apply. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. |
Bachelor in Business, Economics and Social Sciences (WISO), studienzweig Internationale Betriebswirtschaft - Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. Electives, free electives and courses included in specialisations (SBWL, Cross-functional Management or other) have not been included - please provide official course descriptions (taken from eVVZ) when you apply. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. |
Bachelor in Business and Economics (BBE) - Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. Electives, free electives, courses included in specialisations or courses completed as part of double degree programme with QUT have not been included - please provide official course descriptions (taken from eVVZ or issued by QUT) when you apply. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level. |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
Bachelor degree in International Business, no specialisation – Maastricht University | English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Qualifying Bachelor Degrees
BA in Business Administration - University of St. Gallen regardless of specialization NB: In case of a credit transfer of obligatory courses, we reserve the right not to use the advance assessment. Make sure to upload the grade transcript for your entire programme, including the "Assessment Year (BAE)". |
English to be fulfilled (if applying for an English-taught programme) Danish to be fulfilled (if applying for a Danish-taught programme) |
Applicants enrolled in this programme in 2020 or 2021 fulfil the academic requirements for admission in 2024. |
Hvis din bacheloruddannelse ikke er listet under adgangsvurderinger, kan du lave en egenvurdering ved brug af egenvurderingsskemaet (self-assessment form).
Du kan bruge skemaet til at få et overblik over din bachelorfag – både fag fra din bacheloruddannelse inkl. eventuelle udvekslingsfag samt eventuelle suppleringsfag uden for din bacheloruddannelse.
Skemaet er et værktøj, som du kan bruge til at matche dine fag med de faglige adgangskrav til uddannelsen for at se, i hvilket omfang du opfylder dem. Husk at inkludere både fag, som du allerede har bestået, igangværende fag, og fag, som du forventer at bestå (f.eks. suppleringsfag på sommeruniversitet).
Sørg for at downloade skemaet og gemme det på din computer.
Der er begrænset antal pladser på denne uddannelse. Hvis der er flere kvalificerede ansøgere end pladser, finder der en udvælgelse sted.
Bemærk at du ikke skal lave en skriftlig ansøgning, da det ikke er en del af udvælgelseskriterierne på cand.merc.
Husk at uploade den korrekte dokumentation, da det kan øge dine chancer for at komme ind – læs mere om dokumentation.
Udvælgelsen på cand.merc. - Økonomisk markedsføring er baseret på en helhedsvurdering af ansøgernes uddannelsesbaggrund på bachelorniveau med fokus på fag og karakterer inden for erhvervsøkonomi og økonomi; karakterer inden for de fagområder, der udgør de faglige adgangskrav, er af særlig betydning.
Fag og karakterer inden for kvantitativ metode kan også tages i betragtning.
Erhvervskandidat på deltid
Du kan læse Økonomisk Markedsføring enten som fuldtidsuddannelse eller som deltidsuddannelse (erhvervskandidat). Deltidsuddannelsen er for studerende, der samtidig med uddannelsen har relevant beskæftigelse i minimum 25 timer pr uge.
Du skal ikke betale studieafgift for at læse deltidsuddannelsen. Hvis du ikke er EU-borger, skal du dog betale studieafgift - kontakt Graduate Admission for mere information.
Alle adgangskrav og udvælgelseskriterier er de samme, hvad enten du søger ind på fuldtidsuddannelsen eller på erhvervskandidat på deltid. Der er ikke reserveret et specifikt antal pladser til erhvervskandidaten på deltid. Det er derfor ikke nemmere at blive optaget på erhvervskandidaten frem for fuldtidsuddannelsen.
Når du søger i Ansøgningsportalen, skal du først vælge, om du søger Økonomisk Markedsføring som fuldtidsuddannelse (Økonomisk Markedsføring - fuldtid) eller erhvervskandidat (Økonomisk Markedsføring - deltid). Det betyder, at du kun skal søge en af uddannelserne i Ansøgningsportalen.
Blanket til dokumentation for ansættelse
Hvis du søger ind på erhvervskandidaten skal du uploade en ansættelsesaftale som dokumentation for relevant arbejde. Hvis du endnu ikke har indgået en aftale med en virksomhed, kan du uploade et brev der forklarer, hvordan du senest 1. august dokumenterer, at du er ansat i en uddannelsesrelevant stilling. Hvis du er tilbudt plads på erhvervskandidat deltidsuddannelsen, men ansættelsesaftalen ikke er uploadet senest d. 1. august, vil du have mulighed at skifte til fultidsuddannelsen.
Blanketten til dokumentation for ansættelse vil blive lagt op her inden ansøgningsrunden åbner i midten af januar.
CBS har mulighed for at indhente oplysninger fra SKAT til at understøtte oplysninger i ansættelseskontrakten.
Det vil blive afgjort ud fra en konkret vurdering om arbejdet er relevant. Der er ikke en helt nøjagtig facitliste i forhold til, hvad relevant erhvervsarbejde er i forhold til at læse økonomisk markedsføring som erhvervskandidat, men arbejdet skal være inden for det erhvervsøkonomiske fagfelt. Cand.merc.-studienævnet henviser de studerende til at søge inspiration til, hvad relevante erhvervsarbejde er, ved at kigge på karriereinformationen samt de gældende kompetence profiler.
Erhvervskandidatuddannelsen er ikke SU berettiget, da de studerende får løn fra deres arbejde.
Læs mere om reglerne for betingelserne for Erhvervskandidat på deltid
I vores optagelsesstatistik kan du se hvor mange ansøgere, der har været til uddannelsen tidligere år og hvor mange pladser, der har været.
Se vores optagelsesstatistik