Corona crisis – find an expert

The coronavirus has compromised the global economy causing historical stock market drops, closed borders and companies under pressure. Here is a list of relevant researchers to contact if you need to see the coronacrisis from a social scientific perspective.


The economic history of crises

Associate professor, Vice dean of International Education Martin Jes Iversen - Department of Strategy and Innovation
Contact: +45 3815 2185 -

  • Previous crisis in financial history
  • The corona crisis and the maritime industry

The financial market

Professor Jesper Rangvid - Department of Finance 
Contact: +45 3815 3784 -

Professor Steffen Andersen – Department of Finance
Contact: +45 3815 3495 –

  • Behavioural economics and household economics
  • Author of the book ‘Farligt – Hvordan de fodrer din frygt, og hvorfor du æder det (Dangerous – how they feed your fear and why you swallow it) which offers tools to overcome irrational fear. Death byterror – or epidemics – is extremely unlikely so why are people more than willing to swallow fear when it is offered to us?

Legal aspects 

Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy
Assistant professor Yvette Lind - CBS LAW
Contact: +45 3815 2665 -

  • International and Danish taxation
  • State aid
  • The Danish exclusion of companies in skattely (tax evading companies) from financial support provided by the state's support packages
  • Financial support of individuals and companies from the state through either direct subsidies or relieved/removed tax burden

Associate professor Troels Michael Lilja - CBS LAW
Contact: +45 3815 3829 -

  • Insolvency/insolvency law, force majeure in terms of holding general meetings/board meetings and in terms of financial crimes in times of crisis.
  • Postponement of general meetings, dividend payment, etc.

Professor Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen - CBS LAW
Contact: +45 3815 2693 -

  • Contractual and compensation issues in the wake of cancellations of large sports events, music and film festivals, movie productions, etc.
  • Interpretation and extent of force majeure provisions

(Photo of Marie-Louise Holle is pending)

Associate professor Marie-Louise Holle - CBS LAW
Contact: +45 3815 2581 -

  • Agreements, public-private parterships and public responsibility, including damage and compensation in relation to corona

The role of the state during crises

Professor Paul du Gay - Department of Organization
Contact: +45 3815 2917 - 

  • Renewed focus on the crucial role of public bureaucracy and other institutions of state in responding to the crisis
  • Limitations and weaknesses of New Public Management and other once fashionable management theories in dealing with the crisis
  • Growing recognition of the importance of the protective capacities of the state has come to the fore.
  • Security needs to be recognised as the default setting of the social-democratic state.
  • The crucial determinant in performance during the crisis will not be the type of regime, but the state’s capacity to act with despatch

Marketing, consumers and tourism

Associate professor Meike Janssen - Department of Management, Society and Communication
Contact: 3815 3229 -

  • Consumer behaviour during the pandemic in relation to food consumption
  • Psychological well-being of different population groups during the pandemic

Professor Torsten Ringberg - Department of Marketing
Contact: 3815 2241 -

  • Impacts of the coronavirus on the consumer psychology (what, how and when consumption takes places)

Professor Alexander Josiassen - Department of Marketing
Contact: 3815 2159 - 

  • Consumer research
  • Impacts of the coronavirus on tourism
  • Impacts of the coronavirus on international marketing

Associate Professor Florian Kock - Department of Marketing
Contact: 3815 2126 -

  • Consumer research
  • Inquiries regarding the psychological effects of Corona on short- and long-term behaviour effects
  • E.g. buying, travelling, risk perception, racism/xenophobia, political opinion etc.

HR, distance management and gender 

Professor Emeritus Henrik Holt Larsen – Department of Organization
Contact: 4055 4051 -

  • Article on distance management: Attentive management despite the distance (in Danish)
  • The corona crisis: The ultimate test of HRM (Human Resource Management)
  • The coronavirus as an experience-based learning process – for good and bad
  • When the psychological contract between employer and employee is breached because of the crisis

Professor Dana Minbaeva - Department of Strategy and Innovation 
Contact: +45 3815 2527 - 

Associate Professor Frans Bevort –  Department of Organization
Contact: +45 3815 2986 –

  • HR managers can play a decisive role in handling phenomena such as the coronavirus. 
  • Frans Bevort has studied organisations and working life for two decades and knows how HR departments can handle this task.

Photo: Jørn Albertus Photo: Jonathan Baez
Professor with special responsibilities Sara Louise Muhr - Department of Orgniazation or Associate professor Florence Villesèche - Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy
Contact: +45 3815 2816 - or +45 3815 4268 -

  • How is the crisis affecting men and women differently in their work lives?
  • Are female heads of state leading differently in this time of crisis?
  • What are the consequences for the diversity agenda when the focus is on a health and economic emergency? 

Strategy and analytical tools

Majken Schultz
Professor Majken Schultz - Department of Organization
Contact: +45 3815 3220 - 

  • How the corona crisis is challenging companies’ time frame
  • How companies are working with new time frames during the corona crisis
  • The importance of management's ability to think short and long term during a crisis

Professor Thomas Ritter – Department of Strategy and Innovation 
Contact: +45 3815 2121 –

Digital communication 

Associate Professor Nanna Bonde Thylstrup - Department of Management, Society and Communication
Contact: +45 3815 3219 -

  • Surveillance / tracking
  • Online communication, including online teaching
  • Digital platforms, including regulation and abuse of these
  • Digital knowledge production, including visualisation 

PhD Fellow Shama Patel – Department of Digitalization
Contact: +49 162 8772930 -

  • The propagation of misinformation (fake news) and its societal impact
  • Human agency in the propagation of conspiracies on coronavirus 

Postdoc Tara Qian Sun – Department of Digitalization

  • How the Chinese population uses its communication tools (digital) and influences the government’s decision-making.
  • Qian Sun is analysing the Chinese corona virus case at the moment.
  • Qian Sun is from China.

Professor Kim Normann Andersen – Department of Digitalization
Contact: +45 3815 2437 –

  • Digital health communication 
  • The public sector’s difficulties navigating the modern, synchronous communication universe: news from citizen to citizen vs. formal communication from agencies and authorities.
  • The challenge of public authorities attempting to make agreements with established media on what to communicate and when.

Innovative solutions 

Professor Pedro Oliveira – Department of Strategy and Innovation
Contact: +45 3815 2578 –

  • How to facilitate innovative solutions for COVID-19
  • Patient-driven innovation.
  • Initiator of webpage Solutions for COVID-19

Christoph Marion
Professor Christoph Grimpe or Associate Professor Marion Poetz – Department of Strategy and Innovation  
Contact: +45 3815 2530 – or  +45 3815 2914 –

  • How can widely distributed research results on COVID-19 be used more effectively and efficiently in order to speed up and improve the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of COVID-19
  • Science-based innovation

 Kai Hockerts
 Professor, PHD Kai Hockerts - Department of Management, Society and Communication 
 Contact: +45 3815 3175 -
  • How to identify social entrepreneurship solution to address the Covid Crisis Aftermath
  • Facilitator of the #covidWISE Ideation Awards:

International politics 

Associate Professor Battista Severgnini – Department of Economics
Contact: +45 3815 2599 –

  • Severgnini has studied the relation between epidemics and trade across borders. Read the study Epidemic Trade. 
  • Severgnini is Italian, originally from Lombardy.

Professor Poul Fritz Kjær – Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy
Contact: +45 3815 4281 –

  • Impact on globalisation including world trade, global economy and general interdependence.
  • Global and European answers to the threat – international cooperation and coordination.

Labour market economics 

Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy
Associate professor Birthe Larsen - Department of Economics
Contact: +45 3815 2798 or +45 6179 4525 - 

  • Unemployment
  • GPD growth
  • Education
  • Labour market economics
  • Macro economics
  • Inequality

Professor Niels Westergård-Nielsen - Department of Accounting, Center for Corporate Governance
Contact: +45 3815 2378 -

  • For decades, Niels Westergård-Nielsen has studied the Danish labour market, loss of jobs and job creation on the basis of register data.
  • Moreover, he has studied the effects of the financial crisis 2008 on companies, self-employed businesses and salaried employees.

Risk and global supply chains 

Associate Professor Andreas Wieland – Department of Operations Management
Contact: +45 3815 2380 –

  • How does risk impact global supply chains?
  • Which industries are most vulnerable? 

Cultural and ethical aspects 

Christian De Cock
Professor Christian De Cock - Department of Organization
Contact: +45 3815 3559 -

Associate Professor Stefan Markovic - Department of Marketing
Contact: 3815 2134 -

  • Ethical aspects of the coronavirus e.g. should certain patients be prioritized over others?



For further information contact Press Manager Mikael Koldby

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/10/2023