Department history

The Department of Accounting was founded in 1932. It is the largest academic accounting institution in Denmark and one of the largest in Europe covering financial accounting, management accounting and control, auditing, and corporate governance.

In 2018, the department was merged with the Center for Corporate Governance and the Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses. With the addition of these two centres, the combined faculty holds a broad and diversified array of competences, talents, and expertise within numerous aspects of accounting, auditing, management control, and corporate governance. Together we explore these topics from national as well as global perspectives. This is also reflected in our broad range of international staff members, as we increasingly attract skilled faculty from all over the world. We will actively continue to search for academic talents, as it is fundamental for the development of the department.

Recruitment of PhD students is vital for the Danish and International academic community so a lot of focus will be on that also in the future. In addition, we search actively in our programs for talent. We have increased the involvement of student assistants in our research projects and will do it even more in the future as we find it to be a good way to attract students for PhD positions. We attend European Accounting Association (EAA) job market fair every year to search for international talents at the Assistant Professor level. At CBS and the department, the strategic purposes and ambitions are aligned around a REEAD model that is explained under the headline: Research – Academic profile and strategy.

The page was last edited by: Department of Accounting // 01/14/2025