Department of Business Humanities and Law
- CBS Law

Dr. Pedro Telles is an expert in public procurement regulation and currently Associate Professor in Procurement Law at Copenhagen Business School.
Pedro has extensive experience in public procurement practice as a lawyer in Portugal and Spain and as an academic working at the intersection between law and policy. He has advised international organisations, governments, local authorities and third sector organisations in public procurement matters. Since 2016, Pedro is a member of the EU Committee of the Law Society of England and Wales where he helps shaping the Society's EU and Brexit related policy.
- Public Procurement Law
- Blockchain
- Entrepreneurship
Telles and Sanchez-Graells, Brexit and public procurement: transitioning into the void? European Law Review, 2, 2019, pp. 257-279.
Roeben, Minnerop, Telles and Snell, Revisiting Union Citizenship from a Fundamental Rights perspective in the time of Brexit European Human Rights Law Review, 5, 2018, pp 450-473.
Telles and Sanchez-Graells, Examining Brexit Through The GPA’s Lens: What Next for UK Public Procurement Reform? Public Contract Law Journal, 1 , 2017, 1-33.
Telles and Skovgaard Olykke, Sustainable Procurement: A Compliance Perspective on EU Public Procurement, European Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Review, 3, 2017, pp. 239-252.
Telles, The European Single Procurement Document, Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift, 1, 2017, pp. 1-21.
Telles, Procurement financial thresholds in the EU: the hidden relationship with the GPA, European Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Review, 3, 2016, pp.205-219.
Telles, The impact of the Spezzino judgment for third sector organisations, European Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Review, 1 2016, pp. 22-30.
Telles and Butler, Award procedures in the Directive 2014/24/EU, in Modernising public procurement: The new Directive, Lichere and Burgi (eds), European Law Series, Djof, 2014, pp. 131–184.
Telles, The good, the bad and the ugly: EU's internal market, public procurement thresholds and cross-border interest, Public Contract Law Journal, 43-1 2013, pp. 3–25.
Telles, Innovation in the Spanish health sector and competitive dialogue, in The Applied Law of Economics of Public Procurement, Piga and Treumer (eds), Routledge 2012, pp. 28–40.
In: Public Procurement Law Review, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2024, p. 14-27
In: European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2024, p. 242-248
In: Contract Changes: The Dark Side of EU Procurement Law. . ed. /Dacian Dragos; Kirsi-Maria Halonen; Bogdana Neamtu; Steen Treumer. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 48-67 (European Procurement Law Series)
In: Contract Changes: The Dark Side of EU Procurement Law. . ed. /Dacian Dragos; Kirsi-Maria Halonen; Bogdana Neamtu; Steen Treumer. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 109-124 (European Procurement Law Series)
In: European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2022, p. 179-189
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2022, 1 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Vol. 22-11)
In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2022, p. 215-228
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2022, 15 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 22-03)
In: Into the Northern Light: In Memory of Steen Treumer. . ed. /Carina Risvig Hamer; Marta Andhov; Erik Bertelsen; Roberto Caranta. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2022, p. 193-214
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2022, 16 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Vol. 22-09)
In: Concorrência e sustentabilidade: Dois desafios para a contratação pública. . ed. /Miguel Assis Raimundo. Lisabon : AAFDL Editora 2021, p. 227-244
In: European Public Procurement: Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU. . ed. /Roberto Caranta; Albert Sanchez-Graells. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, p. 324–334 (Elgar Commentaries series)
In: European Public Procurement: Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU. . ed. /Roberto Caranta; Albert Sanchez-Graells. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, p. 645–654 (Elgar Commentaries series)
In: European Public Procurement: Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU. . ed. /Roberto Caranta; Albert Sanchez-Graells. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, p. 655–664 (Elgar Commentaries series)
In: European Public Procurement: Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU. . ed. /Roberto Caranta; Albert Sanchez-Graells. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, p. 665–669 (Elgar Commentaries series)
: 2021, 21 p.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2021, 13 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 21-07)
In: Public Procurement Law Review, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2021, p. 225-249
In: Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EU: An Unfinished Legislative Framework. . ed. /Piotr Bogdanowicz; Roberto Caranta; Pedro Telles. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, p. 207-214 (European Procurement Law Series)
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, 222 p. (European Procurement Law Series)
In: Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EU: An Unfinished Legislative Framework. . ed. /Piotr Bogdanowicz; Roberto Caranta; Pedro Telles. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, p. 189-206 (European Procurement Law Series)
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- Member of the EU Committee of the Law Society of England and Wales
- External examiner at King’s College London