External funding

To strengthen CBS 'profile as one of the best research institutions, CBS has in recent years increased its focus on external funding. CBS works strategically to attract research grants from both public and private funding bodies in Denmark and internationally. Below is a list of the externally financed research projects CBS has participated in the last five years. By clicking on each of projects you will find information on which CBS researchers are involved, the scope of the project, the funding source and the time frame for the project.

Click on one of the categories listed in the top menu if you want the list sorted differently.

Acronymsort descendingTitleDepartment TypeStatusStart
HOTSPOT 2HOTSPOT of multiple stressors: Research-based management in the Gulf of GuineaDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Finished01-01-2021
HUMACPrivate-Sector Engagement in Humanitarian ActionDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Finished01-01-2021
Hort2thefuture Horticultural innovations in soil-friendly practices to ensure a sustainable futureDepartment of MarketingEU Running01-06-2024
IDEAL4GREENBuilding decentralIsed, DistributEd And Local micro-Grids for dEcarbonisation Electrification challeNgeEU Running01-01-2025
INCULTUMVisiting the Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheriesDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Finished01-05-2021
INFORMALITYRe-Imagining Informality: Theorizing Informal Entrepreneurship and Economic Change in Transition Era China (1970s–1980s)Department of Business Humanities and LawEU Running01-06-2023
INJORGSocial Injustice and Workplace Behavior: How #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo and Islamist terrorist attacks Shape Cooperation in OrganizationsDepartment of Strategy and InnovationEU Finished01-01-2023
Isomorphic differencesIsomorphism and Contextuality: national policies for science, competitiveness and innovationDepartment of OrganizationPublic (National)Finished01-08-2018
KKVSThe values of art and culture for societyDepartment of Management, Politics and PhilosophyPrivate (National)Finished01-11-2018
LEED8th Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED) WorkshopDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Finished01-06-2024
MADE FASTMADE Flexible, Agile, Sustainable manufacturing enabled by Talented employeesDepartment of Strategy and InnovationMultiple financing sourcesRunning01-01-2020
MORALITESMoral Elites: The Historical Positioning of Civil Society Leaders in National Moral EconomiesDepartment of Business Humanities and LawEU Running01-01-2024
MYCOFLAVORBioflavoring brewer’s spent grain by edible mushroom mycelium in solid-state fermentationsDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Running01-02-2024
Measuring InnovationMeasuring InnovationEU Running30-06-2010
MonaLisa 2.0MonaLisa 2.0Department of IT ManagementPrivate (International)Running16-10-2014
N2N 2017North2North 2017Private (International)Running15-02-2018
N2N 2018North2North 2018Department of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (International)Running15-02-2018
NFSGIINordic Finance and the Good Society IIDepartment of AccountingMultiple financing sourcesFinished01-10-2019
NIMBUSTeknologiforståelse og naturfaglig dannelse Department of DigitalizationPrivate (National)Running01-01-2023
NRGcitizensMarket Design for a Decentralized Integrated European Energy TransformationDepartment of EconomicsEU Finished01-01-2022
NeEDSResearch and Innovation Staff Exchange Network of European Data ScientistsDepartment of EconomicsEU Finished01-01-2019
NetCareersCareers through Complex Networks - NetCareersDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished01-07-2020
NotaBENeNordic-Baltic-NW Russia CooperationDepartment of MarketingPublic (International)Running20-10-2010
OEOpen EntrepreneurshipPrivate (National)Finished01-01-2020
P2GreenClosing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flowsDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Running01-12-2022
PACSMACThe paradoxes of climate-smart coffeeDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Running01-01-2021
PAINTMultilevel Pathways for Integrating Marginalized GroupsDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Running01-07-2022
PINPlatform Intelligence in NewsDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Finished01-10-2020
PIPSPower and Inequality in global Production SystemsDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Finished01-07-2020
POTENTPorts as Energy Transition HubsDepartment of EconomicsEU Running01-01-2025
