Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship (PatientEntrepreneur 2021)
Paents oen develop innovave soluons to help them cope with a need imposed by a health condion andcouldn’t find any soluon in the market.'Paent Innovaon Bootcamp: Boosng Paent Entrepreneurship' (PaentEntrepreneur) pops us as the 2ndedion of the 1st-ever accelerang program for paents, informal caregivers and collaborators to implementand scale up the innovave soluons. This bootcamp is built upon the unique experience of Paent Innovaon,an award-winning online plaorm and community with over 100.000 users from over 80 countries, with over1200 innovaons developed by innovave paents. Paent Innovaon will thus be a key tool to idenfy andrecruit these special entrepreneurs that want to build a business out of their innovaons but don't find the rightsupporve environment. The bootcamp will connue to lead to the ulmate goal of establishing in Europe anecosystem of healthcare companies (co-)created by paent or informal caregivers.
European Institute of Innovation & Technology
Collaborative partners:
GLINTT - Healthcare Solutions, University of Navarra, University of Copenhagen, Biocat - La Fundació Biogegió, SmiLe Incubator, Patient Innovation
Start Date:
End Date: