Project Participants

North2North 2018 (N2N 2018)


By going on a north2north exchange, you will get extracurricular experience related to the North and opportunities to contribute meaningfully in building human capacity in the Arctic.You will learn about another place and another culture, while learning about your region — the North!A north2north exchange gives you competence in topics related to the Arctic and experiences of another north that you can benefit from in your future professional career and/or academic plans.Improve your knowledge about Northern/Arctic issues and people by taking Northern/Arctic courses at another circumpolar institution.


Public (International)



Collaborative partners:

University of Lapland, Aalborg University, University of British Columbia, University of Helsinki, Memorial University of Newfoundland, University of Northern British Columbia, State University, Pskov State University, Copenhagen Business School, University of the Faroe Islands



Start Date:


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