
Department of Strategy and Innovation


Room: KIL/14.A-2.99

Carmelo Cennamo is Professor with special responsibilities of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Copenhagen Business School, where he is Co-Director of the Entrepreneurship Concentration studies of the MBA Program.

Expert on Digital Platforms, Digital Markets, Ecosystems, he studies how firms manage their interdependent activities and how they try to shape the business context where these activities take place to gain competitive advantage. His work spans different sectors including videogames, mobile apps, oil and gas, automotive, hospitality, mobility, online news, blockchain and initial coins offerings; has appeared in the top academic journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management, Research Policy, as well as MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, and has been recognised with prestigious awards such as Best Paper Prize (finalist) from the Strategic Management Society (2014, 2018), Best Paper Award (finalist, 2017), Best Paper Proceedings (2017, 2015, 2013), Best Dissertation Award (finalist, 2011), and Distinguished Student Paper Award (2010) from the Academy of Management.

His research on competitive dynamics in platform markets and ecosystems addresses questions such as:
- What is an ecosystem? How do you build it?
- What are platform markets and why do they matter?
- How do you compete in digital, platform markets?
- How do platforms disrupt incumbents' business and entire sectors?

A frequent keynote speaker on these topics in academic, corporate and industry events, he is also very active in the public debate on the broader impact that platforms and digital have in the modern society and economy.


Primary research areas

- Platform ecosystems
- Competition in digital markets
- Platform competition and platform disruption
- Digital transformation at market and sector level


Link to this homepage

Carmelo Cennamo is the program coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Concentration courses in the MBA Program at CBS.

He teaches also the "Innovation and Strategy in the Digital Economy”, “Strategy and Market Development”, and “Strategies for Growth” courses in the MSc program at CBS.  


Selected publications

C. Cennamo. (in press). Competing in Digital Markets: A Platform-based Perspective. Academy of Management Perspectives (

M. Masucci, S. Brusoni, C. Cennamo. 2020. Removing Bottlenecks in Business Ecosystems: The Strategic Role of Outbound Open Innovation. Research Policy, 49(1). (

C. Cennamo & J. Santaló. 2019. “Generativity Tension and Value Creation in Platform Ecosystems”, Organization Science, 30: 447-646 (

M.G. Jacobides, C. Cennamo & Gawer A. 2018. “Towards a Theory of Ecosystems.”, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 2255-2276. (

C. Cennamo, Ozalp H., & Kretschmer T. 2018. “Platform Architecture and Quality Tradeoffs of Multihoming Complements”. Information Systems Research, 29 (2): 461-478 (

Ozalp H., Cennamo C., Gawer A. 2018. “Disruption in platform-based ecosystems?”, Journal of Management Studies, 55: 1203–1241. Special issue on Managing in the Age of Disruptions. (

C. Cennamo, 2018. “Building the Value of Next-Generation Platforms: The Paradox of Diminishing Returns”, Journal of Management, 44: 3038-3049 (published online in June 2016:

C. Cennamo & J. Santaló, 2013. “Platform Competition: Strategic Tradeoffs in Platform Markets”, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 34: 1331–1350 – Link to article  

I. Visnjic, C. Cennamo, A. Neely, 2017. “Governing the city: Unleashing Value from the Business Ecosystem”, California Management Review, vol. 59(1)– special issue on “The City as a Lab: Open Innovation meets the Collaborative Economy”, editors: B. Cohen, E. Almirall, H. Chesbrough.

C. Cennamo & J. Santaló, 2015. “How to Avoid Platform Traps”, MIT Sloan Management Review, vol. 57: 12–15 – Link to article       


Publications sorted by:
Tim Meyer; Anna Kerkhof; Carmelo Cennamo; Tobias Kretschmer / Competing for Attention on Digital Platforms : The Case of News Outlets.
In: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 45, No. 9, 9.2024, p. 1731-1790
Journal article > peer review
Pinar Akman; Carmelo Cennamo; Juliana Oliveira Domingues; Bowman Heiden; Constance E. Helfat; Pankhudi Khandelwal; Nicolas Petit / DCI Submission to the India Ministry of Corporate Affairs on the Draft Digital Competition Bill
Firenze : Dynamic Competition Initiative 2024, 7 p.
Michael G. Jacobides; Carmelo Cennamo; Annabelle Gawer / Externalities and Complementarities in Platforms and Ecosystems : From Structural Solutions to Endogenous Failures.
In: Research Policy, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1.2024
Journal article > peer review
Pietro Morino; Claudio Panico; Carmelo Cennamo / "In Medio Stat Virtus" : Targeted Advertising in Social Media Platforms with Heterogeneous Participants.
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review
Yangyang Cheng; Carmelo Cennamo; Claudio Panico / Big Tech’s Impact on Innovation Trajectories : Dynamic Relation between Corporate Activities and Market Activities.
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review
Carmelo Cennamo; Tobias Kretschmer; Panos Constantinides; Cristina Alaimo; Juan Santaló / Digital Platforms Regulation : An Innovation-centric View of the EU’s Digital Markets Act.
In: Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1.2023, p. 44–51
Journal article > peer review
Jovana Karanovic; Elizabeth J. Altman; Carmelo Cennamo / Gig, el poder de fijar el precio en una plataforma de servicios
In: MIT Sloan Management Review Mexico, 26.10.2023
Journal article > peer review
Julia Toroi; Carmelo Cennamo; Ali Mohammadi / How Platform Governance Affects Entrepreneurs’ Capacity to Attract Funding
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review
Claudio Panico; Samuele Murtinu; Carmelo Cennamo / How do Humans and Algorithms Interact? : Augmentation, Automation, and Co-specialization for Greater Precision in Decision-making.
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review
Carmelo Cennamo; Giovanni Battista Dagnino; Feng Zhu / Introduction : Digital Strategy – Linear Evolution or Paradigm Shift?.
In: Research Handbook on Digital Strategy. ed. /Carmelo Cennamo; Giovanni Battista Dagnino; Feng Zhu. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 1-16 (Research Handbooks in Business and Management)
Book chapter > peer review
More results... (total 37 results)
Outside activities
Year Name of contractual partner Type of activity
2019, 2020 DEVO Digital Lab at SDA Bocconi School of Management Research coordinator of the research project on Platform Economy and Platform Disruption
2021 SDA Bocconi Teaching executive education 
2021 Huawei Europe Strategy advice
2021 Amazon Europe Strategy advice
2021 European Parliament, IMCO committee Expert advice