
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • CBS Law
Christina D.

Room: POR/18.B-1.135


Christina D. Tvarnø's primary research area is climate change law as part of international law, EU law and Danish national law. Climate change law is becoming more and more important for companies, citizens and societies globally. Now and in the near future, climate change law in the UN, the EU and in Denmark will affect the legal and economic options for both the markets and the policy decision-makers. Christina D. Tvarnø has, together with several researchers from CBS LAW, established a research group in climate change law. You can read more about the climate research group's work and research here.


For more than 20 years, Christina D. Tvarnø has worked with the contractual interaction in public private partnerships (PPPs), particularly within infrastructure projects in both Denmark and in the EU. PPP contracts are based on a number of specific contract characteristics, and her research shows that these characteristics are necessary for an optimal function of a PPP. An efficient PPP contract is based on the theory behind social contracts,  e.g. joint optimization, open books, incentives and trust--hence, an interplay between contract law and economics. She has participated in interdisciplinary research on PPPs both at CBS and through international research collaborations. You can see her reflections on interdisciplinary research on public private partnerships at CBS in the video below.


Christina D. Tvarnø has also published a number of international articles on partnering contracts between private contracts parties, which are published in, e.g., the Harvard Business Law Review and the Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation.


In addition, legal method and legal philosophy have been a significant part of Christina Tvarnø's research area for more than 15 years. She has collaborated with Professor Emerita Ruth Nielsen, CBS LAW, on this topic, and they have created a theoretical framework for a new legal theory establishing a synthesis between legal positivism and legal realism in an EU perspective.


Primary research areas
Administrative tasks
  • Chairwoman of study board, BSc/MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law, CBS
  • Study Programme Director of BSc/MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law, CBS
  • Course Responsible, Legal Method and Law of Contracts, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Course Responsible, Methodology, Legal theory and internal market project, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Course Responsible, The Method of Social Science, and competition project, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • Methodology, Legal theory and internal market project, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • The Method of Social Science, and competition project, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Bachelor theses
  • Master theses
  • PhD Supervision
  • Assistant Professors
Selected publications
  • Christina D. Tvarnø, Klimaret : Almindelig del, København, Djøf Forlag, 2022.
  • Christina D. Tvarnø, The New Era of Climate Law in Denmark and in the EU, European Public Law, Vol. 28, N0 1, 2.2022, s. 101-122.
  • Christina D. Tvarnø,  Current Developments in Carbon & Climate Law Denmark : A (Non-) Net-Zero Greenhouse Gases Emission Goal in the Danish Climate Act, Carbon & Climate Law Review, Vol. 15, N0 4, 2021, s. 342-348.
  • Christina D. Tvarnø & Sarah Maria Denta, New Frontiers of PPP Law, in : A Research Agenda for Public–private Partnerships and the Governance of Infrastructure. (Red.) Graeme A. Hodge; Carsten Greve. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, s. 177-199 (Elgar Research Agendas) 
  • Christina D. Tvarnø & Henrik Andersen, Promoting Climate Public Private Partnerships by Law, Into the Northern Light: In Memory of Steen Treumer (red.) Carina Risvig Hamer; Marta Andhov; Erik Bertelsen; Roberto Caranta. København, Ex Tuto Publishing 2022, s. 529-544.
  • Christina D. Tvarnø & Constance Bagley, Pharmaceutical Public-Private Partnerships: Moving from the Bench to the Bedside. Harvard Business Law Review (HBLR), Vol. 4, Nr. 2, 2014, s. 373-401.
  • Christina D. Tvarnø, To Bind or not to Bind: It’s in the Contract : Formalizing Collaboration Through Partnering Contracts in the US, British and Danish Construction Industries, Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, Vol. 1, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 288-314.
Publications sorted by:
Agnete L. Andersen; Ruth Nielsen; Kirsten Precht; Christina D. Tvarnø / Ligestillingslovene med kommentarer. Bind 2 : Ligebehandlingsloven, ligelønsloven, barselsloven, barselsudligningsloven, loven om forsikring, pension og lignende finansielle ydelser og handicaploven.
8.ed.København : Djøf Forlag 2023, 1027 p.
Book > peer review
Christina D. Tvarnø / Tab og skader i den internationale klimaret
In: Tidsskrift for miljø, No. 10, 2023, p. 384–391
Journal article > peer review
Christina D. Tvarnø / Calling for Legislation on Climate Public-private Partnerships : In an EU Climate Law Perspective.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2022, 10 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 22-06)
Working paper
Christina D. Tvarnø; Ruth Nielsen / European, Realistic Legal Positivism - Part I
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2022, 36 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 22-04)
Working paper
Christina D. Tvarnø; Sarah Maria Denta / Få styr på metoden : Introduktion til juridisk metoder og samfundsvidenskabelig projektmetode.
3.ed.København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2022, 270 p.
Christina D. Tvarnø / Klimaret : Almindelig del.
København : Djøf Forlag 2022, 357 p.
Christina D. Tvarnø; Sarah Maria Denta / New Frontiers of PPP Law
In: A Research Agenda for Public–private Partnerships and the Governance of Infrastructure. ed. /Graeme A. Hodge; Carsten Greve. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, p. 177-199 (Elgar Research Agendas)
Book chapter > peer review
Christina D. Tvarnø; Henrik Andersen / Promoting Climate Public Private Partnerships by Law
In: Into the Northern Light: In Memory of Steen Treumer. . ed. /Carina Risvig Hamer; Marta Andhov; Erik Bertelsen; Roberto Caranta. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2022, p. 529-544
Book chapter > peer review
Carsten Greve; Lene Tolstrup Christensen; Christina D. Tvarnø; Sandie Nøhr Nielsen; Sarah Maria Denta / Public-private Partnerships in the Healthcare Sector : Limited Policy Guidelines, but Active Project Development in Denmark.
In: Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 25, No. 2, 4.2022, p. 121-135
Journal article > peer review
Christina D. Tvarnø / The New Era of Climate Law in Denmark and in the EU
In: European Public Law, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2.2022, p. 101-122
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 125 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
  • Konsul Axel Nielsens mindelegat, 4 years of activity, Board member
  • From 2020 - Present Member of the Danish Ministry og Climate, Energy and Utilities' Academic Panel of Experts attached to the Danish Civil Council on Climate Change.
  • From 2021 - External examinator at University College London, The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction.