
  • 02.05.2024

    3 great spots for studying

    The library is an obvious destination when you need to get away from home and concentrate on studying. If all the seats at Solbjerg Plads are booked you have some alternatives.
  • 17.04.2024

    Ready to hand in?

    Are your references and in-text citations in order? Is your reference list a mess? Confused about what style to use? We are ready to help answer your questions. And we have a little contest.
  • 04.04.2024

    Marketing and branding

    When you are looking for information on consumer trends, marketing campaigns, brands, advertising, WARC is a great choice. "A Google for marketing people" is how the marketing guru Philip Kotler describes WARC.
  • 20.03.2024

    How to find company data in Orbis

    Orbis is the place to find key financials, ownership structures, competitors, etc. Orbis is a popular database at CBS Library because you can analyze, pull data and compare companies worldwide.
  • 14.03.2024

    How to find literature reviews

    Learn what literature reviews are and how they can be a great help when searching for literature for your assignments.
  • 11.03.2024

    Ready for Career Fair 2024?

    Make the most of CBS Library resources when hunting for a job. See which databases we recommend you to use.
  • 06.02.2024

    How to find peer reviewed articles

    Some teachers at CBS ask students to use peer reviewed articles in their assignments. Fortunately, there is a simple way to find that kind of articles.
  • 06.02.2024

    How to find consumer behaviour data

    How do consumers behave, what attitudes do they have and what do they spend money on? Get a shortcut to segment analysis and insights into spending habits in the Lifestyle Reports from Euromonitor.
  • 01.02.2024

    How to find SWOT analyses

    In a SWOT analysis, you examine a company's current situation by looking at its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to make strategic decisions.
  • 25.01.2024

    How to find PESTLE analyses

    Which macroeconomic factors influence business opportunities in a specific country? With four clicks, you can find PESTLE analyses and gain insights into political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors.
