Are you waiting for a letter from CBS? It's coming tomorrow!

Today CBS is sending out admission letters offering a study place or a standby place. Read here what to do when you receive your letter.


Today we are sending out admission letters to all of you who have been admitted to CBS. So if you're in Denmark and you have been accepted to CBS, you will most likely receive our letter tomorrow on Thursday 30 July.

If you receive a letter from CBS it will either say that you are offered a study place from 1 September, or it will say that you have been included on the standby list.

You are offered a study place
If you are offered a study place and you would like to start on 1 September, remember to accept the place by the deadline stated in your letter. If you do not accept the place, you will lose it.

You accept by using the web address stated in your letter and logging in with your username and password, which you will also find in the letter.

Remember that if you are taking a supplementary course to meet the entry requirements, you must submit documentation to Admissions no later than 15 September 2015. If you fail to do so, you will lose your study place.

You are offered a standby place
If you are offered a standby place, it means that you will either be offered a place next year or you will be offered a place this year if one becomes available. Whether a place becomes available this year depends on i.a. how many people turn down the study place they are offered.

No later than 6 August you will receive a follow-up letter from CBS offering you a study place either this year or next year. Remember to accept your study place – regardless of whether your place is for this year or next. If you do not receive the follow-up letter by 6 August, immediately contact us via and we will get back to you.

Only one offer for a study place
You will only receive one offer for a study place. If you have applied for different education programmes in Denmark, you will only be offered one place, and you will receive a letter from the educational institution that is offering you a study place. It is not possible to choose, move or swap to a different study programme now, nor can you change your place to a standby place. If it has not been possible to admit you to any of the programmes you have applied for, you will receive a letter from KOT.

Are there available places?
We are often asked: "Are there any available places?" Unfortunately the answer is: "No, there are no available places at CBS."  All places are filled, and we have had to reject many qualified applicants.

Good luck tomorrow.

Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 30/07/2015