Department of Organization
- Centre for Organization and Time (COT)

The main concerns in my research are how organizations learn from, improvise in response to, and make sense of innovations and unexpected events. In the beginning of my career, I focused on how organizations conceptualize and develop innovations, but a little more than ten years ago I began to focus on how organizations prepare for and address emergencies. I pursue my research agenda in studies of crowd safety at large music festivals, Arctic offshore emergencies, and more recently organizational response and adaptation during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. For the purpose of furthering these research agendas through multi-disciplinary research, I participated in the founding of Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research (COPE), which was establish in the autumn of 2012, in collaboration between Copenhagen Business School and University of Copenhagen.
I publish my research results in leading international journals, and disseminate these results to practice in different ways. For example, Rasmus Dahlberg (Royal Danish Defence College) and I have conceptualized a learning and dialogue game on Arctic Search and Rescue, based on research results from the NORDRESS project.
From September 1. to November 30., my office hours are Wednesday from 2 pm. to 4 pm. This will usually also be the hours where I answer incoming mails regarding administrative issues and handled inquiries about supervision.
- Crisis Management
- Event Safety Management
- Organizational Decision Making
- Management of Innovation
- Organizational Learning and Adaptation
- Sensemaking in Organizations
- Member of Board of Directors for Nordic Academy of Management
- Member of the Education Committee for the B.Sc. program in Emergency and Risk Management, University College Copenhagen
- Member of International Editorial Board for Management Learning
- Member of Editorial Board for Scandinavian Journal of Management
Chairman and member of assessment committees for Ph.D.-stipends, assistant- and associate professorships, and Ph.D.-dissertations at: Babson College, Brunel University, Copenhagen Business School, Technical University of Denmark, Universiti Putra Malaysia (Graduate School of Management), University of Edinburgh (Business School), University of Southern Denmark, and University of Aarhus (School of Education and Aarhus School of Business).
Graduate Diploma in Organization and Management (HD 2. del i Organisation og Ledelse)
2018 –
Organizational Change, Master of Knowledge Management, Nord University/CBS
2017 -
Master Thesis Supervision:
During my career at CBS more than 100 students have successfully completed their master thesis with me as their main supervisor. I typically supervise students writing their master thesis on topics, such as crisis management, management of innovation, and organizational change.
PhD supervision:
- 2018:
- Flemming Toft (Annick Schramme, Universty of Antwerpen, Dept. of Management, acts as primary supervisor). Project title: Improvisation as creative leadership - state of mind, being and actions in organizations.
- 2016-2022:
- Katharina Christiane Nielsen Jeschke (Susanne Boch Waldorff acted as primary supervisor) Thesis title: Balancing Safety in Everyday Work: A Case Study of Construction Managers’ Dynamic Safety Practices. Thesis defended August 25th 2022.
- 2016-2020:
- Signe Bruskin (Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen acted as secondary supervisor). Thesis title: The Infinite Storm: An Ethnographic Study of Organizational Change in a Bank. Thesis defended February 21st 2020.
- 2011-2015:
- Michael Simon Nixon (John Sahl Andersen, University of Copenhagen, acted as primary supervisor). Thesis title: Organising Medication Discontinuation – The Decision Making Processes of GPs when Discontinuing Statins. Thesis defended February 6th 2015.
- 2010-2014:
- Peter Holm Jacobsen (Erik Axel, Roskilde University, acted as primary supervisor). Thesis title: Situated Learning in Design Projects - An Ethnographic Study of a Process Competition at Carlsberg. Thesis defended February 7th 2014.
- 2008-2010:
- Christine Secher (Peter Kjær acted as secondary supervisor). Thesis title: E-participation in Practice – the politicians’ and the administrators’ co-construction and its consequences. Thesis defended February 4. 2010.
- 2004-2008:
- Frederikke Krogh-Meibom (Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen acted as secondary supervisor). Thesis title: The Co-Evolution of Institutions and Technology – A Neo-Institutional Understanding of Change Processes within the Business Press - the Case of Financial Times. Thesis defended on December 22. 2008.
- 2002–2004:
- Annemette Leonhardt Kjærgaard (Niels Bjørn-Andersen acted as secondary supervisor). Thesis title: Knowledge Management as Internal Corporate Venturing – a Field Study of the Rise and Fall of a Bottom-Up Process. Thesis defended on May 11. 2004.
- Vendelø, M. T., & Rerup, C. (2020) Collective Mindfulness in a Regenerating Organization: Ethnographic Evidence from Roskilde Festival. Safety Science, vol. 123 (special issue on Mindful Organizing and its Role on Safety), article 104537.
- Vendelø, M. T. (2019) The Past, Present, and Future of Event Safety Research. In: J. Armbrecht & E. Lundberg & T. D. Andersson (eds.) A Research Agenda for Event Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 23-34.
- Constantiou, I., Shollo, A., & Vendelø, M. T. (2019) Mobilizing Intuitive Judgment during Organizational Decision Making: When Business Intelligence is not the only thing that matters. Decision Support Systems, vol. 121, pp. 51-61.
- Lauta, K. C., Vendelø, M. T., Sørensen, B. R., & Dahlberg, R. (2018) Conceptualizing Cold Disasters: Disaster Risk Governance at the Arctic Edge. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 31, pp. 1276-1282.
- Vendelø, M. T. (2016) Disasters in the Sensemaking Perspective: The Præstø Fjord Accident. In: R. Dahlberg, O. Rubin and M. T. Vendelø (eds.) Disaster Research – Multi-disciplinary and International Perspectives. Routledge Humanitarian Studies Series. London: Routledge, pp. 177-188.
- Dahlberg, R., Rubin, O., & Vendelø, M. T. (eds.) (2016) Disaster Research – Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives. London: Rutledge.
- Leybourne, S., Lynn, G., and Vendelø, M. T. (2014) Forms, Metaphors and Themes: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Organizational Improvisation. Creativity & Innovation Management, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 353-358.
- Vendelø, M. T. (2009) Improvisation and Learning in Organizations – an opportunity for future empirical research. Management Learning, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 449-456.
- Vendelø, M. T., and Rerup, C., (2009) Weak Cues and Attentional Triangulation: The Pearl Jam Concert at Roskilde Festival. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7. - 11. 2009. Chicago, Illinois, pp. 1-38.
Paper presented at The 27th Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference 2024, 2024
In: Organisation: Fra teori til praksis. . ed. /Søren Voxted. København : Djøf Forlag 2023, p. 153-172
In: Organisation: Fra teori til praksis. . ed. /Søren Voxted. København : Djøf Forlag 2023, p. 69-89
Paper presented at SCANCOR 2023 Organization Theory Workshop, 2023
In: Cases For Event Management and Event Tourism. ed. /Vassilios Ziakas; Donald Getz. Oxford : Goodfellow Publishers 2023, p. 71-86
In: International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 63, 4.2022
Frederiksberg : Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School 2021, 41 p.
In: Book of Abstracts. Gender, Work & Organization. 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference: Transforming Contexts, Transforming Selves: Gender in New Times. Canterbury : University of Kent 2021, 2 p., p. 745-746
In: Mod i kriseledelse. ed. /Karsten Mellon. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2020, p. 61-74
In: Safety Science, Vol. 123, 3.2020
In: Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2020, p. 157-168
In: Decision Support Systems, Vol. 121, No. June, 6.2019, p. 51-61
In: Organisationsteori: Struktur, kultur, processer. . ed. /Jørgen Frode Bakka; Egil Fiversdal. København : Djøf Forlag 2019, p. 85-124
In: A Research Agenda for Event Management. ed. /John Armbrecht; Erik Lundberg; Tommy D. Andersson. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2019, p. 23–34
In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 31, 10.2018, p. 1276-1282
In: ECIS 2017 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017, p. 1663-1677 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
Abingdon : Routledge 2016, 256 p. (Routledge Humanitarian Studies)
In: Disaster Research: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives. . ed. /Rasmus Dahlberg; Olivier Rubin; Morten Thanning Vendelø. Abingdon : Routledge 2016, p. 1-17 (Routledge Humanitarian Studies)
In: Disaster Research: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives. . ed. /Rasmus Dahlberg; Olivier Rubin; Morten Thanning Vendelø. Abingdon : Routledge 2016, p. 176-188 (Routledge Humanitarian Studies)
In: Disaster Research: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives. . ed. /Rasmus Dahlberg; Olivier Rubin; Morten Thanning Vendelø. Abingdon : Routledge 2016, p. 240-245 (Routledge Humanitarian Studies)
In: Journal of Health, Organization and Management, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2016, p. 565-580
In: Uncertainty and Strategic Decision Making. ed. /Kristian J. Sund; Robert J. Galavan; Anne Sigismund Huff. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2016, p. 147-169 (New Horizons on Managerial and Organisational Cognition, Vol. 1)
In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. ed. /Craig E. Carroll. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications 2016, p. 811-814
In: Information and Organization, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2015, p. 137-149
In: Klassisk og moderne organisationsteori. ed. /Signe Vikkelsø; Peter Kjær. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2014, p. 91-114
In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2014, p. 461-469
In: Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2014, p. 353–358
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, 2014
Paper presented at New Frontiers in Managerial and Organizational Cognition. 2012, 2012
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, 2012
In: International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 59, No. 1/2, 2012, p. 45-62
Paper presented at Third International Symposium on Process Organization Studies. PROS 2011, 2011
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2011, 2011
In: Projektstyringens problemer og værktøjer: Fra kaos til resultat. . ed. /Preben Melander. København : Djøf Forlag 2011, p. 215-250
In: Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management. ed. /David Schwartz; Dov Te'eni. Hershey : Idea Group Publishing 2010, p. 121-130
In: Management Learning, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2010, 5 p., p. 259-263
In: International Journal of Business and Systems Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2010, p. 365-378
Paper presented at The ABC Workshop - Organizing Insitutions: Agency and Interpretive Approaches, 2010
In: Data Base - for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 40, No. 4, 2009, p. 132-147
In: Management Learning, Vol. 40, No. 4, 2009, p. 449-456
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2009, 2009
Paper presented at 2e Colloque International sur le Temps: "Rupture, finitude, mort et management", 2008
In: Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger: Knowledge Management. . ed. /Per Nikolaj Bukh; Karina Skovvang Christensen. København : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2008 (Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger)
In: Management Learning, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2008, p. 361-368
In: Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. . ed. /Murray E. Jennex. Hershey : Idea Group Publishing 2008, p. 3022-3030
In: Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. . ed. /Murray E. Jennex. Hershey : Idea Group Publishing 2008, p. 469-483
In: Proceedings of The 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting: [CD-rom]. : Academy of Management 2008
Paper presented at 11th International Conference on Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness. BI, Norwegian School of Management, 2007
Frederiksberg : Department of Informatics INF, Copenhagen Business School 2007, 30 p.
Paper presented at The Copenhagen Conference on Strategic Management - Building Competitive Advantage: The Roles of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2006
In: Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital. ed. /Per Nikolaj Bukh; Karina Skovvang Christensen; Jan Mouritsen. 2005, p. 35-52
In: Projektledelse 2005, p. 1-26
In: Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management. ed. /David G. Schwartz. Harrisburg, PA : Idea Group Publishing 2005, p. 833-839
København 2005, 23 p.
Paper presented at The 21st EGOS Colloquium 2005, 2005
In: Inquiring organizations. ed. /James F. Courtney; John D. Haynes; David B. Paradice. 2005, p. 154-171
København 2004, 19 p.
Paper presented at The 27th Information Systems Seminar in Scandinavia. IRIS 2004, 2004
Paper presented at The 45th Western Academy of Management Conference, Alyeska Resort, 2004
In: The Past and Future of Information Systems. ed. /Kim Viborg Andersen; Morten Thanning Vendelø. Edinburgh : Butterworth-Heinemann 2004, p. 1-6
In: Knowledge Flows, Governance and the Multinational Enterprise: Frontiers in International Management Research. . ed. /Volker Mahnke; Torben Pedersen. London/Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2004, p. 249-268
Edinburgh : Butterworth-Heinemann 2004, 274 p.
In: Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, Vol. 68, No. 4, 2004, p. 265-274
København 2004, 12 p.
In: Videnledelse: et praksisfelt under etablering. . ed. /Per Nikolaj Bukh; Karina Skovvang Christensen; Jan Mouritsen. København : Djøf Forlag 2003, p. 87-105
In: The evolution of scientific knowledge. ed. /Hans Siggaard Jensen; Lykke Margot Richter; Morten Thanning Vendelø. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2003, p. 1-12
In: Nigel Bennett, Megan Crawford & Marion Cartwright (eds.): Effective Educational LeadershipLondon : Paul Chapman Publishing 2003, p. 74-88
In: Management Learning, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2003, p. 499-503
Paper presented at The European Group of Organization Studies 19th Colloquium, Subtheme 19: Science Organizations and the Organization of Science, 2003
In: Corporate Reputation Review, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2003, p. 304-329
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2003, 225 p.
København 2002, 27 p.
København 2002
In: O R Insight, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2002, p. 11-17
Paper presented at The 2nd European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2002, 2002
Paper presented at European Group of Organization Studies 18th Colloquium, Standing Workgroup 4: Business Network Research, 2002
Paper presented at The 43rd Western Academy of Management Conference. The Symposium on: The Role of Reputation in a Globalizing Economy, 2002
København 2002, 27 p.
Trento : uniTN,Università Degli Studi di Trento 2001, 37 p.
Paper presented at The European Group of Organisation Studies 17th Colloquium. Sub Theme 12: European (ad) Venturing in the New Economy, 2001
In: Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2001, p. 49-58
In: Teori & praksis: Skandinaviske perspektiver på ledelse og økonomistyring. . ed. /Sten Jönsson; Bøje Larsen. København : Djøf Forlag 2001, p. 323-359
In: Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2001, p. 125-136
In: Ukendt publiceringskanal, Vidensdeling on Intranet, 2001
Paper presented at The SCANCOR workshop: Crossing boundaries: Economics, Sociology and Organization Theory, 2000
2000, 10 p.
Paper presented at Paper presented at the 41st annual Western Academy of Management conference, April 5.-8., 2000, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, 2000
Paper presented at Paper presented at the Conference on Knowledge and Innovation (Theme: Creativity, knowledge and innovation), May 25-26, 2000, Helsinki, Finland, 2000
Paper presented at SCANCOR workshop on: The roots and branches of organizational economics, Stanford University, 1999
Paper presented at The 15th EGOS Colloqium 1999, 1999
Paper presented at International Marketing Strategy, Behavioral Perspectives on Strategy, 1999
In: Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1999, p. 252-261
København 1999, 12 p.
Paper presented at Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, 1999
København 1999, 21 p.
Paper presented at Allied Social Science Associations Meeting. ASSA 1999, 1999
Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness, 1999
In: Læring og multimedier. ed. /Oluf Danielsen; Janni Nielsen. Aalborg : Aalborg Universitetsforlag 1997, p. 117-141
Copenhagen : Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, Copenhagen Business School 1995, 33 p. (Working Paper / Intercultural Communication and Management, No. 3)
Frederiksberg : Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School 2023
Los Angeles, CA : Revolt Black News 2021
In: Orange Together: Erfaringer og viden om krækende og grænseoverskridende adfærd på Roskilde Festival 2019. Roskilde : Roskilde Festival-gruppen Orange Together, 2019, p. 14-15
In: OnEdge, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2008, p. 25-27
In: Ledelse i Dag, No. 3, 2006
In: AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 3&4, 2005
In: Management Learning, 2005
In: Kræmmerhuset, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2004
In: Kræmmerhuset, 2003
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Søren Bager, Lagkagehuset og Den Store Bagværksballade
Suspekt-koncert testede sikkerheden til Årsfesten
Afsløret - De Sorte Koncerter (2/2)
Disaster Research
Plan A er at lave plan B
Sådan overlever selskaberne en usikker tid: Plan A er at lave Plan B
Ekspert: Terror truer Tinderbox
Fokus på sikkerhed på Roskilde Festival
Forsker: Tinderbox bør også have øje for terrortruslen
Nu skal forskerne undervise mere på CBS
Menige uni-repræsentanter uenige om protest
Din virksomhed kan lære meget fra rock'n'roll
Effective Communication During A Crisis: Lessons From Live Events
What Leaders Can Learn From Rock & Roll's Biggest Disasters
Kritik efter dødsfald ved P3-fest
Ekspert: Smukfest har et sikkerhedsproblem
Var sikkerheden i orden?
Sikker Smukfest
Sikker Smukfest: Uenige om sikkerhed
Skanderborg-formand: Vi tager kritikken til os
Forsker kritiserer sikkerheden på Skanderborg Festival
Kritik sender Smukfest i tænkeboks
Forsker kritiserer festival-sikkerhed: For mange stod foran scenen til Prince-koncert
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Radio24Syv Morgen
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Oh to be a PhD.
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Bod på festival kan koste forretningen
Nej, dem gider vi ikke at høre på længere
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Risici og samarbejdspartnerne
CBS Executive Fonden
Teaching (1 lecture)
Gurli og Poul Madsens Fond
Board Member, from July 1
Dansk Travsports Centralforbund
Board Member, until June 3
CBS Executive Fonden
Dansk Travsports Centralforbund (
Board Member, from April 1
CBS Executive Fonden
CBS Executive Fonden
No outside activities to report
DJØF Forlag
Editorial Work
Aarhus University
Master in Leadership and Innovation in Complex Systems (LAICS)