
Department of Organization

  • Research, Innovation and Organization (RIO) Group
PhD fellow

Room: KIL/14.A-4.50b
E-mail: miro.ioa@cbs.dk

I am pursuing a double PhD degree at Copenhagen Business School and at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as part of a program funded by the Sino-Danish Center. I have a background in China Studies (BA) and International Politics and Markets (MA).

My doctoral research investigates the organization of innovation in China, with a focus on the Chinese monopoly in the field of rare earths (REEs). The project will analyze the Chinese system of innovation from the upstream sector of REEs production to the development of downstream activities that use rare earths in strategic technologies. In addition, the impact of the Chinese monopoly on global value chains will be examined, especially with regards to its consequences on EU businesses operating in the green tech sector.

Primary research areas
  • Science and innovation policy
  • National systems of innovation
  • Rare earth elements and strategic resources
  • Global value chains
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Selected publications
  • Sampaolo G., Roibu M., Lovito M., Spigarelli F., Lv P., Teng F., Padoan S. (2021), A CASE OF GEO-INNOVATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Italy´s Science, Technology and Innovation Partnership with China, Report number: CDA Systemic Country Insights (SCI), Edition 1 / 2021, 11 September 2021, Affiliation: University of Macerata
  • Roibu M. in Fariselli P. (eds.) (2020), La Cina nel mercato globale, Bologna: Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne, p. 428. ISBN 9788854970229. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6431


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