Department of Marketing
- Center for Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)
Sebastian achieved his doctoral degree at the University of Hamburg (Germany), where he also worked as an external Lecturer (2007–2010). He gained international experience as visiting scholar at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands) where he worked as postdoctoral student and visiting Assistant Professor (2011–2014). Furthermore, he is a member of the interdisciplinary RespectResearchGroup and worked as a Senior Lecturer at the Technical University Berlin (Germany; 2013–2014).
In his current research, he concentrates on places as brands and on the management of such place brands. Furthermore, he is interested in the field of tourism and destination branding, especially on crisis management, or in the differences between the place perception between tourists and residents – and the issue of so-called Over-Tourism. Sebastian’s work was presented at various conferences, book chapters, and international peer-reviewed top-journals, such as the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Tourism Management, or Environment and Planning A.
- Crisis management
- Over-Tourism
- Tourism and destination brands
- Place marketing and branding (especially city branding)
- Participatory place marketing
- Brand complexity and brand management
Sebastian is the Academic Director (line coordinator) of the Master in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Touristic Servicescapes and Spatial Design
- Tourism & Hospitality Project Thesis
- City Branding and Tourism
To insure an effective supervision, Sebastian is supervising a maximum of three master theses per year. He has supervised several theses at different universities (CBS, University of Hamburg and Erasmus University Rotterdam) and is currently only supervising place marketing and/or tourism topics. Due to his research background, he prefers more quantitative approaches. Furthermore, he only supervises in English.
If you want to suggest a master thesis topic, please write a short summery of your research question including an argumentation for its scientific relevance.
- Zenker, S.; Kock, F. (2020): The coronavirus pandemic: A critical discussion of a tourism research agenda. Tourism Management, 81: 12.2020.
- Zenker, S.; von Wallpach, S.; Braun, E.; Vallaster, C. (2019): How the refugee crisis impacts the decision structure of tourists: A cross-country scenario study. Tourism Management, 71(April): 197-212.
- Zenker, S.; Braun, E.; Petersen, S. (2017). Branding the destination versus the place: The effects of brand complexity and identification for residents and visitors. Tourism Management, 58: 15-27.
- Erfgen, C.; Zenker, S.; Sattler, H. (2015). The vampire effect: When do celebrity endorsers harm brand recall? International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(2): 155-163.
- Petersen, S.; Schroijen, M.; Moelders, C.; Zenker, S.; Van den Bergh, O. (2014). Interoceptive categorization: the role of perceptual organization on processing sensations from inside. Psychological Science, 25(5): 1059-1066.
- Zenker, S.; Petersen, S. (2014). An integrative theoretical model for improving resident-city identification. Environment and Planning A, 46(3): 715-729.
- Schnittka, O.; Sattler, H.; Zenker, S. (2012). Advanced brand concept maps: a new approach for evaluating the favorability of brand association networks. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(3): 265-274.
In: How to Fast-track your Academic Career: A Guide for Mid-career Scholars. . ed. /Adam Lindgreen; C. Anthony Di Benedetto. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 213–227 (How To Guides)
In: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 63, No. 2, 2.2024, p. 298-313
In: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 105, 3.2024
Paper presented at 7th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association , 2023
Paper presented at 7th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association , 2023
In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 138, 1.2022, p. 335-346
In: A Research Agenda for Urban Tourism. ed. /Jan van der Borg. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, p. 281-293
In: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 100, 2022, 5 p., p. A1-A5
In: Tourism Management, Vol. 93, 12.2022, p. 1-14
In: Marketing Countries, Places, and Place-associated Brands: Identity and Image . . ed. /Nicolas Papadopoulos ; Mark Cleveland. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, p. 63-75
In: Tourism Management, Vol. 84, 6.2021
Abstract from 29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2021
In: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 94, 4.2021
In: Tourism Management, Vol. 81, 12.2020
In: Tourism Management, Vol. 71, 4.2019, p. 197-212
In: Proceedings of the ASPA 2019 Annual Conference2019
In: Cultural Heritage. ed. /Adriana Campelo; Laura Reynolds; Adam Lindgreen; Michael B. Beverland. Abingdon : Routledge 2018, p. 115-128
In: Praxishandbuch City- und Stadtmarketing. ed. /Heribert Meffert; Bernadette Spinnen; Jürgen Block. Wiesbaden : Springer 2018, p. 69-76
In: Cities, Vol. 80, 2018, 3 p., p. 1-3
In: Cities, Vol. 80, 10.2018, p. 22-28
In: Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy, Vol. 36, No. 5, 2018, p. 916-936
In: Cities, Vol. 80, 10.2018, p. 53-60
In: 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo Proceedings. ed. /Jeonghye Choi. Seoul : Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations 2018, p. 635-636 (Global Marketing Conference Proceedings)
In: Tourism Management, Vol. 58, 2.2017, p. 15-27
Paper presented at The 2nd Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, 2017
In: Städte als Marken 2: Herausforderungen und Horizonte. . ed. /Thorsten Kausch; Peter Pirck; Peter Strahlendorf. Hamburg : New Business Verlag 2017, p. 26-31
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2017, p. 270-287
Abstract from 13th International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations:, 2017
Abstract from The Inaugural Conference of the International Place Branding Association, 2016
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places: Thinking and Re-thinking About Places. . ed. /Heather Skinner; Alex Christou; Pepé Soomers; Christina Panagiotidou. Manchester : Institute of Place Management 2016, p. 108-111
Abstract from The Inaugural Conference of the International Place Branding Association, 2016
In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2016, 4 p., p. 1-4
Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference 2016, 2016
In: Public Marketing, Vol. 8, 2016, p. 21
Paper presented at The 3rd Institute of Place Management Conference 2015, 2015
Cham : Springer Science+Business Media 2015, 184 p.
In: Inter-Regional Place Branding: Best Practices, Challenges and Solutions. . ed. /Sebastian Zenker; Björn P. Jacobsen. Cham : Springer Science+Business Media 2015, p. 1-11
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2015, p. 63-68
In: Inter-Regional Place Branding: Best Practices, Challenges and Solutions. . ed. /Sebastian Zenker; Björn P. Jacobsen. Cham : Springer Science+Business Media 2015, p. 25-37
In: Rethinking Place Branding : Comprehensive Brand Development for Cities and Regions. . ed. /Mihalis Kavaratzis; Gary Warnaby; Gregory J. Ashworth. Cham : Springer Science+Business Media 2015, p. 211-223
In: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2015, p. 155-163
Paper presented at The 3rd Institute of Place Management Conference 2015, 2015
In: Environment and Planning A, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2014, p. 715-729
In: Psychological Science, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2014, p. 1059-1066
In: Cities, Vol. 38, 6.2014, p. 11-17
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2014
In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 10, No. 2, 5.2014, p. 158-166
Paper presented at AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference 2014, 2014
Paper presented at Conference on Interregional Place Branding, 2014
In: Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 31, No. 3, 3.2014, p. 184–202
In: Städte als Marken: Strategie und Management. . ed. /Thorsten Kausch; Peter Pirck; Peter Strahlendorf. Hamburg : New Business Verlag 2013, p. 14-19
In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 20, No. 8, 9.2013, p. 642-655
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2013, p. 18-28
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2013, p. 6-17
In: Cities, Vol. 30, 2.2013, p. 133-139
In: Cities, Vol. 31, 4.2013, p. 156-164
In: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2012, p. 265-274
In: Strategic Marketing in Tourism Services. ed. /Rodoula H. Tsiotsu ; Ronald E. Goldsmith. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2012, p. 63-78
Abstract from The 41th EMAC Annual Conference 2012, 2012
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012, p. 20-34
Paper presented at The 7th Global Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2011, 2011
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011, p. 40-52
In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2011, p. 32-41
Paper presented at The 39th EMAC Annual Conference 2010, 2010
In: Sozialpsychologie und Ökonomie. ed. /Erich H. Witte; Tobias Gollan. Lengerich : Pabst Science Publishers 2010, p. 156-172
Paper presented at The 6th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management 2010, 2010
In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 89, No. 3, 2009, p. 423-431
In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2009, p. 23-32
: Dansk Markedsføring 9.8.2024
München : Bayerischen Rundfunk 2024
In: Kommunal: Wir gestalten Deutschland, No. 7+8, 2023, p. 20-22
In: Public Marketing, 2019, p. 16-19
In: Planerin: SRL-Mitteilungen für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplaner, No. 6, 2018, p. 19-20
In: Public Marketing, No. 11, 11.2017, p. 18-21
In: Lebendige Stadt Journal, No. 33, 2016, p. 16-17
In: Kommunal: Wir gestalten Deutschland, No. 07-08, 2016, p. 54-55
"Um ponto sem retorno": porque é que a Europa se tornou o epicentro dos protestos contra o turismo este verão
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The Hidden Costs of Mass Tourism
'A Point of No Return:' Why Europe Has Become an Epicenter for Anti-Tourism Protests This Summer
¿Por qué Europa se ha convertido en el epicentro de las protestas anti-turismo?
Why Spain can't stand tourists anymore
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Europa repudia o turismo de massa neste verão
The Summer of Anti-Tourism: Europe's Escalating Backlash
Vi hader turister. De andre turister
‘A point of no return:’ Why Europe has become an epicenter for anti-tourism protests this summer
„Punkt bez odwrotu: dlaczego Europa stała się epicentrum protestów antyturystycznych tego lata
'Un punto de no retorno': por qué Europa se ha convertido en el epicentro de las protestas antiturismo este verano
Darryl Morris in for Carole Walker: Late night headlines
Antituristas: por que os europeus se rebelaram contra as visitas em massa
Cuando el turismo de masas va contra la población local - DW - 09/07/2024
Osovraženi turisti: denar poberejo prevozniki, hotelske verige, mednarodna podjetja
Europeus se rebelam contra o turismo de massa
Masyarakat Eropa memberontak terhadap pariwisata massal
Europeans rebel against mass tourism
Turizam: patnje lokalnog stanovništva
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Bisnis Pariwisata Kian Marjinalkan Warga Lokal
Tourismus: Wenn die lokale Bevölkerung leidet
Locals bear the brunt of mass tourism in southern Europe
Alerta en Europa por el fenómeno del overtourism
Cuando el turismo de masas va contra la población local
En ciudades europeas se hastían de tantos turistas/Crece rechazo en Venecia, Barcelona, Lisboa, Praga y Ámsterdam
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- Må være klare
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The world's revolt against 'bad tourists'
bcsd e.V. fragt nach: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Zenker | Copenhagen Business School
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Interview with Sebastian Zenker - Copenhagen Business School
Stille Stars in der zweiten Reihe
Verkannte Champions
Der Perfekte Startplatz
Sebastian is founder and owner of the consultancy service Within this role, he consulted various places in their place branding attempts:
•Date: 04/2024 – ongoing; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & City of Jena; Project: Brand Analysis Jena.
•Date: 03/2023 – ongoing; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & Stadtmarketing Gesellschaft Bocholt; Project: Brand Measurement & Touchpoint-Management Bocholt.
•Date: 2018 – ongoing; Client: Bundesverband City- und Stadtmarketing e.V. (bcsd e.V.); Project: Regular Place Brand Management Seminars (Spring/Autumn)
•Date: 03/2024; Client: Bielefeld Marketing GmbH; Project: Speaker event “Stadtgespräche”.
•Date: 06/2023; Client: Bezirksamt Lichtenberg von Berlin; Project: Speaker event “Branding Lichtenberg”.
•Date: 04/2023; Client: Hansestadt Uelzen; Project: Speaker event “City meets Culture”.
•Date: 11/2022 – 05/2023; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & Marketing Osnabrück GmbH; Project: Brand Measurement Osnabrück
•Date: 03/2023; Client: ESIC Business & Marketing School; Project: Conference Keynote & Panel Discussion on Place Branding (Malaga, Spain).
•Date: 03/2023; Client: Industrie und Handelskammer (IHK) Nord Westfalen; Project: District Branding Seminar.
•Date: 09/2022 – 03/2023; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & Tourismus-Agentur Schleswig-Holstein (TASH); Project: Brand Measurement Destination Brand Schleswig-Holstein.
•Date: 06/2022 – 03/2023; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & Bielefeld Marketing GmbH; Project: Brand Measurement & Touchpoint-Management Bielefeld.
•Date: 03/2022; Client: Hamburg Marketing GmbH (HMG); Project: Selection Committee for Brand Consultancy.
•Date: 09/2021; Client: IMORDE Projekt- & Kulturberatung GmbH; Project: Keynote Netzwerk Innenstadt
•Date: 06/2021; Client: Bundesverband City- und Stadtmarketing e.V. (bcsd e.V.); Project: Keynote Sommerakademie 2021
•Date: 05/2021; Client: Event Consult GmbH & Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (Germany); Project: Keynote 7. Nationaler Radverkehrskongress
•Date: 01/2020 – 02/2020; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & City of Jena; Project: Brand Analysis Jena
•Date: 06/2019 – 09/2020; Client: The Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery; Project: Consultancy Brand Berlin.
•Date: 11/2019; Client: Marketing Gesellschaft GmbH Mönchengladbach; Project: Brand Management Workshop
•Date: 08/2019 – 10/2019; Client: City of Copenhagen/ Københavns Kommune; Project: Consultancy Brand Analysis Greater Copenhagen.
•Date: 01/2019; Client: Stadtmarketing und Tourismusverband Cottbus; Project: Consultancy Brand Cottbus.
•Date: 01/2019; Client: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH; Project: Presentation Even as Place Communication.
•Date: 07/2018 – 08/2018; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & Tourismus-Agentur Schleswig-Holstein (TASH); Project: Brand Measurement Destination Brand Schleswig-Holstein.
•Date: 01/2018 – 07/2018; Client: Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & City of Reutlingen; Project: Brand Measurement Brand Reutlingen.
•Date: 04/2018; Client: Hamburg Marketing GmbH (HMG); Project: Bicycle City Hamburg Campaign Evaluation.
•Date: 01/2018 – 02/2018; Client: Stadtmarketing und Tourismusverband Cottbus; Project: Consultancy Brand Cottbus.
Besides that role, he also served with other outside activities, namely:
•Date: 06/2024 – ongoing; Client: Copenhagen Capacity; Project: Science Hub Denmark Evaluation Panel (Chair)
•Date: 01/2018 – 09/2022; Client: Emerald, Journal of Place Management and Development (jpmd); Project: Associate Editor
•Date: 02/2019; Client: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC); Project: Workshop Financialization of the Housing Market.
•Date: 10/2018; Client: Oulu Business School; Project: PhD Opponent