Department of Marketing

Claus J. Varnes is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Innovation at the Department of Marketing. After almost ten years with a career in different companies and consultancies, he entered academia in 2001. Claus received his B.Sc. from Arhus School of Business, his M.Sc., and Ph.D. from Copenhagen Business School.
As an educator and innovation strategist, he cooperates - with industry on research, teaching, and dissemination. Claus was until 2013 partner in a consulting company on innovation management (Stage-Gate.EU/U3). Claus is a committed lecturer and teaches MSc-students and executives. He advises EMBA-, MSc, and PhD-students, undertake work as an independent consultant, design, and teach customized seminars for companies.
- A study of the electric vehicles from 1895-1907 based on an idea of the market as a network. The research shows the role of anti-innovations influenced that the gasoline vehicle became the winner.
- A survey of decision-criteria for use in portfolio management, claiming that they are boundary objects. The study shows that competitiveness has a shared ground but also differences.
- An inquiry into value-in-use and value creation in the sharing economy, two cases are explored with longitudinal interviews.
- A study of external ambidexterity with a Deleuzian analysis. How can the cooperation between a small start-up be influenced by the bureaucracy of the large company with who they cooperate?
- Decisions as talk-in-interaction. I am opening up the black box of strategy meetings on resoruce allocations by investigating types of conversations and words.
- An analysis of all different innovation processes and how they integrate or differentiate
- Customer driven innovation (Agile approaches)
- Organizations as narratives.
- Business cases
- As part of the design cluster in the CBS Department of Marketing, we are studying what constitutes a 'classic.'
- As a member of the business-to-business group, I am studying promises to customers and how this effects portfolio management of innovation projects.
- As part of the digital cluster, I am interested in understanding the intended and unintentional effects of algorithms and whether they can identify customer needs for innovation.
- Head of HD Sales and Marketing
- Course coordination (see below)
- Representative in the Education Dean’s project on evaluation of the evaluation system of teachers
- Managing Product Development and Innovation (MSc elective as of the Minor in Operations Management)
- Customer Relationship Management (MSc EMF specialization)
- Managing Innovation Projects (MSc ‘MIB’ specialization)
- Management Paradoxes (Executive MBA)
- Managing Business Development (Master of Business Development)
Over the years, I may have supervised more than 350 students. I generally believe the student’s motivation to be one of the most critical variables in this process, and I always strive to have an inspirational role. I see myself more as an advisor than a supervisor in that capacity. I have had some success with working with master thesis students to turn their work into conference papers and, in some cases, even as journal articles.
Feel free to contact me for supervision.
Abstract from The 35th NOFOMA Conference 2023, 2023
In: The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4, 11.2021, p. 229-239
Paper presented at The 27th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2020, 2020
Paper presented at The 27th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2020, 2020
In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2018, p. 256-272
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2017, 2017
In: Innovation Management: Effective Strategy & Implementation. . ed. /Keith Goffin; Rick Mitchell. London : Palgrave Macmillan 2017, p. 310-311
In: Proceedings of the 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference: Crossing Borders and Boundaries: The Changing Role of Innovation/Entrepreneurship. Bruxelles : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2016 (EIASM Conference Proceedings Series)
In: Proceedings of the 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference: Crossing Borders and Boundaries: The Changing Role of Innovation/Entrepreneurship. Brussels : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2016 (EIASM Conference Proceedings Series)
In: International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1.2016
Paper presented at The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2015, 2015
In: European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2015, p. 218-237
In: The 21st International Product Development Management Conference: Innovation Through Engineering, Business & Design. . ed. /Ann Ledwith; Regina McNally. Bruxelles : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2014, p. 247-248 (EIASM Conference Proceedings Series)
In: The 21st International Product Development Management Conference: Innovation Through Engineering, Business & Design. . ed. /Ann Ledwith; Regina McNally. Brussel : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2014, p. 53-54 (EIASM Conference Proceedings Series)
Paper presented at The 20th International Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2013, 2013
In: Research Technology Management, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2013, p. 36-44
In: Proceedings from 20th International Product Development Management Conference: "Re-Enchanting Technology". . ed. /Albert David; Pascal Le Masson. Brussel : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2013
Paper presented at The 20th International Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2013, 2013
In: Research Technology Management, Vol. 55, No. 4, 2012, p. 45-53
Frederiksberg : Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School 2012, 59 p.
In: Proceedings from the 19th International Product development Management Conference: Transformative Research in Product and Service Innovation. Brussels : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2012 (EIASM Conference Proceedings Series, Vol. 19)
Paper presented at The 18th International Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2011, 2011
Paper presented at Tsinghua-DMI International Design Management Symposium. 2011, 2011
In: Management Decision, Vol. 49, No. 3, 2011, p. 330-349
In: Gaining Momentum: Managing the Diffusion of Innovations. . ed. /Joe Tidd. : Imperial College Press 2010, p. 157-194 (Series on Technology Management, Vol. 15)
In: Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 27, No. 6, 13.10.2010, p. 797-827
Paper presented at 17th International Product Development Conference: IPDMC 2010, 2010
In: International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2009, p. 319-348
In: Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2009, p. 502-519
In: Performance Management in Marketing. ed. /Claus J. Varnes; Per Østergaard Jacobsen. London : McGraw-Hill 2009, p. 1-2
London : McGraw-Hill 2009, 397 p.
Paper presented at 16th International Product Development Conference. IPDMC 2009, 2009
In: 15th International Product Development Management Conference, Hamburg, Germany, June 30-July 1, 2008 : Helmut Schmidt Universität, Universität Hamburg 2008 (EIASM)
In: International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2008, p. 87-101
In: Strategic Market Creation: A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management. . ed. /Karin Tollin; Antonella Caru. Hoboken : Wiley 2008, p. 285-312
In: Strategic Market Creation: A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management. . ed. /Karin Tollin; Antonella Carù. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley 2008, p. 71-96
In: Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2007, 3 p., p. 103-105
In: EIASM Proceeding, 14th International Product Development Management Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 11-12, 2007Vol. I, : Universidade do Porto 2007, p. 263-286
In: Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2007, p. 282-298
Paper presented at Det Danske Ledelsesakademi 2006 konference, 2007
Paper presented at International Product Development Management Conference (EIASM), 2006
Paper presented at International Product Development Management Conference, Part 1(3), 2005
In: Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, p. 384-392
Paper presented at EIASM 2005 Proceedings of the 12th International Product Development Management Conference, Copenhagen, 2005
In: Ledelse af projektmylderet. ed. /Hans Mikkelsen. 2005, p. 67-98
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2005, 244 p. (Ph.D.serie, No. 2005-01)
Paper presented at Nordic Conference on Business Studies (NFF), 2005
Paper presented at International Product Development Management Conference, Part 1(3), 2005
In: Telektronikk, Vol. 100, No. 2, 2004, p. 102-108
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Product Development Management Conference2004, p. 283-297
Paper presented at International Product Development Management Conference, 2003
Paper presented at International Product Development Management Conference / EIASM, 2002
In: Samfundsrelevant forskning på CBS: 14 udvalgte cases. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2014, p. 40-41
Eksperter: Tilbudsaviser gør dine varer dyrere
Glittede aviser mister glansen
Tilbudsavisers effekt bliver mindre
Glittede aviser mister glansen
Heftig kritik af tilbudsaviser
Marketing skal tale økonomernes sprog
Kommunikationskløft: Forældede regnskabsmetoder hæmmer marketing
- A member of Scientific komiteen for den internationale produktudivklingskonference (IPDMC)