
Department of Finance

Associate professor

Room: SOL/A4.17
Rama Seth
Rama Seth is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Copenhagen Business School and Professor (on Leave) in the Finance and Control Department at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. She earned her PhD at Columbia University in New York City, and has served at leading international policy-making bodies such as the Federal Reserve Bank, The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements, and the United Nations.  She has been selected for the 2018 IP 50 Women in Education Leaders Award.
Prof. Seth has over 25 peer-reviewed publications in journals including Journal of Corporate Finance, International Business Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. She also has 13 book chapters to her credit. She brings a deep understanding of effective financial and economic policies at the global, national, and firm level. 
She has conducted very successful Management Programs for all levels of Officers of several organizations with excellent and consistent feedback.  Her program delivery has led to repeated requests from HR agencies of the companies whose executives have attended her programs.
Primary research areas
Empirical Corporate Finance
Banks and Financial Institutions
Private Equity and Venture Capital
Curriculum Vitae
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PhD theses, Term papers (all levels)

Selected publications
Central Bank Target Rates and Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Study of Six Asian country, (Forthcoming), Anoop Rai, Rama Seth and Nancy White, IIM Management Review.
Allocation to Anchor Investors, Underpricing, and the After Market Performance of IPOs (2018), Rama Seth, S. R. Vishwanatha and D. Prasad, Financial Management, doi:10.1111/fima.12210,
Behavioural Finance: A Re-Examination of Prospect Theory (2017), Rama Seth and Bobbur Abhilash Chowdary , “Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol.7, No. 5.
Effect of Financial Development on the Transmission of Monetary Policy (2017), Rama Seth and Vaanchita Kalyaraman, Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol.7, No.4.
Publications sorted by:
Ankur Mehra; Rama Seth / The Dichotomy of Networking and Syndication : Evidence From the United States.
In: The Journal of Alternative Investments, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2025, p. 99-116
Journal article > peer review
Varun Jindal; Rama Seth / Overlapping Insiders and the Method of Payment in Acquisitions : New Tests and Evidence on Adverse Selection.
In: British Accounting Review, Vol. 56, No. 6, Part A, 11.2024
Journal article > peer review
Vladimir A. Gatchev; Rama Seth; Ajai Singh; S. R. Vishwanatha / Price Bands and Their Effects on Equity Markets : Evidence from a Natural Experiment.
In: Journal of Financial Markets, Vol. 66, 11.2023
Journal article > peer review
Mamiza Haq; David Tripe; Rama Seth / Do Traditional Off-balance Sheet Exposures Increase Bank Risk?
In: Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Vol. 80, 9.2022
Journal article > peer review
Rama Seth; Sakthi Mahenthiran / Impact of Dividend Payouts and Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Value : Evidence from India.
In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 146, 7.2022, p. 571-581
Journal article > peer review
Rama Seth / Impact of Legal Enforcement of CSR on SDGs
In: The Role of Multinational Enterprises in Supporting the United Nations' SDGs. ed. /John R. McIntyre; Silvester Ivanaj; Vera Ivanaj. Cheltenham, Northhampton : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, p. 216-250 (New Horizons in International Business)
Book chapter > peer review
Rama Seth; Debdipto Banerjee / Covid-19 Crisis and Lessons to be Learnt from the Nordic Countries
In: Insights into Economics and Management. Vol. 5. ed. /Bakare Kazeem Kayode. Hooghly : Book Publisher International 2021
Book chapter
Anoop Rai; Rama Seth; Sunil K. Mohanty / Foreign Bank Lending in the U.S. During Three U.S. Recessions
In: Global Finance Journal, Vol. 48, 5.2021
Journal article > peer review
Rama Seth; Ankit Singhal; S. R. Vishwanatha / Founding Family Heritage, Social Background and Risk Taking by Family Firms
Paper presented at The 56th AREUEA-ASSA Conference 2021, 2021
Paper > peer review
Rama Seth; Sakthi Mahenthiran / Impact of Dividend Payouts and Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Value : Evidence from India.
Paper presented at AIB 2021 Annual Meeting Online, 2021
Paper > peer review
More results... (total 23 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

2022-2024 IFC -  Evaluations of specific activities of IFC