Department of Digitalization

I hold a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. I have participated in numerous national as well as international research projects, both as coordinator and as partner. I work closely with companies, public sector, NGO ́s and Unions. My main focus is innovation, social dialogue, sustainable development and design of Inquiring Systems. I aim at bringing Internet-of-Things into practice through handling Big Data for cooperative innovation. A special interest is knowledge as a commons, where Future Emerging Technologies and Markets are brought into business practice through a diversity of cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural networks.
- Design of Inquiring Systems
- Complexity and Cooperative Innovation
- Knowledge as a Commons
- Sustainable Development
- Self-Organizing Universe
- Multiple Perspectives on E-Bussiness, Mandatory Course at ITU (incl. preparation for master thesis)
- Innovation and Entreprenurship, HA, 6. semester.
M.Sc. and B.Sc. at ITU and CBS (over 1000 through the years)
Ph.D. course in NanoTechnology and Business (under stablishement in collaboration with NanoTech DTU)
- de Neergaard, Thea Bruun; Bach, Martina Sophia; Nielsen, Janni; Bloch Rasmussen, Leif: Mobilizing Local and Regional Knowledge for Innovation. In Participatory Innovation Conference Proceedings, Jacob Buur (ed.), Sønderborg: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011.
- Bach, Martina & Rasmussen, Leif Bloch: Collaborative Working Environments as Globalised Inquiry for All, World Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Lisbon, 2008
- Ortiz, Rocío Rueda & Rasmussen, Leif Bloch: Philosophical Inquiry into Social Informatics, IFIP WG 9.2. World Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, 2007
- Ortiz, Rocío Rueda; Herlau, Henrik; Rasmussen, Leif Bloch: Philosophical Inquiry into Social Informatics – Methods and Uses of Language. In Berleur, J.; Nurminen, M.I; Impagliazzo (eds.): Social Informatics: An Information Society for All?, Springer, 2006, p.417-430
- Lundin, Martina Sophia & Rasmussen, Leif Bloch: A Radical Scandinavian (Øresundsk) Approach to Inquiring Organizations - A Critique of ICT in Knowledge Management - HCC 6, IFIP, World Congress, Montreal, Aug. 2002, publ. in Klaus Brunnstein & Jacques Berleur (eds.): Human Choice and Computers: Issues of Choice and Quality of Life in the Information Society, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
In: Contaduría y Administración, Vol. 64, No. 1, 2019
Paper presented at Participatory Innovation Conference. PIN-C 2015, 2015
Lyngby : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Liposome Research Days 2014, 2014, 101 p.
In: Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference. PIN-C 2013. ed. /Helinä Melkas; Jacob Buur. Lahti : Lappeenranta University of Technology 2013, p. 233-240 (LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications) (Tutkimusraportit - Research Reports, No. 6)
Paper presented at Participatory Innovation Conference. PIN-C 2012, 2012
In: Participatory Innovation Conference Proceedings. PIN-C 2011 . ed. /Jacob Buur. Sønderborg : Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2011, p. 264-273
Poster session presented at Gennesys: International Congress on Nanotechnology and Research Infrastructures, 2010, 1 p.
In: Proceedings of IARIGAI Conference, Stockholm September 20092010
In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2009, p. 692-703
In: Thje 14th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising. ICE 2008: An ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference. . ed. /Ricardo Gonçalves; Marc Pallot; Robert E. Bierwolf; Klaus-Dieter Thoben; Adolfo Steiger Garção. Los Alamos, CA : IEEE 2008
In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, I-KNOW '08 and I-MEDIA '08 : International conferences on knowledge management and new media technology, 2008, p. 185-193
In: Social Informatics: An information society for all?. . ed. /Jacque Berleur; Markku I. Nurminen; John Impagliazzo. Berlin : Springer Science+Business Media 2006, p. 417-430
Paper presented at Paper presented at the IFIP WG 9.2. Conference on 'Landscapes of ICT and Social Accountability', Turku, June 27-29, 2005, 2005
Paper presented at Paper presented at IFIP Second Summer School 2003: Risks and Challences of the Network, August 2003, Karlstad University, 2004
In: Risks and challenges of the network society. ed. /Penny Duquennoy m. fl.. 2004, p. 93-106
Paper presented at HCC 8, IFIP, World Congress, 2002
In: Nøglekompetencer: Forskerbidrag til Det Nationale kompetenceregnskab: dokumentationsrapport. København : Undervisningsministeriet 2002, p. 197-212
In: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on IT, Education and Citizenship, Barcelona, june 20022002, p. 10
In: Humans on the Net: information & communication technology (ICT), work organisation and human beings. . ed. /Gunilla Bradley. Stockholm : Prevent 2001, p. 155-176
Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000, 395 p. (International Federation for Information Processing. IFIP, No. 57)
In: Boersen, 8.1.2014, p. 4
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