
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • CBS Law
Assistant professor

Room: POR/18.B-1.149

Mark Ørberg holds a PhD degree from CBS (2022) and is assistant professor at CBS LAW where he teaches corporate law, company law, and administrative law. His current research interests include foundation law, philanthropy law, constitutional law and the intersection between public law and private law, statutory interpretation, and comparative law. Currently, he is involved in interdisciplinary research with economists and political scientists where focus is on providing a better understanding of the Danish legal framework on foundations as well as on improving the existing framework conditions. 

In 2022, he published his PhD dissertation »Fondsretten og den levende vedtægt« (English: Foundation Law and The Living Charter) in Djøf Forlag. The dissertation contains a legal analysis of Danish foundation law concerning the purposes and objectives of Danish foundations covered by the Danish foundation acts. In the dissertation, he considers which interpretive methods--or »tools«--one should or must apply whilst reading the purpose expressed in a foundation’s charter (by-laws). Nextly, he considers settled/prevailing law in terms of the Danish purpose amendment threshold (formålsændringskriteriet) and identifies the factors that are permissible or mandatory in the application of the purpose amendment threshold.The dissertation draws inspiration from Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish foundation law, and it includes a vast amount of cases from the Danish authorities issuing administrative decisions on foundation law.

Mark is actively participating in the Enterprise Foundations in Europe project (2023-2025) under Sustainable Life and Society umbrella facilitated by European Law Institute ( and supported by The Enterprise Foundation Project under Copenhagen Business School Center for Corporate Governance (

Primary research areas
  • Foundation Law
  • Corporate/Company Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Administrative Law in a business context
  • Statutory Interpretation
Administrative tasks

Supervision in:

Erstatningsretlige, fondsretlige og erhvervsforvaltningsretlige emner.

Course coordinator: 


Social media
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  • Owner-managed Companies
  • Business Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Company Law
Publications sorted by:
Mark Ørberg / Enterprise Foundations and Faithful Agency as Drivers of Sustainable Long-termism in Philanthropy
In: European Business Organization Law Review, 26.8.2024
Journal article > peer review
Mark Ørberg; Peter Koerver Schmidt / Constitutional Limits on Taxation in Denmark
In: Review of International and European Economic Law, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2023, p. 92-103
Journal article > peer review
Louise Blichfeldt Fjord; Mark Ørberg; Peter Koerver Schmidt / Denmark
In: Fiscal Policies to Mitigate Climate Change. ed. /Marilyne Sadowsky. Cambridge : Intersentia 2023, p. 289-309 (Ius Comparatum)
Book chapter > peer review
Mark Ørberg; Louise Blichfeldt Fjord / Enterprise Foundations as ‘Non-profit Organizations’ Under the EU Pillar Two Directive
In: Intertax, Vol. 51, No. 6-7, 2023, p. 472-486
Journal article > peer review
Mark Ørberg; Anker Brink Lund / Fondes rammevilkår : Aktuelle udfordringer og potentielle løsninger.
In: Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2023, p. 33-43
Journal article > peer review
Mark Ørberg / The Promulgation Theory on Statutory Interpretation and the Rule of Law in Denmark
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2023, 27 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 23-02)
Working paper
Mark Ørberg / The Promulgation Theory on Statutory Interpretation and the Rule of Law in Denmark
In: Rule of Law. ed. /Jane Reichel; Mauro Zamboni. Stockholm : Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law 2023, p. 95-120 (Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 69)
Book chapter > peer review
Mark Ørberg; Nikolaj Bak-Christensen / Øvre aldersgrænser i fondsvedtægter
In: Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, Vol. 157, No. 12, 2023, p. 38-48
Journal article > peer review
Mark Ørberg / Ekspropriation af fondes ejendom med eller uden ekspropriationsretlig erstatning
In: Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, Vol. 156, No. 33, 2022, p. 243-249
Journal article > peer review
Mark Ørberg / Fondsretten og den levende vedtægt : Fortolkning og ændring af fondsformålet.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2022, 337 p. (PhD Series, No. 15.2022)
PhD thesis
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Outside activities
  • Boston Consulting Group. Consulting services (2019-2020)
  • Bech-Bruun (Legal Consultant) 2022-